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Guy Rundle


Guy Rundle  — Correspondent-at-large

Guy Rundle is correspondent-at-large for Crikey. He's a former editor of Arena Magazine and contributes to a variety of publications in Australia and the United Kingdom.

The slow burn of the gilets jaunes 

The slow burn of the gilets jaunes 

Our correspondent-at-large reports on the simmering tensions in Paris amid the yellow vest movement.

Assange is in the dock, but it's investigative journalism on trial

Assange is in the dock, but it's investigative journalism on trial

On the ground in the UK, Crikey's correspondent-at-large covers Julian Assange's first court appearance in London.

A blustering Thatcherite rises from the crowd...

A blustering Thatcherite rises from the crowd...

The new pin-up boy for a hard Brexit, Mark Francois, sounds no-nonsense. He sounds like he knows what he’s doing. He sounds like Thatcher.

May's position untenable as the clock ticks towards April 12

May's position untenable as the clock ticks towards April 12

Less than 100 hours to no-deal Brexit and parliamentarians are still prefacing everything with "we should have discussed this two years ago".

Scenes from a UK byelection

Scenes from a UK byelection

A modest byelection in Wales last week reflected little of the true Brexit mania gripping the UK. Such scenes will not survive much longer.

The Brexit process questions the possibility of true democracy

The Brexit process questions the possibility of true democracy

The most obvious effect of the Brexit process has been to thaw and reflow various arrangements of power and convention.

Cliffhangers and marathon meetings as Brexit drags along

Cliffhangers and marathon meetings as Brexit drags along

Four failed motions, three minute pressers, two resignations, and a government that's looking rather silly.

Bizarre options on the table after another Brexit vote rejected

Bizarre options on the table after another Brexit vote rejected

The hour after the failed vote was a thing to behold, as the House of Commons tried to work out what to do next, on the floor, in real time.

Resentment brews against a Brexit border in Northern Ireland

Resentment brews against a Brexit border in Northern Ireland

There is Brexit anger in the Irish borderlands, where protesting locals remember what a hard border really looks like.

Brexiteers ramble on in verdant home counties

Brexiteers ramble on in verdant home counties

Even ardent Leavers can't quite put their finger on what a successful Brexit would mean for their day-to-day lives. It seems Brexit is a liberation without content, a liberation that consists entirely of feeling liberated.