‘Social Control’ Archives

Call for solidarity after the 1st of May in Paris (France)

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

Since the end of November, as the Gilet Jaune’s movement develops, cops and banks are being regularly attacked. In such a context, the 1st of May could have been a radical break in this world made of borders and wars. It could have been the continuation of the 16th of March’s riots and, to put it in perspective, an attack against the life-breaker industry called authority.

Nationalists and Regionalists flags are all over the place, all over our grounds, and at the same time the courts are filling up the prisons as the french state announced that it’ll be able to imprison 10,000 more people in the next 10 years, not to mention the Administrative Detention Center and psychiatric wards, and as the capitalistic speech tells us to smile as we die more and more in the inside. Work is just another way of saying « Kill me ». (more…)

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Anti-Terrorist Operation against Anarchism in Madrid (Spain)

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

On the morning of May 13, a new antiterrorist operation against anarchism struck in Tetuán (Madrid).

The anarchist space ‘The Ambush’ [La Emboscada] and another squatter home were searched by members of the brigada de información [political police/special branch] and a squad of the anti-riot division. The operation ended with two people arrested.

In our minds are the operations of Pandora, Piñata, Ice and the operation that still keeps Lisa behind bars. More recently the European police operations in response to the revolt in Hamburg against the G20, or the arrests of last October 29, 2018 in Madrid…

In short: the blows of the State against the struggle. Faced with this, affection, solidarity, networks of affinity and the desire to never give up are weapons against fear and repression.

Stay tuned for more information and calls.

Neither innocent nor guilty!
Solidarity and struggle!

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Update about Operation “Renata”: 5 comrades were transferred to house arrest (Italy)

Saturday, May 11th, 2019

On May 9, five anarchist prisoners from February 19, 2019 following “Renata” repressive operation were transferred under house arrest. They are Agnese Trentin (who had recently been transferred to the AS2 prison section of L’Aquila), Giulio Berdusco, Roberto Bottamedi (who were detained in Tolmezzo), Andrea Parolari and Nicola Briganti (who were detained in Ferrara). Comrade Luca Dolce (known as “Stecco”) remains in prison because of other final sentences. While another comrade, Sasha, who was also arrested on 19 February and immediately placed under house arrest, had this last “precautionary measure” transformed into an obligation to stay and return home from 9.00 pm to 7.00 am, with the obligation to stay in the municipality of residence. The comrades were initially accused of “subversive association with the purpose of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order” (art. 270bis c. p., in four persons) and of “terrorist attack” (art. 280 c. p., all), plus other related crimes (“interruption of public service”, “damage”, “sabotage of telematic devices”, “fire” and “transport of explosive material”), because they are considered responsible for some direct actions taken in Trentino in the last two years. Subsequently the aggravating circumstance of terrorism fell, therefore the main accusation became of “subversive association” (art. 270 c. p.).

Here is the address of Stecco:

Luca Dolce
Casa Circondariale di Tolmezzo
via Paluzza 77
33028 Tolmezzo (Ud)
Italia [Italy]

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Indonesia: Post-May Day Update and Call for International Solidarity

Saturday, May 4th, 2019

Palang Hitam / Anarchist Black Cross Indonesia has temporarily ceased activity due to problems with a former member who misused international donations. At present there is no anarchist organization supporting those facing repression, so support is being provided spontaneously and individually. Here is an update about the situation in several cities.

In Bandung, there was a peaceful action by a group of anarchists almost 1000 strong. It even consisted of mothers, children and teenage girls. Police attacked them and broke the bloc into two groups. They were then chased, beaten and arrested. The pretext for this was ‘vandalism’, some spray-painted graffiti. Many of those who were arrested were stripped and had their heads shaved. Some were spray-painted on their faces and bodies as well. Many were forced to crawl along the road in their underwear. In total 619 anarchists were arrested, of these, 3 still remain in custody for destruction of property. (more…)

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Italy : Text by Anarchist comrade Gioacchino Somma: Miserable wretches!

Sunday, April 28th, 2019

Everything was ready from the morning: journalists and live TV on the national channel…
A miserable judge in Turin, Roberto Sparagna, left no stone unturned in putting pressure on a gang of equally miserable individuals (jury led by judge Alessandra Salvadori).
A poor madman in search of fame after having moved from the anti-mafia prosecution to the terrorism one, he succeeded where other miserable colleagues of his had failed for decades: subversive association for the purposes of terrorism.

