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Bahasa Indonesia / Indonesian

Locale Managers (3)

General Translation EditorsTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor (8)

Project Translation Editors (35)

Current Translation Contributors (112)

13bastian03, aanbae, Abdal Malik, abd hannan, abdul_f, achmadify, achmedislamic, adisp007, aerlaut, Aji, Alex Kirk, Alfajrysno, alfinbi, aneirfan, Anggriyawan Nugraha, aprmndr, aralle, Ardyan Satya, ariesnsc, arifpedia, Arrosyid Al ayubi, Arya Umbra, asanoer, Aswad Mansur, ayankcell, bimaagustian, deanazizah, Dedy Sofyan, Devin Maeztri, Dimitri Zhenya, Domi2015, Dominik Schilling, donieryu, dwichandra, Eka Y Saputra, emilyaudela, Erol Joudy, Evans Junatan, fachrils, Fahmi Barnes, FauziTMG, fikokuper, Hafiz Rahman, hammashamzah, harimurti yudistiro, hersya, Hew, IndraWP, ismail_aja, ismiaini, itsolution, ivandysultan, Ivan Kristianto, jack0falltrades, jobenik, josuatarsisius, julesaus, Justin Herz, Kang Dirman, karsaidea, Kharis Sulistiyono, lutfiidham, microyoda, msubali, mteguhfh, Mudy Situmorang, mudza, munjer, mylastof, Naoko Takano, ncreative, Nugrah Ramadani Pratama, Nurron Shodiqin, nusinau, Pakacil, pallawa, Paolo, PAPA DESTRA, parlinsitorus, pinside, prafiandry, rashla, Rasyid Sarwono, readonecc, rifatnajmi, riolukito, Rosid, Rudy Susanto, seiaxen, Sekander Badsha, Shamsul Arifin,, tamin, teratailee, ThemeGrill, ThemeWarrior, therev1, Thoriq Firdaus, Tiyo Kamtiyono, topanalfa, torex, Translations by Automattic, Translations by Semper Plugins, ttdiqbal, tukangbikinweb, Uji Baskoro, Wahyu Eko Setiawan, wellyrosadi, widianto, zico_hasan, zourbuth, and zup2.

Past Translation Contributors (194)

5635, abdurrachim, abqorian, adieska, adjimag, adoet_t, afahrurroji, afjsystem, Ainun Nazieb, Aji Kurniawan, Akeda Bagus, alexrollin, andreagee, Andrew dela Serna, andyk02, ardiwira, Arif Setiawan, arif_endro, arissofan, armantobejo, Arnaud, Arni Cinco, array064, axeashari, Ayub Adiputra, baddwin, bahrulhikmi, bangunsumut, bawoor, bayuah, bennychandra, bilfra, Bowo, c4life, ccov, ciebal, cuplizian, d3xy0x, daniloercoli, dedettt, Dhimas Kirana, dhmskrn old, Dhyayi Warapsari, diarsa, diinxcom, Dion Hulse, dwiash, Dzikri Aziz, edgarthartono, Elementor, emjhie, Ervan Erfian, Fadhly, Fahmi Adib, fanofchopin, Fiki Hafana, fjbakry, Fuad Fauzi, getsale, ghealf, gunawanse, hahn, hangbowl, harbs90, haydar91, hellnest, hendrylee, henggana, himadikaugm, hnugroho, Huda Toriq, idoet, IDWebSolutions, irfan.supriansyah, itx, Ivan Slaughter, ivoelxs, janaloka, Javarex, Jenia, jmmefebugm, johanbun, Joshuaaryadi17, josifirdaus, Juzz, kamartina, Kang Mizwar, kataknyulink, Kate Mag, kautsarfairuzi, Ken Reidy, kotakdigital, kprccbid, Krishna Kastubi, laguerdo, lokot, Lutvi Avandi, M. Ramdhan Adhi, Mapan Web Indonesia, marketsploit, Masga Satria Wirawan, Masino Sinaga, Maxime, Maya Sari, Mayo Moriyama, mefsmanti, merdesa, MhdSyarif, misma, mk2, moriza, Mossack Anme, mrbambang, mudasabudarta13, Muhammad Irfan Hanafi, Muhammad Muhaimin, mustafaagus, mybooam, MyThemeShop, Nanang Rukmana, Nico, Nikolay Bachiyski, nono_kaki, Nordin Salam, nurulishlah, okta2510, omgazz, Onnay Okheng, Petya Raykovska, priabudiman, rafiqa, raizamn, Rakhmad, Raksaka Indra A, ramonopoly, randyedo, raoscell, Remkus de Vries, Rian, Rian Ariona, riansrhanx, Rivalus, rizasaputra, Rizky Bintang Utama, Rizqy Hidayat, robbysusanto, rodicaelena, Rosid, rydwant, saifulmuhajir, saintfalcon, sandalian, satria17, sebambancom, semutpress, sendhil, SeriousOwl, Shabri Nur, shinjing, Simasta, socialdude, Sofian J. Anom, Sofyan AT, Sofyan Sitorus, SomeOne eLSe, storymasterq, Sugar Apple, Sugeng Tigefa, sulistyo, Suryanto Rachmat, taktiktux, teguhaditya, theferdi, titiskaifa, tiyowprasetyo, Tony Sanjaya, torcon,, udarian, unang ridwan, Varun Sharma, vincentsmoox, w4hyoedi, Warkim Alhakim, wongalus, XXX, yenleidong, Yoast, Yoav Farhi, YosephHaryanto, yoviprasetyo, yudha, yugoh, and zirnek.

Note: Is this a language that you speak? Join the WordPress translation team for Indonesian!