NEO _ us_aggression Collage 2 Ver


Repression of North Korean Diplomats – Another Red Herring from the Chosun Ilbo


The latest news item about DPRK’s bloody regime is spreading throughout the globe. The conservative South Korean newspaper the Chosun Ilbo cited an unnamed source in its article, which said that in March 2019, the former Ambassador to Spain, Kim Hyok-chol…

Eastern Asia - DPRK

Bannon and Putin Helping Europe Turn Right

During the long twentieth century, the United States twice rescued Europe from its own follies — to its benefit, and…

Very “Inconvenient and Ill-timed” Tensions in Kosovo


There is always a story behind a story, and in the case of the recent hostilities in Kosovo, a very inconvenient story. Timing is everything, and therefore the question that first comes to mind is: “why now?” However, this question alone is too mundane, and the reality is a bit…


Will the USA and Taiwan Establish Official Diplomatic Relations?

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The ongoing trade war between the two leading world powers is just one aspect of the global confrontation between the USA and China. Another aspect, and one which will certainly increase in importance, is the Taiwan problem. After all, it seems highly likely that the issue of Taiwan…

Eastern Asia - China

Mike Pence & John Bolton: Cold War Conservatism Clings to the White House


The Trump presidency represented a solid break with the longstanding norms of right-wing politics in the USA. Trump campaigns as a foul-mouthed populist who criticized military interventions and seemed champion “the little guy” hurt by trade deals and Washington…

USA in the World

Donald Trump in Japan


Thus far, the U.S. President Donald Trump has had the most contact with Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzō Abe, out of all the leaders of other nations. They communicate regularly either via the telephone, or during bilateral meetings and various international events. In addition, high-level…

Eastern Asia - Japan

The US Indo-Pacific Strategy: Demonization, Militarization and Weaponization


While it is not unusual to see various US administrations rationalising their defence strategies on the basis of their competition with their global competitors i.e., Russia and China, the recent emphasis on labelling the competitor countries as ‘revisionist’ and ‘reactionary’…

USA in the World


US War on Huawei is a War on Tech Sovereignty


Unable to compete on equal terms with Chinese telecom giant Huawei, the United States and the corporations that influence its domestic and foreign policy have decided instead to simply cut Huawei off from its many monopolies including chip manufacturing and mobile phone…

Eastern Asia - China

Do We Face a Global Food Disaster?


No, this is not at all an endorsement of the apocalyptic scenarios of AOC or that famous young Swedish climate expert, Greta. It is, however, a look at unusual weather disasters in several key growing regions from the USA to Australia, the Philippines and beyond that could dramatically…

Russia in the World

Are Rare Earths China’s Ultimate Weapon?

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In the dramatic escalation of tariff escalations and trade war tensions between China and the USA, China President Xi Jinping made a well-timed visit to see the JL Mag Rare-Earth Company Ltd., a state-owned complex in Ganzhou. Though he did not openly threaten, he sent a clear…

Eastern Asia - China

Does the EAEU Have a Future?


On 29 May Nur-Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, will host leaders of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) at a summit to mark the 5th anniversary of this organization. The fact that this meeting will take place in the capital of Kazakhstan is quite symbolic, as the treaty to…

Central Asia

Greek Debt, Nazi Reparations, and a Fair Shake


With the Greek parliamentary elections only a few days away, incumbent politicians are clamoring for a foothold on victory once again. In a high profile vote recently, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the sitting parliament rekindled the old World War 2 reparations fires…


A China Food Crisis More Danger Than Trade War?


China faces a threat to its agriculture that could do far more damage to her political stability and economy than the escalating USA tariff war. In recent months cases of deadly African Swine Fever (ASF) among the pig population of the world’s largest pig producer have forced…

Eastern Asia - China

Will Tajikistan ever enter the Eurasian Economic Union?


The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is an international organization, member states of which include Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. As the name implies, the EAEU aims to integrate Eurasian economies in an economic union work together with all its potential…

Central Asia - Tajikistan


How Lucky is Italy to Have Matteo Salvini?


The EU promise of equality in economics and justice for all is just not panning out. Nowhere is this more evident than in Italy, where new Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini is fighting back at a system of unequal democracy. Salvini’s La Lega Party just…


The Murdering of Julia Assange


Julian Assange is being slowly murdered by “Her Majesty’s Prison Service” at Belmarsh prison in the south-east of London. The prison is notorious for holding people who have never been charged with a crime indefinitely. It is also called the British version of Guantanamo, and…

USA in the World

Atmospherics and the Googling of Humanity


What can be done is being done. Moreover, those “doing it,” or “having it done” are products of a long disintegrating standard of humanity, morality and values. I will begin with an example, please be patient. Some 50 years ago, I was serving in South Vietnam…

USA in the World

America: Between Social Democracy and a Shooting War


It really is true: the bastion of Liberalism is seeking a makeover. Not only have there been a slew of books about socialism and social-democracy of late, but a slew of social-democrats have actually broken the congressional glass ceiling. (I’ve been unable to establish exactly how…

USA in the World

Europe in Irreversible Decay, EU Elections are Proof of It!


Europe, an “old” colonialist continent, is decaying, and in some places even collapsing. It senses how bad things are going. But it never thinks that it is its own fault. North America is decaying as well, but there, people are not even used to comparing. They only “feel that…


America, In and Out of the Closet

Stories about pedophile rings operating at the highest level of power in the United States are abundant. Most are false but not all. First of all, “gay” and “pedophile” are not the same thing. Most pedophiles consider themselves “straight.” This issue is important because it is…

USA in the World

Arab Spring 2.0? You ain't Seen Nothing Yet!


Almost a decade after the launch of the so-called “Arab Spring”, one of the most troubled regions in the entire world remains threatened by the prospects of facing a new wave of protests, demanding regime change due to the ever growing number of problems in such spheres as personal...

Middle East

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