Already I see him in a few days’ time sitting on the Vespa armchairs in “Porta a Porta” [long-standing populist TV news show], along with some failed criminologist spouting off about anarchism and how it is divided into groups, smaller groups, good and bad and his heroic deeds against the F.A.I.-F.R.I. (more…)

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What is Fénix 2 about? (Czech Republic)

Monday, April 1st, 2019

Information about Operation Fenix 2 translated into English, German and French received from ABC CZ:

EN: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/post/2019/03/27/what-is-fenix-2-about/

DE: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/post/2019/03/28/worum-geht-es-bei-phoenix-2/

FR: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/post/2019/04/01/quest-ce-quest-loperation-fenix-2/

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“Operation Scripta Manent” – Prosecutor sentencing requests (Italy)

Friday, March 8th, 2019

The Turin Public Prosecutor Roberto Maria Sparagna made the following requests for sentencing of those accused in the ‘Scripta Manent’ trial:

Alfredo Cospito: 30 years
Anna Beniamino: 29 years
Gioacchino Somma: 7 years and 6 months
Valentina Speziale, Marco Bisesti, Pasquale Valitutti, Omar Nioi, Erika Preden, Alessandro Mercogliano, Daniele, Stefano, Claudia, Sergio: 6 years and 6 months
Alessandro A. , Francesca G.: 8 years
Nicola Gai: 10 years
Danilo Cremonese: 10 years
Patrizia Marino: 7 years and 3 months
Carlo Tesseri: 8 years and 3 months
Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Stefano Fosco, Elisa Di Bernardo: 7 years

For none any extenuating circumstances.
No contested recidivism.

From Anarchist Black Cross Italy
Translated by Act for freedom now!

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Italy: Update on operation “Scintilla” in Turin, “Renata” in Trento

Friday, March 8th, 2019

Update on the repressive operation “Scintilla” in Turin and news on the operation “Renata” in Trento/Rovereto

This is an update about the repressive operation “Scintilla” in Turin and news about the operation “Renata” in Trento/Rovereto.

Freely translated and summarized from Macerie and Roundrobin. Originally published in German on Barrikade.info

Turin – Operazione Scintilla

Giada and Larry were released from custody.
The accusation of subversive association (Article 270) was dropped. The other accusations remain for all defendants, except:

Niccolò was sentenced to “double imprisonment”, one for art. 270, the
other for a firecracker apparently found in his house.

Background information on Turin, see here. (more…)

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Overview of repressions against anarchists and antifascists in Belarus in 2018

Saturday, February 23rd, 2019

At the beginning of the year everybody were shocked by “Network case” in Russia where anarchists were tortured and detained. According to the FSB, a chapter of the “Network” also operated in Belarus. The KGB hasn’t publicly reacted to this statement, however, we noticed increased efforts to recruit youth associated with the anarchist movement in different parts of Belarus.


At the beginning of February 2018, the KGB started investigating a regional educational organisation Critical Thinking. One of the volunteers was summoned to an informal chat via phone – previously he had been detained together with Russian anarchist Piotr Ryabov and sentenced to a fine for “public display of Nazi symbols”[1] and the confiscation of his hard drive. At the same time, his mother was called for an informal conversation. Several friends of this volunteer were picked up by the police, questioned and later released. The police was interested in the activity of Critical Thinking, as well as attempted to force people to sign cooperation papers[2].

On February 8, the anti-extremist police in Mogilev visited parents of an activist. They were asking about their child’s activity, her political interests and so on. The flat was searched with a warrant issued under a criminal case initiated in 2017, when red paint was spilt on Lenin’s statue in the city. The raid happened in one more flat of parents of another activist. This activist was considered a witness on the same criminal case [3]. (more…)

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‘We are all Co-offenders!’ – News from the trial in Basel, Switzerland

Friday, February 22nd, 2019

Today, Friday 25th January 2019, 15 of the 18 defendants in the “Basel”-process have been found guilty of willful damage of property, actual bodily harm, breach of the peace, multiple acts of violence, threats against public authorities and officials and breach of the traffic laws. The preposterous sentence ranges from 20 months conditionally to two years, up to 27 months unconditionally. Thereby the three judges of the criminal court of Basel city followed the claims of the prosecution in most parts. Some persons even had to pay an additional fine of 200,000 Swiss franks for the violation of the ban on wearing face coverings, as well as individual fines – between five and ten daily fines in lieu of jail time – for insults, violation of the gun control law, trespassing or hindrance to an offical act.

