Posts Tagged ‘Germany’

Berlin – Arson of a vehicle of the security company Wisag (Germany)

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

OUR THEORY: communication through PRACTICE. Attack 2
(orginal: https://de.indymedia.org/node/32606)

… The battles against Amazon or Google sites: Rightfully, attacks against the infrastructure of the almost daily mentioned „technological attack“ are carried out with a certain regularity. Often the criticism is directed against the always as more extensive perceived surveillance that seems to prevent us increasingly from becoming rebellious.
To counter this, the nightly action becomes a little more thoughtful, secret or even technically sophisticated each time. In the claims of responsibility it is written for the thousandth time why it is legitimate to attack x,y,z, or why an event a has now been followed by action b, as we also did in the first part of this series (https://actforfree.nostate.net/?p=33432). (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Berlin, Germany: Attack against an office of the leftist party „Die Linke“ – Solidarity to Squats in Athens and Berlin

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019

Late Saturday evening, May 4, we committed an attack with stones against the store front of the office from Sebastian Schlüsselburg, member of the Committee on Justice and Secret Service, parliamentarian of „Die Linke“ in the district of Berlin-Lichtenberg. Most of its windows were smashed.

This is our direct answer to the latest events for which these political representatives of pure social-darwinism hold responsibility. To be mentioned first is the voting in the parliament of the district (BVV) Lichtenberg for the plans of construction of the stupid waterpark in the Rummelsburg Bay, which is another project for the city of the rich and tourists. This includes the eviction of homeless people, who squatted an area in the bay with their tents. It is clearly visible what role the leftist parties play in this process. After their usual approaches towards the resistance, finally ALL of them voted for the construction. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Liebig34 – For Resistance against Eviction (Berlin, Germany)

Sunday, April 21st, 2019

As many people might already know, our lease agreement with real estate speculator Padovicz -who owns more than 2,000 properties in Berlin-, expired at the end of 2018. Since then, we have been living without a contract in the Liebig34, love our house as always and are ready to defend it. Padovicz and the Senate won‘t get us out of here either, because this is our house! Today we want to update you about our current situation.

What happened so far:

Almost a year ago, in April 2018, we addressed a letter to our house owner Gijora Padovicz in which we announced our interest to stay „legally“ in our house after 2018. There was no reply. In the summer, city councillor Florian Schmidt asked us to initiate a dialogue with the owner. This brought long discussions: too little what could be expected from it, too much what should have been discarded from our convictions. Nevertheless, the curiosity, the interest in gaining information and the hope in finding ways to keep and save our house, despite all our reservations, led to a meeting between individuals from the Liebig34 and Florian Schmidt. The later offered to organize a meeting with Padovicz, to which we, as a collective agreed to in order to receive direct and concrete information from the owner. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Windows broken at the Institute for Social Sciences of Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany)

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019

[B] OUR THEORY: communication through PRACTICE. Attack 1

[PART 1]

In “The Autism of the Insurgents“, Alfredo Cospito addresses, among other things, the question of theory formation in declarations of action. Not only recently, but increasingly again, people have referred to each other in their explanations of actions [en]. In the process, theoretical aspects have been and are still being written – even if only to a limited extent in most cases.

The connection between theory and practice is an old, but also always recent problem, which active people will be confronted with over and over again. So why not end the false conflict about the balance between theory and practice once and for all? Why not drive Cospito’s communication via actions to its extreme? Why not simply convey theory in the form of practice with the corresponding explanations?
Theory as practice. To ensure that the people who discuss the practice are the ones who are responsible for it and not some secluded intellectuals who do not get tired of making suggestions without acting practically themselves.

A springboard for these intellectuals far short of any practice who never tire of preaching the need for democratic and “peaceful” reforms in a world of social war is, in 2019, the university. As an introduction to the field of theory as practice, we have selected the Institute for Social Sciences of the Humboldt University Berlin as a place of knowledge production. During the night from the 27th to the 28th of
march we smashed a few windows of the ivory tower of the elite university to make clear that the battle for society will ultimately be fought on the streets and not in the lecture hall.

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Posted in Direct Action

[Berlin, Allemagne] Liebig34.Restera.Bruyante.Sale. Résistante… et plus que jamais! + Video

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

Liebig34.Restera.Bruyante.Sale. Résistante… et plus que jamais! + Video

Vous l‘avez probablement déja entendu: le bail du squat anarchiste, queer et féministe „Liebig34“ situé à Berlin-Friedrichshain prend fin aujourd‘hui, le 31/12/18. Dès demain, le 01.01.19, le projet est menacé d‘expulsion. Mais juridiquement, avant que nous puissions être expulsé.es, Gijora Padovicz, spéculateur immobilier et propriétaire de notre maison, doit porter plainte contre l‘association et les habitant.es de la Liebig34. Une perquisition pourrait être le premier pas pour vérifier qui sont les habitant.es. Chez nos ami.es de la Rigaer94, on a pu voir à quoi une telle perquisition pourrait ressembler. Le passé a pu montrer encore et encore, que les keufs n‘agissent pas forcément sur une base juridique solide et qu‘ils peuvent expulser des squats dans toute „illégalité“. Donc, tout est possible. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

[Berlin, Allemagne] Du feu contre ThyssenKrupp, DB Schenker, Dr.House et Wisag – pour la convergence des luttes

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Publié sur https://de.indymedia.org/node/28420 le 21.01.2019 par: Autonome Gruppen (groupes autonomes) Cellule „Soledad Casilda Hernáez Vargas“:

„Encore une fois, ce sont pas ceux qui le méritent qui se retrouvent dos au mur. La politique se plaît dans le role de médiatrice entre Padovicz(1) et la Liebig34(2) et Padovicz se plaît dans le role du gros capitaliste influent qui malmaine quelques locataire.trices et squatteurs.ses rebelles. Celles et ceux qui voient dans le Nordkiez(3) de Friedrichshain la graine d‘une vie meilleure, se retrouvent là, comme toujours. Derrière elles et eux, rien d‘autre que le mur. Il n‘y a pas de main tendue puissante, et pas non plus d‘issue. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Berlin: Internationalistische Demonstration & Kundgebung zum Tag der politischen Gefangenen (Deutschland)

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

Berlin: Internationalistische Demonstration & Kundgebung zum Tag der politischen Gefangenen

Samstag 16.03.2019, 15 Uhr Hermannplatz Demo

Montag 18.03.2019 16 Uhr (Kundgebung), Justizministerium, Mohrenstr. 37 in Mitte

Solidarität mit allen politischen und revolutionären Gefangenen!

DEVRİMCİ TUTSAKLARA ÖZGÜRLÜK!, الحرية للثوار في السجون

Anlässlich des 18.März als „Tag der Pariser Commune“ und „Tag der politischen Gefangenen“ rufen wir zu Solidarität mit den politischen und revolutionären Gefangenen weltweit auf. Viele von ihnen sind seit Jahrzehnten in Haft. Sie befinden sich in Knästen, weil sie gegen Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung, Besatzung und imperialistische Kriege einen organisierten Kampf führen.

Aktivist*innen sind politischen Verfahren ausgesetzt und werden teilweise zu langjährigen Haftstrafen verurteilt, ins Exil oder zur Flucht getrieben, wo sie wiederum verfolgt, angeklagt und eingesperrt werden. Menschen, die in Europa und der BRD ankommen, werden mittels Anti-Terror-Gesetzen, in Deutschland beispielsweise nach §129b StGB, jahrelang eingesperrt. So befinden sich in der BRD dutzende Revolutionär*innen aus der Türkei und Kurdistan in Haft. Die Gefangenen unserer Bewegungen dürfen nicht vergessen werden. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Berlin – Incendiary attack against police station (Germany)

Monday, March 11th, 2019

Berlin: Our propaganda remains the attack: cops are murderers!

No words of justification are necessary for that, what has happened to a cop station in Berlin on the morning of February 27, 2019. All those who were already handcuffed, humiliated by the cops, sexually assaulted, beaten, driven through the streets, jailed, or detained understands our language. Our fire speaks to those who have understood or learned that it is always a danger to life and limb to fall into the hands of the state. Many who were dragged in patrol cars or cop stations did not leave them alive.

We do not hope for justice, nor for more humanistic cops. Instead, we deepen our enemy determination and draw a line that is appropriate to the quality of social conflicts. There is nothing to discuss with the killers and their collaborators. Not even if you present yourself all year round as friends and helpers at their police congress.

