ISE Annual Gathering: Aug. 23-25

Beyond the Local

This August, the Institute for Social Ecology cordially invites you to attend our Annual Gathering for a weekend of engaging political discussion, great food, and a chance to socialize with social ecologists and fellow travelers in beautiful Marshfield, Vermont.

As our ideas continue to spread and our movements grow, this year’s theme is Beyond the Local. We will focus on questions related to the challenges of thinking big: how can we best scale up our political efforts, coordinate our movements and organizations across geographic space and borders, and confederate to build transformative but democratic forms of popular power? If you or your organization would like to propose a panel, talk, or performance on this or a related theme, please get in touch!

We look forward to another fun, engaging, and rejuvenating weekend – mark your calendars and join us!

Registration and Cost: To register email us at: We provide great fresh meals over the course of the weekend, so we ask participants to pay a sliding scale fee of 70-200 dollars – we won’t turn anyone away for lack of funds. Please pay in advance here: There is plenty of outdoor camping and limited indoor floor space on site, as well as a variety of local accommodations – full list on request. There is also a solar pool and wood-fired hot tub – bring your swimwear!

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