Mike 'Civilizombie' Torr


Creative obsessive. Writer, composer, father, thinker, joker, recovering time lapse photographer. Incorrigible optimist, despite the ongoing apocalypse.

South of England
Vrijeme pridruživanja: travanj 2007.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    23. ožu

    My previous Friday-only policy for Twitter is temporarily suspended, due to current events being just too bloody interesting. Normal service will (eventually) be resumed :)

  2. prije 13 sati

    Agreed! I have actually been thinking the same thing today. Let them have a break.

  3. prije 13 sati

    Prediction time, folks! Which one do you think I'll be drinking first?

  4. prije 13 sati
  5. prije 14 sati

    How wonderfully ironic. After what this government has put us through for two and a half years, nothing else could seem REMOTELY farcical by comparison. Except possibly that thing in the White House.

  6. prije 21 sat

    What a wonderful photo! I can only begin to imagine what she's feeling :)

  7. prije 23 sata

    Things I get irrationally irritated about, number 3992: The way Viennese waltzes are not actually played in 3/4 but in some bizarre phase-distorted version of it that sounds as if the music is on a pogo stick.

  8. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    11. tra
    Odgovor korisniku/ci

    I’ve fixed that for you. You’re welcome.

  9. 11. tra

    Me: "I'll write some code to load PNG images. How hard can it be?" Me (after an hour on Wikipedia):

  10. 11. tra

    I kind of like it that Halloween is trending so close to Easter. :-\

  11. 11. tra

    Yeah, actually I've always thought this about geese.

  12. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    10. tra

    Yes...well Andrew - this is not news. Brexit is a useful element in Russia's strategy. Some people have been saying this for quite some time.

  13. 10. tra

    Yes. This is what the world should be.

  14. 10. tra
  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    10. tra

    I’m actually giggling now, as the newspapers try and publish literally everything all at once as true. This is what reading the news looks like if you’re travelling through the multiverse and get caught in the quantum foam, leaving all the possible worlds open, all at once.

  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    10. tra

    Reminder that the Event Horizon image of a black hole will be shown at 14:07 (UK time) on this live feed. (Which is currently serving up pictures of radio telescopes and computers. Also a good watch.)

  17. 10. tra

    I finally decided I'd had enough, and BOUGHT THE TEE SHIRT.

  18. 10. tra

    I saw Professor Muijs's tweet about this. It's appalling. I'm so ashamed of my country :(

  19. 10. tra

    ? I'm afraid it's literally impossible for me to do that. I don't fit in that sort of box.

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    9. tra
    Odgovor korisniku/ci

    We are all the pound.

  21. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    9. tra

    Hard to avoid concluding Keir's nonsense is an attempt to defend Jeremy Corbyn's lie that Labour was "supporting all options... to prevent... No Deal being forced on the country" at a point in time when Labour was not supporting Parliament being given a vote on avoiding No Deal.

    Prikaži ovu nit

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