Posts Tagged ‘Dimitris Koufontinas’

Berlin, Germany: For a Black May – Attack Against Securitas by ‘Free Foxes’ FAI-FRI

Saturday, June 1st, 2019

“Burn all prisons, with or without walls!” – The call for a Subversive May, as an extension of the proposal for an Anarchist May 1st in Berlin, is understood by us as a call to extend the attack on different levels. We agree with the idea not to confine ourselves to one day but to constantly and unpredictably attack the functioning of existing society and prove that its security is an illusion.

The apparatus of power includes not only the murderers of the State, but also the mercenaries of the private security companies. Securitas vehicles once parked undisturbed in the GESOBAG housing estate where they act as security guards to prevent the intervention of cops during conflicts with tenants or tensions with the property management. Securitas is also engaged in surveillance work in prisons and public spaces worldwide. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Collection of direct actions in solidarity with imprisoned comrade Dimitris Koufontinas (Greece)

Saturday, June 1st, 2019

[Hunger Strike By Prisoner Dimitris Koufontinas Ends in Success – AMW]

Athens, Greece: Responsibility Claim for the Arson Attack against Eurobank branch

We were taught that everything is commodity, everything can be exchanged. We didn’t understand the small print of history: that we are commodity too; working power that is exchanged with peanuts, prayers and curses, and a daily reverence to alienation, to the shattering of every human dignity. We referred to the wage slavery as our highest value and intention. We didn’t feel the waves of history carving our skin, we didn’t feel the razor blades of political economy chiseling our motion.

We ‘ve shown discipline to our times’ teachings, which are nothing more than the dominant narrative that wants us producing and consuming machines, that wants for itself the monopoly of the decision about what is included and what is excluded by its normativity. A dominant narrative by a dominant world that leaves its bloody marks on us everyday, fracturing the individual, feeding it with oppression and neuroses, killing every desire for experimentation and vitality and replacing them with miserable micro-rivalries and intrigue, disguising the emptiness. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Statement signed by all the prisoners in the E1 wing of Domokos type C prison (Greece)

Saturday, February 28th, 2015

Via contrainfo:

Prisoner Giorgos Sofianidis began a hunger strike on Friday 27/2 demanding his transfer to Koridallos prison (where he was incarcerated until News Year’s Eve) so that he is able to attend his studies in the same region where educational institutions to which he has already been admitted are available (besides, one of those schools operates inside Koridallos prison). Below is a statement by all the prisoners in the E1 wing of Domokos maximum security prison.

We, all the prisoners currently held in the E1 special wing in the prison within the prison, the type C prison of Domokos, declare that as of today February 27th 2015 we are going to abstain from prison meals and refuse to enter the cells at noon.

We stand by our fellow prisoner, hunger striker Giorgos Sofianidis, and ask that he be moved back to Koridallos prison, otherwise he risks losing any possibility to study at the TEI (Technological Education Institute) of Piraeus and the IEK (Institute of Professional Training) of Koridallos prison.

We demand that the special conditions of detention as well as the barbaric and inhumane type C prison be abolished.

Our mobilisations will continue until the type C prisons are permanently abolished.

Kostas Gournas,
Nikos Maziotis,
Dimitris Koufontinas,
Giorgos Sofianidis,
Yannis Naxakis,
Alexandros Meletis,
Konstantinos Meletis,
Vasileios Varelas,
Mohamed-Said Elchibah,
Alexandros Makadasidis

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Posted in Prison Struggle