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  1. Tweet fixat
    6 sept.

    I love but the station is really making some questionable programming decisions of late. Just look who've they've put on Sunday afternoons at 3.

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  2. acum 5 ore

    Yikes! Unfollowing now...I loved his passion for hamburgers, had no idea that he was burglarizing them.

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  3. acum 23 de ore

    A brand NEW Cherry Blossom Clinic is streaming on right now!!

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  4. 7 sept.

    frustrating they don’t already have swag ready to roll for ’s newly scheduled Sunday afternoon show. wouldn’t have slept on an opportunity like this

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  5. 7 sept.

    If you experience a Bruno Bump for longer than 3 hours, consult your doctor.

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  6. 4 sept.

    On , playing records until 6pm!

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  7. 2 sept.

    Dry out with a new episode of Looking For An Anthem with DJ Paul Bruno on . Show will begin at roughly 12:05PM ET.

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  8. 31 aug.

    My main sexual fantasy is a second person

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  9. 31 aug.

    I believe that accusing Elizabeth Warren is much more sinister than "projection." They cheat because they think everyone cheats. If you think everyone cheats, then the winner is the one who cheats the best-- which is why they love Trump. 1/

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  10. 30 aug.

    The real problem is that Mets fans are actually booing 35 years of insane bullshit happening to them, but Lindor has only been here for 5 months & Baez for 5 weeks, so they don't know that.

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  11. 31 aug.

    sound on for this one.

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  12. 31 aug.

    So if you keep up with pro wrestling AND happen to be familiar with the much less popular animated Lord of the Rings adaptation, you may find this amusing. (Sound on.)

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  13. 30 aug.

    Let's just hope it's not a wrestling lesson.

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  14. 30 aug.

    I’m going to a guest on this discussing my appreciation/disgust for mobile games.

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  15. 30 aug.
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  16. 29 aug.

    Lee Perry was, legitimately, a genius. Absolutely fucking touched. What he did with the recording studio, what he pulled out of whoever entered his mindwarping one with a mixing board and tape machine has ever meant more to the music they recorded. REQUIESCAT master

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  17. 29 aug.

    All grass smoked today in honor of "Scratch."

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  18. 28 aug.

    Honestly though, when was the last time Eric Clapton released a song that wasn't terrible? "Never" is an acceptable answer.

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  19. 27 aug.

    It's Friday at 4pm! Get rolling with Terre T and HOOLIGAN!

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  20. 26 aug.

    Crowd shot on featuring a guy with an Adam Cole shirt right in the middle of the screen. Interesting.

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