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Will the mainstream media redeem itself on Assange?

Will the mainstream media redeem itself on Assange?

WikiLeaks' former major publishing partners were quick to turn their backs on Julian Assange, but they have a duty to stand up for investigative journalism.

Australia's failure in offshore detention reporting

Australia's failure in offshore detention reporting

International media outlets have reported a shocking rise in suicide attempts on Manus. But you wouldn’t know about it from Australia's major papers.

Drama and tragedy roll on in Rush defamation case

Drama and tragedy roll on in Rush defamation case

Accusations of bias. Witness X revealed. Tactical ploys ahead of special damages. This thing is far from done.

News Corp slugs Shorten, hurts mainstream media instead

News Corp slugs Shorten, hurts mainstream media instead

News Corp's attempt to exploit Bill Shorten's mother not merely delivered the Labor leader his best day of the campaign, it diminished all the mainstream media in a campaign where journalists are under fire.

The media needs to look beyond the big picture

The media needs to look beyond the big picture

Political journalism used to be a grand narrative of winners and losers. That's not how the world works anymore.

The media has failed spectacularly on climate change

The media has failed spectacularly on climate change

The media's coverage of climate change in the election campaign has reflected the Coalition's long-term strategy of denialism, rather than a desire for genuine scrutiny.

Nine sells Fairfax community newspapers for $115m

Nine sells Fairfax community newspapers for $115m

The sale prompts questions over the future of regional outlets like The Newcastle Herald and The Canberra Times.

The media is travelling as a pack this election; it's time to break away

The media is travelling as a pack this election; it's time to break away

ScoMo having a beer. ScoMo shearing a sheep. Most of the media is happily telling the parties' stories so far. Is that all about to change?

Australian media's coverage of the Pacific has almost completely disappeared

Australian media's coverage of the Pacific has almost completely disappeared

The ABC is the only Australian outlet with a correspondent in the Pacific. Have we stopped caring about our closest neighbours? And if so, why?