‘Direct Action’ Archives

[$hile] Santiago – Fuego, incendio y memoria por Mauricio Morales

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019


”No retrocedemos: estamos aquí. No intentamos: podemos. No mendigamos: robamos. No borramos: quemamos.
No esperamos: ardemos de impaciencia… La Conspiración nunca será arrestada, porque no se trata simplemente
de una organización sino de un flujo de ideas, y a las ideas no se les puede detener… ”

CCF. Sección Ilegal

La noche del 12 de mayo nos agrupamos para llevar a cabo nuestro cometido. Recordar a diez años de su partida al compañero Anarquista Mauricio Morales, quien muere tras la inesperada activación del artefacto explosivo que transportaba la madrugada del 22 de mayo del 2009.Este artefacto tenia como único objetivo, la escuela de gendarmeria de Chile.

Respondiendo y contribuyendo al llamado internacional de acción y propaganda en memoria de Mauricio Morales… (more…)

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($hile) Claim for two explosive devices placed at the Service of Internal Taxes

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

Wednesday 8, Black May.

We installed two explosive devices in the building of the Service of Internal Taxes (SII), located at 281 General del Canto Street, Providencia.

In the face of progress and development, materialized today in projects such as TPP-11 and the APEC Summit, we recognize the need to lift different forms of organization, betting on the proliferation of links, spaces and networks that converge in attack and resistance.

With this action we remember the anarchists Mauricio Morales and Zoé Aveilla, who risked everything for a world free of domination.


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Berlin – Arson of a vehicle of the security company Wisag (Germany)

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

OUR THEORY: communication through PRACTICE. Attack 2
(orginal: https://de.indymedia.org/node/32606)

… The battles against Amazon or Google sites: Rightfully, attacks against the infrastructure of the almost daily mentioned „technological attack“ are carried out with a certain regularity. Often the criticism is directed against the always as more extensive perceived surveillance that seems to prevent us increasingly from becoming rebellious.
To counter this, the nightly action becomes a little more thoughtful, secret or even technically sophisticated each time. In the claims of responsibility it is written for the thousandth time why it is legitimate to attack x,y,z, or why an event a has now been followed by action b, as we also did in the first part of this series (https://actforfree.nostate.net/?p=33432). (more…)

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Austria: 2 ATMs Burned in Vienna in Solidarity with Lisa

Saturday, May 11th, 2019

On the weekend of 28th and 29th of April, 2 ATMs were burned in Vienna (Austria) as a message of solidarity with the comrade Lisa, who is imprisoned at the moment in Barcelona. She was charged for robbing a bank in Germany.

We don’t want to live in a capitalist world, in which consumption and property are forming the center of being.

An action to strengthen ourselves, so we will never stop attacking these realities in all places – against the domination of capitalism and state, against prison and all other forms of incarceration and oppression

for sticking together and for freedom!

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Dublin: Solidarity actions against banks and ATM’s (Ireland)

Saturday, May 11th, 2019

On a night in May, 2 banks, Bank of Ireland and an AIB were vandalized in South Dublin. Slogans of “HOMES FOR ALL”, “BURN THE BANKS”, and “CLASS WAR” spray painted on windows and walls. Also 4 ATM’s were glued up, how this was done was by using cardboard the same thickness, width, and half the length of an ATM card, inserted into the card slot and then super glue poured in. (more…)

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Berlin, Germany: Attack against an office of the leftist party „Die Linke“ – Solidarity to Squats in Athens and Berlin

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019

Late Saturday evening, May 4, we committed an attack with stones against the store front of the office from Sebastian Schlüsselburg, member of the Committee on Justice and Secret Service, parliamentarian of „Die Linke“ in the district of Berlin-Lichtenberg. Most of its windows were smashed.

This is our direct answer to the latest events for which these political representatives of pure social-darwinism hold responsibility. To be mentioned first is the voting in the parliament of the district (BVV) Lichtenberg for the plans of construction of the stupid waterpark in the Rummelsburg Bay, which is another project for the city of the rich and tourists. This includes the eviction of homeless people, who squatted an area in the bay with their tents. It is clearly visible what role the leftist parties play in this process. After their usual approaches towards the resistance, finally ALL of them voted for the construction. (more…)

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Atentado incendiario a bus del transantiago y ataque armado a policías + Reivindicacion de la “Coordinadora Informal-Grupúsculo Iconoclasta” (Chile)

Monday, May 6th, 2019

[Noticias de la Guerra Social]

El 18 de abril de 1989 los jóvenes Ivan Palacios (19) y Erick Rodriguez (20) tras participar activamente en un grupo de acción y resistencia a la dictadura que se encontraba infiltrado desde sus comienzos, se disponen a colocar una carga explosiva en un transformador de luz ubicado en Avenida San Pablo con Radal, en las cercanías de la población Simon Bolivar.

