By Steve Sailer on 06/07/2019
From The Nation: Open Borders Must Be Part of Any Response to the Climate Crisis The alternative is the death of millions and a world fractured by nationalism.By Ben Ehrenreich YESTERDAY 8:40 AM Borders, like nations, present themselves as natural and eternal. They are neither, but movement is. Humans have been on the move for hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of years. Progressives,...
By Harri Honkanen on 06/07/2019

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See, earlier, by Steve Sailer: Latest Party to Go Far Right on Immigration: Denmark's Social Democrats

Europe’s Cultural Marxist newspapers are gloating that nationalists performed poorly in this week’s Danish Parliamentary elections: for example, “The big news of the election was that the DPP [Danish People’s Party] lost more than half its seats, decimating their influence and plunging the party into a crisis it might not survive”. [Europe, take note: in Denmark, the humanitarian left is on the rise, by Michael Strange, Guardian, June 7, 2019] The problem with this gloating: the victorious Social Democrats actually ran stole the DPP’s immigration patriotism issue. Also other, even tougher anti-immigration parties made gains.

It is certainly true that the Danish People’s Party did badly, declining from 21% of the vote at the last election to 8.7%. (Denmark has a Proportional Representation system). But this wasn’t as disastrous as opinion polls had predicted. The right wing “Blue Block” of parties, who tend to form government coalitions together, had been 10% behind in the polls for weeks, but, in the end, they were only about 2.5% behind. Also, the Danish People’s Party had been part of the government and there is a tendency in Denmark for junior government parties to be punished at the subsequent election.

By John Derbyshire on 06/07/2019
05m07s  Seventy-five years on from D-Day.  (Courage and horror.) 11m16s  The Tiananmen Square anniversary.  (A civilizational tragedy.) 17m58s  Controlling the past.  (The Central Park Five narrative.) 28m35s  The Africans are coming.  (I told you so.) 30m49s  Somalia news.  (Hunger and fecundity.) 31m23s  Brexit breaks barriers.  (New parties all over.) 35m04s  TDS meets seppuku.  (Do it the righ...
By Steve Sailer on 06/07/2019
From the New York Times, a book review of author Suketu Mehta, whose op-ed is featured in my post below entitled The Scramble for America:'The Case for Immigration as Reparations': Expat, Immigrant, Migrant, Refugee: Why ‘This Land Is Our Land’ No Matter the Label Reviewed by Lauren MarkhamJune 4, 2019 THIS LAND IS OUR LAND: An Immigrant’s ManifestoBy Suketu Mehta In almost any other country on...
By Brenda Walker on 06/07/2019
Amazon has presented its re:MARS conference in Las Vegas over the last few days, discussing new tech advances in robotics, AI and other topics. For example, actor Robert Downey Jr. announced a project to clean up the environment using robots which he thinks could largely do the job within ten years or so. Jeff Bezos — who became a billionaire by skillfully adding robots to his online Amazon store ...
By Reader on 06/07/2019
Re: Kushner’s Plan Maybe Not DISASTROUS For Immigration Patriots, But Trump Should Go Back To RAISE Act Anyway  From: Fabrizio Evola [Email him] I occasionally watch Bill Maher on HBO to get an idea of how the other side views the big issues of the day. While I rarely agree with Maher, he can be reasonable on some issues. During his “Overtime” segment this past week, he asked his panel, which inclu...
By Allan Wall on 06/07/2019
President Trump's Tariff Threat of May 30th may be having effect.  It has sure scared the Mexican government, which immediately dispatched Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard and his team to Washington, D.C.   (See my previous article here).  Marcelo Ebrard's negotiations with Secretary of State Pompeo are continuing.   On the evening of June 6th, the Wall Street Journal reported that "The Trump admini...
By Steve Sailer on 06/07/2019
From the Los Angeles Times: Researchers avoid ‘messy’ hormonal female mice. And that hurts womenBy DEBORAH NETBURNMAY 30, 2019 | 11:05 AM Is sexism getting in the way of good science? An essay published in Thursday’s edition of the journal Science argues that the stereotypes that have plagued women since at least the 1800s — that they are emotional creatures who are more prone to hormone-fueled...
By Steve Sailer on 06/07/2019
I sometimes mention the obvious distinction between The Atlantic Monthly on paper for grownups and with its proliferation of intern-written hot takes on “Last Night’s Episode of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Reminded Me of My Feelings About My Hair.” The Atlantic’s editor has noticed it too. From Mediaite: The Atlantic Editor Under Fire for Saying Writers Who Can Pen Long Features are ‘Al...
By Steve Sailer on 06/07/2019
Here’s another fun college admissions-related scandal, this one set at Sidwell Friends School, the Quaker K-12 school for Washington D.C.’s shakers and movers. Tuition is: $42,372 (includes hot lunch) But what kind of hot lunch does your kid get for $42,372? It better not be Salisbury Steak. From the Washington Post: When parents are so desperate to get their kids into college that they sabot...


By Harri Honkanen on 06/07/2019

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See, earlier, by Steve Sailer: Latest Party to Go Far Right on Immigration: Denmark's Social Democrats

Europe’s Cultural Marxist newspapers are gloating that nationalists performed poorly in this week’s Danish Parliamentary elections: for example, “The big news of the election was that the DPP [Danish People’s Party] lost more than half its seats, decimating their influence and plunging the party into a crisis it might not survive”. [Europe, take note: in Denmark, the humanitarian left is on the rise, by Michael Strange, Guardian, June 7, 2019] The problem with this gloating: the victorious Social Democrats actually ran stole the DPP’s immigration patriotism issue. Also other, even tougher anti-immigration parties made gains.

It is certainly true that the Danish People’s Party did badly, declining from 21% of the vote at the last election to 8.7%. (Denmark has a Proportional Representation system). But this wasn’t as disastrous as opinion polls had predicted. The right wing “Blue Block” of parties, who tend to form government coalitions together, had been 10% behind in the polls for weeks, but, in the end, they were only about 2.5% behind. Also, the Danish People’s Party had been part of the government and there is a tendency in Denmark for junior government parties to be punished at the subsequent election.

By Washington Watcher on 06/06/2019


New York Times token conservative columnist David Brooks [Tweet him]think it’s time for conservatives to stop fighting multiculturalism and embrace it. Otherwise, the GOP is doomed. [The Coming G.O.P. Apocalypse, by David Brooks, The New York Times, June 3, 2019]

Brooks argues young people are less white and love diversity and immigration. He laments that the GOP under Donald Trump opposes all these wonderful things. He believes the party should offer a “conservative way to embrace pluralism and diversity” to counter the Left’s negative multiculturalism.

According to Brooks, the Left’s multiculturalism says “blacks and whites will never really understand each other; racism is endemic; the American project is fatally flawed; American structures are so oppressive, the only option is to burn them down.”

In contrast, conservatives’ multiculturalism would be more “optimistic”—“We can communicate across difference; the American creed is the right recipe for a thick and respectful pluralism; American structures are basically sound and can be realistically reformed.”


This, allegedly, is Brooks’ grand vision for how Republicans can survive in a multiracial America. Rather than try to stem the demographic tide that will crush the GOP, he claims the party can ride it out by offering a politer liberal agenda.

By Patrick J. Buchanan on 06/06/2019
In 2018, a record turnout of women, minorities and young added 40 House seats to Democratic ranks and made Nancy Pelosi speaker. This, we were told, is the new diversity coalition—women, people of color, millennials—that will take down The Donald in 2020. So, how has the Democratic field sorted itself out half a year later? According to the Real Clear Politics average of polls, two old white guys, ...
By Peter Brimelow on 06/05/2019


Back in March, I posted “PATRIOTS HAVE RIGHTS. THEY HAVE JUST NOT ORGANIZED TO DEFEND THEM—UNTIL NOW”, explaining how has been forced to enter the nightmare world of litigation because of the Totalitarian Left’s unprecedented Reign of Terror, enabled in large part by various complicit private corporations. I announced the launch of our Legal Defense Fund—many thanks to those patriots who donated (tax-deductibly!), and also to our lawyer readers who offered advice.

I recently updated readers on’s First Amendment suit against Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers for his role in the 2017 cancellation of our projected conference there. Again, our lawyers expect this to go to trial, and quite possibly to the U.S. Supreme Court.

But now I want to discuss a narrower but equally important case: our complaint against the credit card processer PayPal for suddenly and arbitrarily cutting off from receiving donations, after a business relationship of some 12 years, in August 2017. Our Notice of Dispute, required by PayPal’s User Agreement, is here. [PDF]

PayPal has still not, despite our repeated requests, explained why it cut us off. Our Notice of Dispute documents our interactions with various puzzled PayPal lower-level employees who had obviously believed they worked for a politically impartial entity in a free country.

It appears they were wrong.

By Ann Coulter on 06/05/2019


New York City public school teachers recently revealed that they have been instructed to reject “objectivity,” “written documentation” and “perfectionism” by Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza, as part of his effort to “dismantle racism.” Carranza identified these values as tools of the “white-supremacy culture.”

Our cultural overlords are way ahead of Carranza. With lightning speed, we've abandoned old, hidebound, Anglo-Saxon facts-and-evidence standards in deference to new, fresh African folk tale standards. (According to J. Bekunuru Kubayanda, writing in the Afro-Hispanic Review, even Latin America and the Caribbean got their oral history traditions from Africa.)

Thus, for example, Gen. Robert E. Lee has been re-invented as a white genocidal lunatic. Meanwhile, actual tape-recorded evidence of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. engaging in sex orgies will not put a dent in his hero status.

Michael Korda, a lion of the New York literary set, published an admiring biography of Lee just five years ago, Clouds of Glory: The Life and Legend of Robert E. Lee. His book received a favorable review in the New York Times, which chirped that Korda portrayed Lee as a "master strategist" who was "physically fearless."

How can it be that the longtime editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster and author of dozens of books—not to mention the New York Times itself—totally missed that Lee was a vicious racist, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever? Thank God Nikki Haley's parents emigrated here from India so she could set Korda straight on this country's history!