1 in 10 people lack access to clean water. We’re on a mission to change that. Here’s how.

Sustainable projects

We invest in forming strong water committees, partnering with local government, and training mechanics to perform repairs.

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Local Partners

We partner with local organizations around the world who are providing long-lasting water and sanitation services.

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We prove every project

We prove and monitor the projects you fund with GPS coordinates and remote sensors to ensure water is always flowing.

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Private donors cover our operating costs so 100% of your donation will bring clean water to people in need. Learn more.

With your help

We’ve funded 38,113 water projects for 9.6 million people around the world.

See more of our impact

But we’re not done yet. We need your help. Here’s how you can get involved.

Why Water?

663 million people drink dirty water. Learn how access to clean water can improve health, boost local economies, empower women, and give kids more time in school.

Get Informed

Do something crazy to raise money for clean water.


Experience how clean water is changing lives around the world.

Watch our videos

Ask for donations instead of gifts and your birthday will change lives.

Pledge birthday

Help us solve the water crisis by joining The Spring, our monthly giving community.

Give monthly

Sponsor an entire water project

For $10,000 or more you can fully fund a water project for a community or a school. 100% funds clean water projects.

Learn more