La acción estaba avisada a efectivos de la CNI (Central Nacional de Inteligencia) quienes prepararon una emboscada donde acribillaron a ambos jóvenes miristas.

Desde entonces en la población Simón Bolívar se recuerda esa fecha con actividades, velatones, manifestaciones y enfrentamientos con la policía. (more…)

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Propaganda en memoria del compañero Mauricio Morales, a 10 años de su muerte en acción (Chile)

Monday, May 6th, 2019


La madrugada del 22 de mayo de 2009 muere en axión el compañero Mauricio Morales, tras la detonación anticipada del artefacto explosivo con el que pretendía atacar la Escuela de Gendarmería, fábrica de miserables carceleros.

Recordamos la vida del Punki Mauri, la vida que eligió vivir, sus ideas y acciones, las decisiones que lo llevaron a transitar el camino anárquico, con corazón y convicción. Desde la kalle procuramos que siga viva la anarquía, en cada gesto de memoria activa y confrontacional, sin victimismo ni docilidad, haciendo en el acto y la palabra un elemento peligroso para el orden social de los poderosos.


por la expansión del caos…

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May Day Anti-Gentrification Actions in Philadelphia (USA)

Friday, May 3rd, 2019

For May Day we claim responsibility for the following actions:

-Deflating the tires and painting the windshield of a yuppie housing shuttle bus.
-Throwing paint at the facade of two OCF properties.
-Smashing glass and cutting all non-hydraulic cables of at least four construction machines at the site of a development project intending to manicure a once wild place.

All of our targets are part of the ongoing gentrification of the city.

Solidarity with the comrades in Italy facing repression.

On May Day anarchists aren’t sleeping!

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Trentino, Italy: TV & Mobile Phone Tower Torched in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

Sunday, April 21st, 2019

Local newspapers have reported that a TV and mobile phone tower was set on fire in Terragnolo, in the Potrich (Trentino) area on April 16th at around 10PM. Painted slogans reading “Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners”, “Stop Video Conferencing” (which replaces prisoner transfers to court hearings), “Stop Blocking Mail” and “The Spirit Continues” were found at the site.

Of the four incendiary bottles used to start the fire, only one managed to ignite the cables, the other three that were located inside the electrical transformers failed to ignite due to ‘lack of oxygen’ according to the carabiniers [paramilitary police] in charge of the investigation. A person who lived nearby spotted the flames from the street and notified the fire brigade, however they arrived to late to prevent many of the cables from burning. This location is also part of a region that has been selected to experience the 5G network in the near future.

Technicians were able to restore TV service during the night, however mobile phone reception is still not properly restored.

Freedom For All,
Fire To The Prisons

Source and some good photos:


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Athens, Greece: Grenade Attack Against the Russian Consulate by FAI / FRI Revenge Cell ‘Mikhail Zhlobitsky’

Friday, April 19th, 2019

We assume responsibility for the grenade assault on the Russian Consulate on Tzavella Street in Chalandri [suburb in Northern Athens] on March 22.

Each state seeks continuity, which is of particular importance both for its existence and for the preservation and expansion of its vital space. We define the vital space of a state structure as a concept that raises every economic and spatial interest. Applying this policy to us is what we commonly call imperialism. This policy is not a strategic choice of a state, but it is indistinguishable from its very existence. Automatically, each state applies or follows the imperialist policy of an alliance in that country. This position comes to overthrow the rhetoric of the holy fellowship of the smaller ones in dynamic states towards the more powerful ones, which the left has been trying to make for years and parts of the anarchist space embraces. Over the years, many alliances have been built up and, as a result, many skirmishes, depending on the interests at stake. Under the veil of these inter-axiomatic contrasts in combination with the economic and political conjuncture, discrepancies in the dynamics of each state are created or adjusted. Relationships between states have always been a dynamic condition that is modified on the subject rather than a static situation. (more…)

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Ukraine’s Anarchist Militants – Video

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

Comment from the team Effect Monroe
[presented in Russian social media]