Nothing is forgotten and we are not ready to forgive. Instead of celebrating its own role as a victim, it is necessary to organize further attacks against the cops and to disassemble their sense of inviolability step by step.

Part of this we have contributed with our act. The casualness with which the cops and the press deal with the attack on the building on Invalidenstraße belies their losses. As we ignited the used 60 liters of gas under the canopy of the entrance area, the fire could jam under the ceiling and cause considerable damage there, which will remind them for a long time that they need to expect nothing but our hatred.

We greet Loic in the Hamburg prison and all upright prisoners of the social war and promise them to continue to aim at the pigs.

For Ebuka Mama Subek, who was recently murdered in an Athenian police station. For Oury Jalloh, Hans-Jürgen Rose and Mario Bichtemann, who were killed by pigs in Dessauer. For Halim, Carlo, Dennis and Amed!

For the revolutionary revenge!

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Posted in Direct Action

PDF: Solidaridad con lxs represaliadxs del G20

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

Recibido por correo electrónico

A principios de julio de 2017 tuvo lugar en Hamburgo la reunión del g20. Representantes de los países dueños de la economía mundial, planeaban durante dos días como seguir manteniendo ese sistema de miseria, explotación y muerte. Manifestaciones, bloqueos, sabotajes, enfrentamientos con las fuerzas del orden, saqueos… (al igual que ataques descentralizados las semanas previas) pretendieron, y lograron durante muchos momentos, interrumpir el normal funcionamiento de esta cumbre.

El 6 de junio, el día que llegaban los políticos, acompañados de sus más de 6000 delegados, seguidos en todo momento por más de 3000 periodistas y protegidos por unos 10000 policías, estaba convocada una manifestación anticapitalista bajo el lema de Welocome to Hell. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Leipzig – Attack on the Federal Court on New Years Eve (Germany)

Monday, January 28th, 2019

During new years eve in Leipzig, eastern Germany, the night of excess was used to initiate an attack on a target that, up until then, deemed itself as heavily protected and untouchable. Every year for the first half hour of the new year, the
big cities in are covered in thick layers of fog and smog, never ending noises of explosions and masses of people who take over the sidewalks and community spaces to get a good look at the fireworks. The attackers goal was the federal court and the state prosecution. This institution figuratively and literally represents the central organ of the judiciary, this state and its democratic society.

200 meters away from the federal court, a burning barricade blocked the crossroad, so that the group could carry out the attack on the federal court and the neighbouring fraternity Corps Lusatia without any disturbances. Stones broke
through the windows of the fraternity house and paint balls were thrown at the facade. The mobile cameras of the court house were sprayed followed by people jumping the fence and trying to break through the security glass. Fire was set to the front door and the window frame, sadly the insides of the building were left undamaged. In front of the court, another barricade was set ablaze, cars were smashed and burned. The whole street was covered in smoke, released from the
cartridges of the attackers.

A choreography, which led saxonies attorney general to believe in a high level of professionalism behind the attack. He was very quick to announce a new level of left radical violence. Not only did the delinquents attack the state, but the whole society. Nothing that actually hasn‘t been heard before.

Around the new year, several attacks against state property were carried out. For example the arson attack against the district court in Berlin-Wedding and the district court and the district attorneys office in Hamburg in the last week of December 2018. In the first weeks of January there were attacks on the Court Building in the south of Germany, Stuttgart and some days later in Freiburg and against the Court in Göttingen, as an attack against deportations and the racist law regime.

Let‘s continue to target these institutions.
As long as we walk these streets we will try to burn down every court, that people get dragged in front of every day!

Press: 1 & 2

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Posted in Direct Action

Flyposter in solidarity with G20 repression cases

Monday, January 28th, 2019

Many languages

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Posted in Social Control

Berlin, Germany: Incendiary sabotage of a prison profiteer

Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

Columns of smoke escaping from the roofs of the rich district of Elbchaussee, helicopters turning in the sky. By far, that was what let some early-bird residents guess that something was going on, perhaps beyond the statements of the riot police and secret services. A crowd of hooded people pursued their goal of publicizing their vision of things, destroying both in a targeted and blind manner a tiny part of this world of prosperity.

