Invitation to the trial party at the regional court Aachen (5/29)

The trial because of the tripod, which was suddenly on the Hambachbahn during the G20 summit in Hamburg, goes into the second round. After the district court Jülich has sentenced the two defendants in the first instance to a fine of 90 or 100 daily sentences, the appeal is now being held before the district court of Aachen. So to make you know what you are getting into, … more…

Animal-free diet? Sure! But why?

As often happens, also this post contains an opinion – on feelings of plants – that is not necessarily shared by everyone. As always, this shows how diversity can promote discussion.

Some may still remember: the German Greens once had the suggestion to set up a veggie day once a week in public canteens. All very nice and without obligation. They will not forget it that soon! They … more…

Call for trial support on 05/17/2019

Next date: Friday, 5/31/2019, 9 am

On 17.05.2019, a lawsuit against an anarchist from the Hambach Forest will begin.

The allegations are: Attempted serious assault in coincidence with assault on law enforcement officers in a particularly serious case and with damage to property as well as resistance to law enforcement officers and property damage.
Property damage is doubly in there, because it is about several cases.

Where: District Court … more…

On the current situation and the occupation in Morschenich

In addition to the report on the occupation in Morschenich (House occupied in Morschenich) two people from the forest write here, because they feel the need to give a comment in retrospect. As always, the following is a formulation of individuals and not necessarily representative of the whole forest population.

An important point of anti-capitalist criticism starts right here: If a company can own a whole village, it can … more…

Experience report on dumpster diving

During the night of 16 to 17 March 2019, people were prevented from dumpster diving in Sindorf near Hambach Forest and were violently attacked by the police and taken into custody.
This report is the result of a conversation with the concerned.


They report that on that Saturday, as is so often the case, they went to save food from the trash. They reported … more…

This is no climate change: this is a climate catastrophe

Maximum school strikers per country per day. Click f. original size, Wikipedia

We are very delighted to hear, that Greta Thunberg dedicated the Golden Camera she won to the Hambis, but it is not very amazing: we struggle for the same goal. We do not want to participate in any personality cult, and Greta too is far from that, as this dedication shows. This … more…

It is and remains the same struggle

See also Live Ticker
Although we realize that a police action in the forest can happen at any time, we startle at seven o’clock in the morning of Monday morning when we are awakened by the call “police in the forest”. Police vans come along the former A4 motorway, stop and cops get out. Quickly we bring important stuff behind the protective fence under the tower, close … more…

Live Ticker & Day X!

See also Day X proclaimed again

What do we need? Sleeping bags, power banks, hot food / drinks, musical instruments, banners, songs, power – many people, many voices, many blockades, many actions!
Parliamentary observers and press are very welcome!
Current situation via twitter: #hambibleibt #hambacherforst or on site: @hambibleibt @krahennest @HambiChaos @HambiLlunamore…

Day X proclaimed

See also Live Ticker

Since today there is a large police operation in Hambach Forest again.

In the early morning hours, the vigil was surrounded and searched, allegedly to check the conditions imposed by the assembly authority.

Then police entered the forest with 2 hundreds, together with RWE workers and security guards, according to their own statements in order to eliminate “trash and non-forest objects and to restore traffic … more…