We watched the film “Popular Front.Ukrainian militant anarchists.” Production, directorial work are at a high level and do not cause questions, but we will comment on the focus of journalists on one anarchist group, Revolutionary Dia. Let’s go over the news headlines from Ukraine for 2018, which are also available in English:

05/19/2018 Anarchists burned the crossover / anarchist revenge group “Svyatoshinskaya golytba”
05/21/2018 In Kiev, anarchists set fire to Lexus,belonging to deputy chairman of the EPU Grachev / “Fedos Schus” cell
09/19/2018 In Kiev, anarchists attacked the training center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/ Ilya Romanov cell

In addition, the anonymous attacks in 2018, mentioned in the film Revolutionary Anarchists in BUR’18:

01/04/2018 Arson of municipal police cars
04/15/2018 The explosion at the Kyivenergo building
06/22/2018 Arson of the Oschadbank branch.

The rebels regularly declared about attacks in Ukraine until 2018 – while the communiques are signed by different groups: in half of the cases, these actions are claimed by FAI–IRF, the “Informal Anarchist Federation”. This is an active trend in Ukrainian anarchism which is quite different from the ideology of “Revdia” – therefore, in our opinion, the authors of the film should have taken this into account.

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Windows broken at the Institute for Social Sciences of Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany)

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019

[B] OUR THEORY: communication through PRACTICE. Attack 1

[PART 1]

In “The Autism of the Insurgents“, Alfredo Cospito addresses, among other things, the question of theory formation in declarations of action. Not only recently, but increasingly again, people have referred to each other in their explanations of actions [en]. In the process, theoretical aspects have been and are still being written – even if only to a limited extent in most cases.

The connection between theory and practice is an old, but also always recent problem, which active people will be confronted with over and over again. So why not end the false conflict about the balance between theory and practice once and for all? Why not drive Cospito’s communication via actions to its extreme? Why not simply convey theory in the form of practice with the corresponding explanations?
Theory as practice. To ensure that the people who discuss the practice are the ones who are responsible for it and not some secluded intellectuals who do not get tired of making suggestions without acting practically themselves.

A springboard for these intellectuals far short of any practice who never tire of preaching the need for democratic and “peaceful” reforms in a world of social war is, in 2019, the university. As an introduction to the field of theory as practice, we have selected the Institute for Social Sciences of the Humboldt University Berlin as a place of knowledge production. During the night from the 27th to the 28th of
march we smashed a few windows of the ivory tower of the elite university to make clear that the battle for society will ultimately be fought on the streets and not in the lecture hall.

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29 de Marzo – Dia de lxs Jovenes Combatientes (Chile)

Sunday, March 31st, 2019

EN: 29th of March – Day of the Young Combatant, some words from Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras


El 29 de marzo es el día en que la memoria combativa se vuelve acción a través del presente contínuo de la confrontación anárquica con el mundo del poder y la autoridad. Es un momento en que el choque con las fuerzas del dominio recuerda que en dictadura y democracia el Estado oprime, tortura, asesina y encarcela y que en todo contexto histórico las voluntades indomesticables acechan los planes de los opresores para ponerlos en peligro y forjar su destrucción.

Desde su origen en dictadura conmemorando a los hermanos Vergara Toledo, el 29 de marzo constituye una fecha que no ha podido ser pacificada, recuperada ni exterminada por la institucionalidad y el reformismo, por lo que el poder y su prensa servil intentan despolitizar su conmemoración. A la vez, cada año se levantan actos conmemorativos, barricadas y ataques a la policía en los que participan enemigxs declaradxs del poder junto a la juventud salvaje de barrios y poblaciones. (more…)

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Who’s to judge? About the shooting attack on the courthouse in Kiev (Ukraine)

Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

The time has come to elaborate further on our attack on Holosiivskyi district court in Kiev.

Among the commentaries on the attack, we’ve read more than once that some people don’t understand our motives. They don’t get how does Azat Miftakhov’s arrest in Moscow have anything to do with a courthouse in Kiev. We’ll try to explain, because it’s important to get this seemingly obvious message across.

Choosing the target:
We decided to go for a government court building. A lot of us have a good idea of what exactly is a courthouse today. Who among us hasn’t been in court? Who’s never had a friend or acquaintance on trial? Everyone felt this utter disdain for judicial robes, those who are fainter of heart – even fear. Why do we have to respect and accept them? Someone gave them the right to take our freedom and our lives, so now they sit there, up high, when you are languishing underneath, behind bars, with a watchdog in uniform hovering over you. (more…)

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