World War I

The war that never ended: public history for the present

A critical look at New Zealand's official First World War centennial programme and its lack of engagement with the war's root causes, namely capitalism and white supremacy.

Founding of the Comintern - Then and Now

A century ago, from 2nd — 6th March 1919, 52 delegates, more than 40 from various political organisations outside Russia, met in Moscow.

Montague "Monty" Miller - 1831 -1920

From Eureka, 1854 to the IWW, 1917. Campaigning for One Big Union.

Biographical information on the life and death of Montague "Monty" Miller, Australian anarchist and IWW member.

La travivaĵoj de la brava soldato Ŝvejk dum la mondmilito - Jaroslav Hašek

Statuo de brava soldato Švejk ĉe staciodomo en Humenné - Slovakio, kie Švejk est

La travivaĵoj de la brava soldato Ŝvejk dum la mondmilito (1921-1923) estas kvarparta humora romano de ĉeĥa verkisto Jaroslav Hašek tradukita en 54 lingvojn, kelkfoje filmita kaj ankaŭ dramigita. Temas pri la plej signifa verko de Hašek fare de multe da homoj kunigita kun ilustraĵoj de Josef Lada. La morto bedaŭrinde ne permesis al Hašek fini sian verkon.

Poland: One Hundred Years of Bourgeois Dictatorship

The Polish nationalism of today is a direct continuation and consequence of the nationalism which crushed the workers’ movement in years 1918-23.

Lest We Forget: Workers Stopped Capitalism’s First World War

The 100th anniversary of the Armistice, which we are told put a stop to the first world war, happens to coincide with remembrance Sunday, or Poppy Day. So we’re in for a treat. On top of poppy-wearing – now almost de rigueur – and two minute silences in the most improbable places, there are some smashing events in store. While local volunteers polish up war memorials, craft red poppy memorabilia, there are all sorts of state-sponsored celebrations, to mark the 11th hour of the eleventh day, in November 1918 when “the guns fell silent”.

The 1917 Camp Logan mutiny, Houston Texas

Court martial

Black soldiers stationed to guard the construction of Camp Logan in Texas mutinied over racist treatment from local law enforcement and civilians.

The advance skirmishes of the German Revolution (1917-1918) and Richard Müller – Charles-André Udry

A brief introduction to Richard Müller, the leader of the revolutionary shop stewards (Revolutionäre Obleute) among the German metal workers during World War One, and his role in the mass strikes in the German munitions industry in 1917 and 1918, with excerpts from his book, Eine Geschichte der Novemberrevolution (A History of the November Revolution) (1924), and an official police intelligence report on the strike wave of January-February 1917 taken from the archives of the Berlin police department.

World War I struggles in Switzerland

Troops detain a striker during the general strike, 1918

An informative account of the wave of working class struggles which took place during and immediately following World War I in Switzerland, by Christian Koller.

Huddersfield as a microcosm of the anarchist movement during World War One

Anti-conscription meeting, W.Yorkshire

A short account of controversy over World War One in Huddersfield