Reason, creativity and freedom: The communalist model

On the unique relevance of communalism in this historical moment. By Eleanor Finley, originally published by ROAR Magazine.

Sur: A neighbourhood of history, hope, and resistance: An interview with former mayor Abdullah Demirbas

From 2004 until 2012, Abdullah Demirbas served as mayor of Diyarbakir (or Amed), Kurdistan’s central Sur District, which has been largely destroyed in recent months by Turkish military assault.

By Eleanor Finley | July 21st, 2016 | Anthropology, Current Movements, Eleanor Finley, Featured, Social Ecology Blog | 0 Comments |

Debbie Bookchin in The Nation on Turkey’s repression of the Kurdish liberation movement

Debbie Bookchin has penned a powerful new article for The Nation on Erdogan’s current war against the Kurdish movement in Southeastern Turkey, and why the US and EU must act now to stop the bloodshed.     “Why would Erdogan resume the peace process when his NATO allies give him tacit permission to brutalize his own people …

By Admin | February 3rd, 2016 | Current Movements, Social Ecology Blog | 0 Comments |

Social Ecology, Kurdistan, & the Origins of Freedom

Reflections on a recent visit to Turkey and North Kurdistan. Many Kurdish revolutionaries describe their struggle as one of organic society against authoritarian society and have forged a unique role in the continuing evolution of human freedom.

Hamburg conference features scholars & Kurdish activists

Reflections on Challenging Captialist Modernity, Hamburg, Germany Report by Eleanor Finley In Kurdish, “roj” means sun. Rojava is the land to the west, where the setting sun of freedom and possibility lays to rest and renew itself. Last week, I spent three days at Hamburg University as part of Challenging Capitalist Modernity, a conference hosted …

By Eleanor Finley | April 12th, 2015 | Author, Current Movements, Eleanor Finley, Social Ecology Blog | 0 Comments |

Report and a call to action from Ferguson, MO

ISE board member Negesti Cantave is on the ground in Ferguson and offers this update: In the past 48 hours here in Ferguson, MO I have personally been affected by tear gas, and been in close vicinity to rubber bullets and pepper spray. I was personally directed by either National Guard or county police to …

By Admin | November 26th, 2014 | Current Movements, Social Ecology Blog | 0 Comments |

Kurdish teach-in in NYC: Livestream Tues. 11/18

On Tuesday evening, November 18th, at the City University of New York (160 Convent Avenue in Manhattan, 5-7 pm), will be a panel titled “Kobanê & the Rojava Revolution,” featuring David Phillips, Salih Muslim, Nazan Üstündağ and Mutlu Çiviroğlu.  The event will be livestreamed at The announcement for this event states in part: The …

Limits to Growth: Are we there yet?

From ISE Associate Carmelo Ruiz-Marrero: In the last few weeks a public debate has flared up between Nobel laureate economist Paul Krugman and environmentalist Richard Heinberg, senior fellow at the Post Carbon Institute. Heinberg insists that reverting global warming and overall environmental degradation is impossible without stopping economic growth. Krugman dismissed his arguments in a …

By Admin | November 14th, 2014 | Climate Justice, Current Movements, Economics & Capitalism, Social Ecology Blog | 2 Comments |