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Topic: AFP raids
Meet Rex Patrick: the Senate’s warrior for transparency

Meet Rex Patrick: the Senate’s warrior for transparency

Rex Patrick has a reputation for saying and revealing things that make powerful people uncomfortable.

Labor changes position again in the government’s war on scrutiny

Labor changes position again in the government’s war on scrutiny

Labor's inconsistency on oversight of security agencies has left a crucial missing link on the response to the government's attacks on those who would subject it to scrutiny.

Sorry, journalists, but this isn’t just about you

Sorry, journalists, but this isn’t just about you

The AFP raids aren't just about journalism. Whistleblowers and many others need protection from an overly powerful executive and a Home Affairs department with a toxic agenda.

Why a bill of rights is still a long way off

Why a bill of rights is still a long way off

Crikey readers discuss the prospect of a national bill of rights, AFP raids and the mentality propping up refugee detention camps.

AFP to front parliamentary committee over raids

AFP to front parliamentary committee over raids

Good morning, early birds. Politicians have called for greater powers protecting the freedom of the press, and Labor is reconsidering its opposition to the Coalition's tax cuts. It's the news you need to know, with Rachel Withers.

Why is it so easy for police to raid journalists?

Why is it so easy for police to raid journalists?

While recent police raids of media companies have been shocking, experts say they have been a long time coming.

Australia lags behind the rest of the world on a bill of rights

Australia lags behind the rest of the world on a bill of rights

Recent incursions on Australia's free press have shown once again that, without a national bill of rights, liberty is treated cheaply in Australia.

Media raids prove that Australia needs a conservative bill of rights

Media raids prove that Australia needs a conservative bill of rights

Complaining about police raids on media outlets will achieve nothing. Australia needs a structural mechanism to curb governments and protect citizens and institutions from them.

Morrison addresses press raids

Morrison addresses press raids

Good morning, early birds. Scott Morrison has said he backs freedom of the press but that it must "operate according to the rule of law", and the appeal of George Pell's conviction begins. It's the news you need to know, with Rachel Withers.