The amounts of the fines seems even more preposterous in the light of the court rating various charges of the prosecution as unfulfilled (e.g. multiple attempted severe assaults, raids or disturbances against the public transport). The main cause therefor was, that the court held on to the controversial construct of co-offendership – for all to bear the blame equally – and in their verdict supported this intensified interpretation. (more…)

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Arrests and searches following a repressive operation against the anarchists in Trentino (Italy)

Friday, February 22nd, 2019

[In English and Italian language, below Italian version].
[In inglese e italiano, sotto la versione italiana].

During the night and the morning of Tuesday, February 19, 2019, seven anarchists were arrested in various places in Trentino (Italy): Agnese, Giulio, Nico, Poza, Rupert, Sasha, Stecco. One person (Sasha) was placed under house arrest while all the others were imprisoned in various prisons. The main accusations are “subversive association for the purpose of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order” (article 270bis of the penal code) and “terrorist attack” (article 280 of the penal code), with reference to some direct actions that took place in Trentino during the last few years. Other offenses of which they are accused are: “interruption of public service”, “damage”, “sabotage of telematic devices”, “fire” and “transport of exploding material”. (more…)

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About the repression against anarchists in Italy

Friday, February 22nd, 2019


Unfortunately, Italy has a long history of repressive operations against anarchists. Since Operation Marini in 90s, the waves of repression against comrades, which brought into jail many people with charges of terrorism or criminal association, were countless. Just to name a few of the biggest repressive operations: Cervantes, Croce Nera, Ardire, Mangiafuoco, Thor, Ixodidae, Nottetempo, Fuoriluogo…

These operations usually lead to several house raids in all Italy and to the arrest of several comrades who spend 1 or 2 years in pre-trial detention. Then they face trials with charges of ‘association’ and usually they are also accused of several direct actions for which the inquisitors never found any responsible. Sometimes the public engagement of these comrades in the anarchist struggle and their open expression of anarchist ideas (direct actions support, prisoners solidarity, running an anarchist magazine or website and so on) is the only evidence that the prosecutors bring into the court. For this reason, in the majority of the cases all the accused are later acquitted at the trial, but only after having spent many months or years in prison.

Besides these huge operations, there is a constant small-scale repression against local anarchist groups which are especially active on the territory, for example with struggles against police repression, evictions, detention centres for migrants, jails, gentrification, corporate interests… In these cases anarchists are constantly repressed with recurring trials and spend much of their time going in and out of prison, house arrest or other restrictions of their freedom. This kind of police strategy of trying to burn out comrades with the aim of destroying the local anarchist group happens in many cities but since many years has been especially strong in Torino. (more…)

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Update: Solidarity with the imprisoned comrades in Turin (Italy)

Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

Found here (18/2/19)

Antonio Rizzo, Giuseppe De Salvatore, Lorenzo Salvato and Niccolò Blasi were transferred last Saturday (16/2/19) to the high security wing of the Ferrara prison.

Here is the address:

C.C. Ferrara
Via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara FE

Silvia Ruggeri and Giada Volpacchio continue to receive mail via the following address:

C.C. Lorusso e Cutugno
via Maria Adelaide Aglietta, 35
10151 Turin TO

In moments like these, we stand together. Regardless of whether the comrades are «guilty» or «innocent». The state will always persecute those who want to overthrow it. So let’s take good care of each other and don’t leave the prisoners alone!

In closing, we would like to quote a part of the accusations that led to the arrest of the comrades in Turin:

“In order to establish contacts within CPR [Immigration and Repatriation Centre], they threw tennis balls with a multilingual brochure and a mobile phone number with which they agreed simultaneous actions within and outside the CPR structure. Then they put matches and everything needed to start a revolt and setting fire in packages of biscuits and other goods.”

May the revolt spread.

Feuer den Gefängnissen.
Feu aux prisons.
Fuoco alle galere.
Fire to the prisons.

Black Pigeons Collective


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Four articles about repression against comrades in Russia

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

1. Did the FSB use a neo-Nazi agent provocateur in their case against Russian anti-fascists? (“Network” Case)

2. Moscow Anarchist Azat Miftakhov: Arrested, Tortured and Missing

3. Torture First, Ask Questions Later (The Case of Azat Miftakhov)

4. “Expressive Eyebrows”: Azat Miftakhov Jailed After Secret Witness Testifies

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Flyposter in solidarity with G20 repression cases

Monday, January 28th, 2019

Many languages

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