A wonderful sign. A street of cars in flames, souls completely helpless absolutely not wanting to understand why they had just been the victim of this useless violence. We have a great mark of respect for the risk that people had been ready to take.

After all, it already seemed to appear on the radar of all the intelligence services, before the summit, that the limits of the city were going to be surpassed. A moment of offensive demonstration, whose character has only rarely been achieved in this country.

Since 18 December, five comrades from Frankfurt, Offenbach and from France have been going before the higher regional court of Hamburg. They are accused of having been part of this ride. The relevant items are films and video material that the cops have analysed in detail . They claim to be able to identify people in a cohort of hooded individuals dressed all in black. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Berlin, Germany: In the Name of the Blazing Fire – Solidarity with the Hamburg G20 Prisoners!

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

Responsibility claim for the arson attack against the Courthouse in Wedding

Europe-wide raids and house-searches. Arrests and extraditions. Informers and denunciations. The joyous chaos of the summit days and the confirmation of the loss of control forces the State to react. The reactions are noticeably more hostile than they have been for many years. Direct attacks against us and our structures are the reply of the rulers. The intensification of the persecution, the will to punish and the depoliticization of our ideas and actions are promoted.

What is forgotten within this logic is that we are united by political fragments like small parts of a puzzle – be it events, trains of thought that are happening in other cities or suddenly appearing in texts – and also by the reduction of the accomplices that are to be removed from the common table. We don’t have to know the people who are on the streets with us. Through our sometimes unspoken ideas, we feel connected to each other and by meeting together in the streets, we act together, so that these ideas are not just dreamed of in a vacuum.

The enemy’s current attempts to condemn the few who have resisted the many cannot be left unanswered by our side. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Spain: Anarchist comrade Lisa transferred to Soto del Real prison in Madrid

Wednesday, December 26th, 2018

On Friday December 21 the comrade was transferred to Madrid, to Soto del Real prison. As far as we know there are no restrictions on incoming or outgoing post, so it would be really nice if everyone were to write to her. Here is her new address:

Lisa Dorfer
Módulo 15
Centro Penitenciario Madrid V
Carretera M609 km.3,5
28791 Soto del Real

Monday, December 31 at 10.30 gathering outside the WAD-RAS prison.

Translated by Act for Freedom Now!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Berlin: Auf zur “Freiheit für Musa Asoglu”-Demo nach Hamburg (Deutschland)

Tuesday, December 11th, 2018

Deutsch | Arabisch | Türkisch | Farsi | Englisch

Hallo liebe Freund*innen,

wir möchten am Samstag, den 15. Dezember 2018, gemeinsam von Berlin aus
zur “Freiheit für Musa Aşoğlu”-Demo nach Hamburg fahren. Hierzu treffen
wir uns am 15. Dezember um 7.30 Uhr am Ostbahnhof, Gleis 7. Wir besorgen
uns zusammen Wochenendtickets. Der Zug fährt dann um 7.52 Uhr ab. Wir
wären dann pünktlich in Hamburg, wo die Demo um 12 Uhr vor der Roten
Flora beginnen soll. Im Anschluss an die Demo würden wir gemeinsam
wieder zurück nach Berlin reisen.

Musa Aşoğlu wurde am 2. Dezember 2016 verhaftet und befindet sich
seitdem in Hamburg in Isolationshaft. Ihm wird nach §129b
(Mitgliedschaft in einer verbotenen terroristischen Vereinigung)
vorgeworfen, Mitglied der in der Türkei kämpfenden DHKP-C (Revolutionäre
Volksbefreiungspartei-Front) zu sein. Dass Oppositionelle in der Türkei
verfolgt, gefoltert und ermordet werden, stört die BRD in keinster Weise
– ist er doch enger Verbündeter und politischer Stabilidsator des immer
offener faschistisch agierenden Regimes in der Türkei.

Der §129b-Prozess gegen Musa Aşoğlu dauert seit dem 25. Januar 2018 an
und wir gehen davon aus, dass dieser im Frühjahr 2019 enden könnte.

Wir möchten Musa Aşoğlu und alle §129b-Gefangenen durch unsere
Teiilnahme an der Demo supporten. Schließt euch uns an. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle