Monday 22 June 2020


Funeral of Dimitris Christoulas turns into anti-austerity rally

The funeral of Dimitris Christoulas, the retired pharmacist who committed suicide last week in Athens, turned into an anti-austerity rally, as hundreds of people shouted their defiance against Government cuts.

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A policeman was injured by crowds as a protest march following the funeral turned violent. Photo: AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis
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A stolen police uniform is placed among flowers at the site where the 77-year-old shot himself on Wednesday. Photo: AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis

A policeman was attacked, with protestors stealing his bulletproof vest, as well as a bag containing a belt, a uniform and handcuffs. The policeman, his face covered in blood, managed to make his way to a police van that had arrived on the scene. A police official said the policeman was taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Mr Christoulas shot himself in central Athens this week saying government austerity cuts had left him in penury. Protesters lining the route shouted slogans such as "Forward the people", "Heads high" and "The only answer is resistance".

His daughter said in a farewell speech that his act had been "deeply political," while a message from composer Mikis Theodorakis, an icon of defiance against the junta that ruled Greece in the 1970s, was also read out.

Unusually for Greece, the ceremony had no religious component and the remains were to be taken to neighbouring Bulgaria for cremation, a practice forbidden by the powerful Greek Orthodox Church.

Mr Christoulas shot himself in Athens' central Syntagma Square on Wednesday, leaving a note saying his pension had been wiped out and that "I find no other solution for a dignified end before I start sifting through garbage to feed myself."

His death prompted new protests and clashes with police over the government's measures aimed at resolving Greece's massive debt crisis.

Athens has been forced to cut state spending drastically, and has slashed civil servant salaries and pensions by up to 40 per cent to secure bail-out loan payments from the European Union and International Monetary Fund.

Hundreds of thousands of Greeks have lost their jobs in the past year, and unemployment currently tops one million, a quarter of the workforce.


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