‘Prison Struggle’ Archives

1 June Anti-Prison Demo – London (UK)

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019


[8pm, 1 June 2019]

Bring mask, noise, banner, rage
No photos/filming
No talking to pigs

‘Let’s go into the streets together, to send up our rebel signal to those held hostage in the entrails of Fortress Britain. Let’s go out into the night and make a dent, however brief, in the illusion of the authority of the courts, cells, judges, screws and cops who would separate and govern us, and pretend themselves our captors.’


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Komotini, Greece: Solidarity with the Antifascist Hunger Striker Jock Palfreeman

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

From Sunday, April 21, the anti-fascist prisoner of Bulgarian prisons and president of the Bulgarian Prisoners Association, Jock Palfreeman, is on a hunger strike.
Jock Palfreeman started a hunger strike as a protest against corruption and abuse of power by the Sofia Prison Administration and in particular by the leader Desilav Angelov Traykov. After his transfer from the prison of Kaziceni to the prison in Sofia for medical surveillance, Jock was tortured by the prison guards. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

About the sentences in “Scripta Manent” trial and update on comrade Marco Bisesti (Italy)

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

About the sentence in “Scripta Manent” trial:

On April 24, the Turin Assise Court issued the first instance sentence for the “Scripta Manent” trial (which followed the repressive operation for which five comrades had been arrested on September 6, 2016, and two others had received notification of pre-trial detention while they were already in prison for the attack against Roberto Adinolfi of May 7, 2012).

Alfredo was sentenced to 20 years, held responsible for the possession and transport of explosives in relation to the bomb in Parco Ducale near the Parma RIS (“scientific investigation department” of Carabinieri) of 24 October 2005 (acquitted of the crime of attack because “crime impossible” because the switch of the bomb was off), of the explosive envelope sent to the then mayor of Bologna Cofferati in 2 November 2005 (convicted of the bombing plus “possession and transportation of explosives”), of attacks with multiple explosive devices at the Carabinieri school of Fossano in June 2, 2006, and in the Crocetta district in Turin in 7 March 2007 (crime of “massacre aggravated by the fact that the goal would have been the police” and acquitted of the aggravating circumstance of political motivation), of sending explosive parcels to the then mayor of Turin (Chiamparino), to the editor of the newspaper “Torino Cronaca” (Giuseppe Fossati) and to COEMA Edilità (company involved in the restructuring of the CIE, “identification and expulsion center” for migrants) in July 2006. He is also indicated as promoter of the FAI (Federazione Anarchica Informale), recognized as a “subversive association with terrorism purposes”. The aggravating circumstance of transnationality has fallen. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Solidarity to imprisoned comrade Anahi Salcedo, wounded after the detonation of an explosive device (Argentina)

Friday, May 3rd, 2019

Note from Anarquia: As mentioned in November 2018, Anahí Salcedo detonated an explosive device in the region of Argentina. Since then this individual has been in prison and has been denied medical attention. We do not want to give more information at the request of the support group and affinities. The situation has not changed, but in front of the scenario that this individual is living, its diffusion is necessary.

Three months after being transferred to Ezeiza prison from the Fernández hospital, Anahí was taken out for studies, kinesiology and general medical consultations, some inside the prison and others in different hospitals, with secret shifts and transfers guarded by anti-“terrorist” special forces. Although we know that the Terrorist is the State.

It was not due to the humane treatment of the Federal Penitentiary Service or to the will of Judge Ercolini or due to the Courts 1 and 2 of Lomas de Zamora, who delayed all this time denying Anahi the exits, so impeding the treatment, kicking habeas corpus from one court to another; (one presented collectively, that not only claimed for the medical attention but also for the nefarious conditions of the module suffered by Anahí and the compañeras) doing its fundamental part of the work for this system of torture. (more…)

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Radek is free! New court date announced (Netherlands)

Friday, May 3rd, 2019

April 30: Today was the pro forma hearing for the court case of Radek, a Polish worker who had been in custody for over six months in the detention centre in Alphen aan den Rijn. 15 comrades, of who some from Poland were there today to show solidarity.

Radek is suspected to have walked in to the Polish embassy and pour gasoline over himself, drawing attention to the inhumane situation that Polish employees in the Netherlands find themselves trapped in.

During the court case today, Radek spoke briefly about the situation he and other Polish employees in the Netherlands find themselves in. They are structurally underpaid. There is a constant threat from the employment agency to lose their job and home. Even if they cannot work due to sickness, these threats are hanging over their heads. (more…)

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Italy: Operation Scripta Manent Sentences

Thursday, April 25th, 2019


Anarchist comrades sentenced:

Alfredo Cospito to 20 years,
Anna Beniamino to 17 years,
Nicola Gai to 9 years,
Alessandro Mercogliano and Marco Bisesti to 5 years each.
The other accused were acquitted.



via actforfree:

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Posted in Prison Struggle

[$hile] Afiche en solidaridad con los cautivos en guerra Juan Aliste Vega y Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

Afiche en solidaridad con los cautivos en guerra Juan Aliste Vega y Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Greece: Update on the 5th Trial of Revolutionary Struggle

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

Received by Mpalothia on 22.04.19:

On 24.04.2019, the 5th trial of Revolutionary Struggle continues, concerning the escape by helicopter attempted by Pola Roupa on 21.02.2016 with the aim of liberating Nikos Maziotis and other prisoners from Korydallos prison.

After the political statement of Pola Roupa and the political witnesses for the defense of the members of Revolutionary Struggle, the trial will be followed by the political statement of Nikos Maziotis and the statements of the other defendants.

Comrades in Solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle

(translated by Anarchists Worldwide for Mpalothia)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dzmitry Palijenka arrested again, charged under three criminal articles (Belarus)

Friday, April 19th, 2019

Dzmitry Palijenka was detained on March 20, 2019 on suspicion of committing a crime under part 3 of Article 339 of the Criminal Code (“Extremely gross misconduct”). He was accused of pepper spraying a
drunk man at the entrance of the block of flats where the activist was expecting a friend. The man tried to warn him against smoking and initiated the conflict. Only a week later the police raided Dzmitry’s flat and detained him.

Having spent about 20 days in detention, he was finally charged with three crimes: extremely gross misconduct, desecration of buildings or other structures with cynical inscriptions or drawings, and inciting racial, national or religious hatred or discord; intentional actions aimed at inciting racial, national or religious hatred or discord, humiliation of national honour and dignity. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Greece: Anarchist Comrade Panagiotis Argyrou Released from Prison

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

Panagiotis Argyrou was arrested on November 1st, 2010, following over a year of living in illegality during a campaign by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire to send parcel bombs to European leaders, offices of European institutions and embassies of foreign countries.

He immediately claimed full political responsibility for his involvement in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and remained in prison for 8 years and 5 months with several convictions against him that reached a total of 220 years before the second instance (initial sentences: Halandri Case 37 years, Bombs Case 10 years, Phoenix Project Case 21 years, case involving all actions by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire 23 years, Escape Plan Case 115 years, City Bus Arson Case seven years). After serving 1/2 and 1/3 of his merged sentence (25 years under the sentence cap), the comrade was released on the 8th of April, 2019.

Freedom to all!

Until the last prison has been destroyed!

We support the imprisoned fighters morally, materially and politically…

Solidarity Fund for Imprisoned and Persecuted Fighters

(via Athens Indymedia, translated into English for Mpalothia by Anarchists Worldwide)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Greece: Court of Appeal Trial Against Revolutionary Struggle Continues

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

At 9:30AM on Friday, April 12th, the trial in the Court of Appeals against Revolutionary Struggle will continue at the special courthouse in Korydallos Prison.

It is worth noting that the prosecutor, as well as condemning the actions and communiques of Revolutionary Struggle, admitted during his speech that the attack by the Revolutionary Struggle cell COMMANDO LAMBROS FOUNDAS against the Bank of Greece, could have led to the overthrow of the government and had negatively affected the economy, tourism and investment.

The goal of the Prosecutor’s Office is to ensure that the sentences do not change, including those of Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa who received life imprisonment for the explosive attack against the Bank of Greece in Athens that was carried out in response to the policies of 2 of the three Troika institutions- the ECB and the IMF. Revolutionary Struggle claimed responsibility for this action on April 10th, 2014. At the next trial (we will announce the date once it is known) the decision of the Court of Appeal will be delivered.

Solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle

(via Athens Indymedia, translated into English for Mpalothia by Anarchists Worldwide)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Network Trial Begins in Petersburg (Russia)

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

From the Russian Reader:

Network case defendants Viktor Filinkov and Yuli Boyarshinov in the cage at court yesterday. Filinkov (left) wears a sweatshirt emblazoned with the slogan, “Your taser can’t kill our ideas.” Photo by Alexander Koryakov. Courtesy of Kommersant

The Defendants Were Assigned Roles: Network Trial Gets Underway in Petersburg
Anna Pushkarskaya
April 9, 2019

The court trial in the case of the “anarchist terrorist community” Network got underway in St. Petersburg. Viktor Filinkov, a 24-year-old programmer, and Yuli Boyarshinov, a 27-year-old industrial climber, have been charged with involvement in Network. Federation Council member Lyudmila Narusova, who attended the hearing, pointed out the “ability to throw grenades,” which the prosecution included in the evidence against the defendants, was taught officially to members of the patriotic youth movement Yunarmiya.

“This case has nothing to do with the rule of law,” Narusova noted.

Filinkov and Boyarshinov’s case is being tried in St. Petersburg by the Moscow District Military Court. In January, the same court sentenced Igor Shishkin, who made a deal with case investigators, to three and a half years in prison. Subsequently, the FSB placed Network on the Russian federal list of banned organizations. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist comrades detained in the AS2 section of Rome Rebibbia prison were transferred to the prison of L’Aquila (Italy)

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

The anarchist comrades detained in the AS2 section (“High Security 2”) of the Roma Rebibbia prison were transferred to the prison of L’Aquila. They are Anna (in prison since 6 September 2016 for the “Scripta manent” operation, of which a trial is currently taking place in Turin and which will soon reach the first instance sentence, for which the prosecutor has already done conviction request), Silvia (arrested on 7 February 2019 in the context of the “Scintilla” operation and the eviction of Asilo Occupato in Turin) and Agnese (arrested on 19 February 2019 for the “Renata” operation in Trentino). A women’s AS2 section was established in the prison of L’Aquila. Here are the addresses:

Anna Beniamino
C. C. de L’Aquila
via Amiternina 3
Località Costarelle di Preturo
67100 L’Aquila
Italia (Italy)

Silvia Ruggeri
C. C. de L’Aquila
via Amiternina 3
Località Costarelle di Preturo
67100 L’Aquila
Italia (Italy)

Agnese Trentin
C. C. de L’Aquila
via Amiternina 3
Località Costarelle di Preturo
67100 L’Aquila
Italia (Italy)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Davide Delogu transferred from Augusta to Rossano Calabro prison (Italy)

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

The anarchist Sardinian comrade Davide Delogu was transferred from the Augusta prison (province of Syracuse, in Sicily) to that of Rossano Calabro (province of Cosenza, in Calabria). The address to which letters, telegrams, books, etc., can be sent is as follows:

Davide Delogu
c/o Casa di Reclusione di Rossano Calabro
Strada Statale 106 Jonica n. 32
87067 Corigliano-Rossano (Cosenza)
Italia (Italy)

From 11.03.2019 and during the month of March the comrade was on a hunger strike because the new director of the Augusta prison (Angela Lantieri) who had just arrived had immediately revoked the meeting permit that Davide makes with a Sardinian comrade (the only meeting he can currently do). He had also accompanied the strike with missed returns in the cell varying between 30 and 60 minutes and daily keystrokes in the cell.

Solidarity with anarchist Davide Delogu!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist prisoner John Bowden denied parole and kept as political hostage (UK)

Thursday, April 4th, 2019


On the 22nd January 2019 after almost forty years in prison the Parole Board considered the case for either my release or continued imprisonment. In the case of life sentence or indeterminately sentenced prisoners once such prisoners have been detained for the length of time originally recommended by the judiciary or Secretary of State, in my case 25 years, then the Parole Board has a statuary and legal obligation and responsibility to review the case for either the release or the continued detention of such prisoners. At three previous parole hearings my release had been denied by the Parole Board on the grounds that I was a “difficult and anti-authoritarian” prisoner, and insufficiently obedient to prison authority; my actual risk or danger to the public, the prime official criteria for denying the release of life sentence prisoners, was never cited as a reason for my continued imprisonment.

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