There’s nothing inevitable about the alignment of the right with denialism.
Australia has its fair share of those who reject scientific consensus (and common wisdom).
One of the Institute of Public Affair's greatest successes has been to stitch climate denialism into the very fabric of the conservative political identity.
"There are huge demands on journalists now, and if they don't have access or the knowledge of the right sources, they can get things wrong."
Crikey readers respond to News Corp's role in climate denialism and the politics of erasing Palestinian identity.
Or are Jones and his ilk more likely to influence politicians, rather than change minds within the general population?
From climate change denialists to anti-vaxxers, Australia has its fair share of those who reject scientific consensus (and common wisdom).
Like democracy, science, and the scientific process, are flawed, but they are still preferable to the crackpottery of Malcolm Roberts, write Tom Osegowitsch and Angela McCabe.
Moncktongate has now become a political and moral test for Tony Abbott, whose principal political action to date has been to exile climate-change denialism from the political mainstream.
From climate change to evolution, New Scientist is running a great series of special reports into denialism: how it works, how it spreads, how companies manufacture it, and why it's so hard to fight.