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Is the war on piracy over?

Is the war on piracy over?

Five years ago, piracy was seen as the death of all content creation. Now, it's almost an accepted reality of success. Can this last?

Are troll farms ruining Australian political debate?

Are troll farms ruining Australian political debate?

Are journalists getting more abuse than ever before? And if they are, could troll farms be to blame?

Why can't we just vote online?

Why can't we just vote online?

Every election the demand for online voting grows and grows. But be careful what you wish for...

A culture war-free explainer on electric cars in this election

A culture war-free explainer on electric cars in this election

From sales targets to ute bans and charging times, Crikey digs into the truth behind the electric car spin.

From freedom to despair: the internet's short but fast highway to hell

From freedom to despair: the internet's short but fast highway to hell

The promise of freedom offered by the internet a decade ago now looks laughable in an age of extremism, surveillance and manipulation. What went wrong?

Will consumers get a look-in when it comes to breaking up Big Tech?

Will consumers get a look-in when it comes to breaking up Big Tech?

The regulatory tide has turned against big tech companies with a vengeance — but will consumer interests be addressed in the rush to regulate?

The defamation case that could tear apart the internet as we know it

The defamation case that could tear apart the internet as we know it

It's very unlikely former Don Dale detainee Dylan Voller will win this one, but we should all be watching closely.

How the internet's champions of free speech control the message

How the internet's champions of free speech control the message

Ginger Gorman chased down Facebook and Twitter for months with questions about online abuse. She got answers, but she can't exactly report them.

Space junk: the new technology making the business of space cheaper

Space junk: the new technology making the business of space cheaper

Spaceflight has never been cheaper, but Australia’s new commercial space industry comes with a few growing pains.

How many years (and how many PMs) will it take to fix the NBN?

How many years (and how many PMs) will it take to fix the NBN?

Who's benefited from this? Ultimately, nobody. We’ve lost six years, and are left with a great failure of public policy.