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State Politics

Did the anti-Adani convoy backfire?

Did the anti-Adani convoy backfire?

Bob Brown's anti-Adani convoy has been derided by conservatives for alienating the very voters it was supposed to draw in. But Brown isn't so sure.

How Dutton kept Dickson

How Dutton kept Dickson

Dutton's electors are older, whiter and more affluent than the average Australian. This came down to highways and franking credits.

The political business model of angry white men

The political business model of angry white men

There is now a small but lucrative niche on our politics for angry white men to attack women. And One Nation is effectively exploiting it.

30 years since Fitzgerald, it’s time to make Queensland sex work safe

30 years since Fitzgerald, it’s time to make Queensland sex work safe

A Labor government concerned about workers’ rights cannot overlook these issues any longer.

Why is everyone pitching to Queensland this election?

Why is everyone pitching to Queensland this election?

It's an election year and both Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten are heading to Queensland. But why?

Queensland man detained for over 40 years beyond sentence

Queensland man detained for over 40 years beyond sentence

Evidence was ignored in the case of a Queensland man seeking the lifting of an indefinite detention order.

The death of the 'safe Liberal seat'

The death of the 'safe Liberal seat'

The Liberal Party can't afford to take these constituencies for granted anymore. But what does it mean to be a "Liberal" seat now anyway?

Report sheds new light on the political influence wielded by special interests

Report sheds new light on the political influence wielded by special interests

A Grattan Institute report finally provides some hard data on the extent to which special interests interfere in public policy via donations and lobbying.

Palaszczuk quashes liberties in the name of liberty

Palaszczuk quashes liberties in the name of liberty

The Queensland government handicapping the KAP over the Fraser Anning fiasco is a flash of the exact fascism they claim to be fighting.

The Menzies and Mings: another guide to Australia’s (many) political dynasties

The Menzies and Mings: another guide to Australia’s (many) political dynasties

It's like Game of Thrones with only slightly less backstabbing. We continue our look into Australian political families.