How to know if your child is addicted to video games and what to do about it TECHNOLOGY The World Health Organisation has classified gaming disorder as an addiction. But it involves more than just playing videogames for hours on end. Here's how to spot it and what you can do about it. Contains:
21-year-old American woman is the youngest person to visit every country TRAVEL Lexie Alford has now visited all 196 countries in the world, and is the youngest to do so. Contains:
Aldi wooden toy sale launches with gender-neutral doll houses and more TOYS AND PRODUCTS It's here again and starts June 12. Contains:
Almost half of 17-year-olds have had sex - and they’re more responsible than you think RELATIONSHIPS Australia's year 10-12 students are getting good marks when it comes to sexual health, according to new research. But there's room for improvement. Contains:
Baby brings 'tiny amount of peace' for couple who lost three children in MH17 attack CURRENT AFFAIRS "We are so lucky that we have Violet, that they sent her to us to allow us to be parents again to give us hope and joy," said Rin Norris. Contains:
I'm already talking to my 4-year-old daughter about periods. Here's why HEALTH AND WELLBEING Having your period isn't all roses. But I'm going to be damn sure that my daughter feels zero weirdness about it. Contains:
Good parents let their children fail - often ADVICE It is important for them to make mistakes. Contains:
Aldi wooden toy sale launches with gender-neutral doll houses and more TOYS AND PRODUCTS It's here again and starts June 12. Contains:
Almost half of 17-year-olds have had sex - and they’re more responsible than you think RELATIONSHIPS Contains: