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How will Scott Morrison react to world election results?

How will Scott Morrison react to world election results?

Now our own federal election is done and dusted, let's look at how the outcomes of other elections around the world could affect Australia's interests.

Labor is undivided in its decision to not talk about divisions

Labor is undivided in its decision to not talk about divisions

Labor's recent Israel problem doesn't so much hinge on the comments made or the beliefs held, but rather that there is conflict at all.

What will happen to the orphans of Australia's Islamic State fighters?

What will happen to the orphans of Australia's Islamic State fighters?

Western governments are scrambling to distance themselves from the families of Islamic State fighters. And as more children emerge from the ruins, the problem is only going to get worse.

How Palestine's aid budget fell victim to a curious legal case

How Palestine's aid budget fell victim to a curious legal case

A rot has developed in the Palestinian aid debate and it's hurting everyday people.

The politics of erasing Palestinians

The politics of erasing Palestinians

Being Palestinian is not why student Aya Maarsawe was murdered but it has everything to do with how she lived, how she is mourned and how she will be remembered.

How women are copping it from all sides over fertility ratesĀ 

How women are copping it from all sides over fertility ratesĀ 

Women and girls are being held responsible for national and global demographics by under- and over-population scaremongers alike.

Numbers, screw-up, or money? Let's trace the origins of this embassy mess

Numbers, screw-up, or money? Let's trace the origins of this embassy mess

We all accepted at face value that the Israel embassy pitch was tied to Wentworth. So why exactly is this damn thing still hanging around?

Our government hopes we'll forget about Saudi brutality

Our government hopes we'll forget about Saudi brutality

The government says it will do nothing further in response to the Saudi murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi until there's an investigation completed. Which is very handy indeed.

Journo's death forces media into embarrassing retreat on Saudi prince

Journo's death forces media into embarrassing retreat on Saudi prince

Since details of the Khashoggi's disappearance and death have emerged, media has been frantically backtracking on their effusive praise for the Saudi prince.

What the Jerusalem move means for a potential war in Iran

What the Jerusalem move means for a potential war in Iran

Morrison's Jerusalem move this week could well spell a period of antagonism, even war against Iran. Why is Australia doing this?