12 Anarchist Comrades Held in Preventive Detention in Argentina

Published December 13, 2018

12 Anarchist Comrades Held in Preventive Detention in Argentina

12 anarchist political prisoners are being held in preventive detention in Argentina following a raid on an anarchist social center in Buenos Aires. The raid was meant to create a repressive climate for the G20 conference in Buenos Aires.

The following communique comes from the ‘Union of Lawyers and Attorneys’ who are quite clear about the recent events that have taken place in the Argentine territory… Against silence and indifference: To spread the insurrectionist anti-prison solidarity.

All the detained anarchists defended by our union have been processed and placed in preventive detention.

In total there are 12 anarchist political prisoners.

One is accused of throwing an explosive device at Judge Bonadio’s car. His name is Marco Viola.

Two others are accused of having attacked the tomb of the criminal chief of the Federal Police Colonel Ramón Falcón. Their names are Anahi Salcedo and Hugo Rodriguez.

There was a raid on a social center in the Barrio of Constitución, in CABA (Autonomous City of Buenos Aires) and they detained everybody who was meeting in this place, some with more permanence, others circumstantially.

ALL OF THEM have been accused of EVERYTHING.

They are all under investigation for being part of an organized structure established and created to commit offenses, among which are those that we have already mentioned.

Bail was refused for all of the detainees.

Now Judge Ercolini has indicted all of the accused.

The prosecution ruling for PREVENTIVE DETENTION was passed.

They have ordered that ALL the anarchist detainees remain imprisoned for their trial.

The Union will appeal the resolution.

Union of Lawyers and Attorneys.

December 2018