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What I learned about poverty and mental health chairing the robo-debt inquiry

What I learned about poverty and mental health chairing the robo-debt inquiry

We should not allow our government to slowly erode our humanity and our human rights, year by year, sneaky budget measure by sneaky budget measure.

Labor reveals price tag for resolving childcare tensions

Labor reveals price tag for resolving childcare tensions

Labor's massive plan to increase subsidies for and wages in childcare will accelerate the transformation of a sector plagued by competing priorities.

Morrison weathers NDIS ignorance as budget sell starts poorly

Morrison weathers NDIS ignorance as budget sell starts poorly

An ignorant media is attacking the government over the NDIS, reinforcing perceptions the Coalition doesn't care about people with disabilities.

Does anyone in Australia think Newstart is adequate?

Does anyone in Australia think Newstart is adequate?

Last night's budget was the 25th without an increase (in real terms) to the Newstart unemployment benefit.

ParentsNext is the culmination of a decade of attacks on women

ParentsNext is the culmination of a decade of attacks on women

Since the days of the Howard government, the ability for single parents to get suitable welfare support has become harder and harder. Crikey tracks the changes.

Welfare spending has gone up under the Coalition

Welfare spending has gone up under the Coalition

The claims that the Liberals are engaged in an attack on welfare aren't actually backed up by the numbers.

Liberal governments fail to live up to anti-welfare reputation

Liberal governments fail to live up to anti-welfare reputation

The left maintains that neoliberalism, and the Liberal Party, are hostile to welfare spending. The record shows otherwise.

ParentsNext isn't getting the attention it deserves

ParentsNext isn't getting the attention it deserves

Crikey had a front-row seat at this week's Senate inquiry into the widely criticised pre-employment program. Noticeably, there were a few seats spare...

How women are copping it from all sides over fertility rates 

How women are copping it from all sides over fertility rates 

Women and girls are being held responsible for national and global demographics by under- and over-population scaremongers alike.

A year of insult and injury for job seekers and the unemployed

A year of insult and injury for job seekers and the unemployed

This year was an annus horribilis for the poor — but the tireless campaigning of low-income advocates offers some hope for the future.