‘Autonomy’ Archives

[$hile] Hacia la liberación total… Memoria y kontrakultura, en recuerdo del Punki Mauri

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

Hacia la Liberación Total… MEMORIA Y KONTRAKULTURA en recuerdo del compañero Mauricio Morales

Compañerxs lxs invitamos a hacerse parte de la jornada kontrakultural a realizarse el día 19 de mayo desde las 14 hrs en el Salón Multiuso de la Villa Francia, en memoria del compañero Mauricio Morales, el “Punki Mauri” a 10 años de su muerte en acción.

Habrá videos contrainformativos, información de compañerxs presxs, puestos de distintas bibliotecas antiautoritarias y material de propaganda anárquica, lxs invitamos a que lleven sus ferias.


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Hermosamente Violento. Conversaciones, memoria y tensiones. A 10 años de la muerte de Mauricio Morales. 21 de mayo ($hile)

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019


21 de mayo. Hermosamente Violento.
Conversaciones, memoria y tensiones.
A 10 años de la muerte de Mauricio Morales.

21 de Mayo/16:00hrs. Av. Brasil #658. Santiago Centro.

Esta actividad se gesta con la intención de evaluar y tensionar lo que han sido estos 10 años de memoria y combate, ver en la amplitud de la lucha de varias generaciones de compañerxs las formas de recuerdo a
nuestrxs muertxs, las experiencias individuales y colectivas, las críticas y el balance en la memoria que hemos ido generando entre todxs, como también las distintas formas del como ver y/o formar una “comunidad
de lucha” y sus proyecciones.

Durante la jornada habrá comida en solidaridad con lxs compañerxs en prisión, música para amenizar, además del lanzamiento de la revista “Hermosamente Violento”, pero sobre todo buscamos que sea un espacio para conversar, evaluar y proyectar entre todxs.

¡Por un Mayo negro!
¡Nuestra memoria es negra, nuestro corazón también!

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Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

Por tercer año consecutivo tendrá lugar en el CSOA La Gatonera (C/Valentín Llaguno, 32) el Encuentro anarquista contra el sistema tecnoindustrial. Este encuentro surge debido a la necesidad de generar
un discurso contra el sistema de dominación en el que nos hayamos, dicho sistema impregna el mundo que nos rodea bajo una lógica tecnocientífica donde todo es medible, cuantificable y por tanto, está sujeto a un control. Dicho desarrollo se basa en la sustitución de los procesos naturales por procesos técnicos sometiendo así a los individuos, animales y el ecosistema a la mega máquina. Cómo anarquistas consideramos que la lucha debe integrar la necesidad de proteger nuestro medio y recuperar la autonomía que este sistema nos ha arrebatado. (more…)

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THREE DAYS AGAINST THE TECNO-SCIENCES 26-27-28 JULY 2019 Capo di Ponte (BS) – Italy

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

The program will come soon
Today more than ever, we feel the necessity to organize a meeting involving comrades from different countries already engaged in a critique and in opposition to developments of techno-sciences. An important moment to exchange and share analyses, reflections and experiences, to reinforce criticism and refine one’s thinking even more in confrontation with other groups and individualities that have been pursuing for a long time paths of opposition to the developments of techno-sciences.

In the face of the aridity and degeneration of contemporary thought and the lack of awareness of the pervasive, totalizing and above all irreversible nature of techno-sciences, a lucid analysis of the present is needed on the reality that transforms itself and transforms us. (more…)

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[$hile] Feria por la memoria anticarcelaria, en recuerdo del compañero Mauricio Morales

Sunday, April 28th, 2019

Compañerxs, lxs invitamos a hacerse parte de la Feria por la Memoria Anticarcelaria en recuerdo de Mauricio Morales y los 81 presos asesinados por el Estado, el próximo domingo 5 de mayo, desde las 16 hrs, frente a la cárcel de San Miguel. (more…)

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10 Years: International call for agitation and action – For an offensive memory and a black May in memory of Mauricio Morales

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019

“I will seek at the risk of my life, the best, the authentic freedom …”
Mauricio Morales

Ten years ago, on May 22, 2009, an explosive device transported by anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales accidentally exploded before it could be installed in the Gendarmerie School in Santiago, Chile, making itself felt in black hearts. He made that institution and those who compose it visible as an objective to attack, thus generating a close relationship of solidarity between prisoners and action. But at that time the enemy did not receive a blow, this time the roar did not shake the jailers’ infrastructure; at that time the powerful explosion took Mauri’s life during that early morning.

Quickly the vultures of the different police, prosecutors, journalists and ministers came to scavenge and feast on the blood and body of Mauri. On this occasion, the death of an anarchist was the excuse to develop new thrusts in hunts against anti-authoritarian environments. (more…)

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Subversive anarchy past and present

Sunday, April 21st, 2019

“Revolution is aimed at new arrangements; insurrection leads us no longer to let ourselves be arranged, but to arrange ourselves, and set no glittering hopes on ‘institutions’.”
Max Stirner

“Don’t follow me… I’m not leading you…

Don’t walk ahead of me… I’ll not follow you…

Carve your own path… Become yourself…”
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire,
Imprisoned Members Cell

“I know that there will be an end to this fight between the formidable arsenal of the State and me. I know that I will be vanquished, I will be the weaker, but I hope I can make you pay dearly for the victory.”
Octave Garnier

On this date over 100 years ago, 21st of April 1913, Illegalist and Individualist anarchist Raymond Callemin was executed by guillotine by order of the French state.
On the anniversary of his execution I write this in memory of all those that have fallen or been jailed in the social war against society.

The illegalist current is an offshoot of individualist anarchism. Refusing to be exploited, forced to work for some rich tyrant, instead the illegalist chooses to rob them. It’s an anti-work ethic for individual autonomy to be realised in real life right away through Individual expropriation also known as individual reclamation. (more…)

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Liebig34 – For Resistance against Eviction (Berlin, Germany)

Sunday, April 21st, 2019

As many people might already know, our lease agreement with real estate speculator Padovicz -who owns more than 2,000 properties in Berlin-, expired at the end of 2018. Since then, we have been living without a contract in the Liebig34, love our house as always and are ready to defend it. Padovicz and the Senate won‘t get us out of here either, because this is our house! Today we want to update you about our current situation.

What happened so far:

Almost a year ago, in April 2018, we addressed a letter to our house owner Gijora Padovicz in which we announced our interest to stay „legally“ in our house after 2018. There was no reply. In the summer, city councillor Florian Schmidt asked us to initiate a dialogue with the owner. This brought long discussions: too little what could be expected from it, too much what should have been discarded from our convictions. Nevertheless, the curiosity, the interest in gaining information and the hope in finding ways to keep and save our house, despite all our reservations, led to a meeting between individuals from the Liebig34 and Florian Schmidt. The later offered to organize a meeting with Padovicz, to which we, as a collective agreed to in order to receive direct and concrete information from the owner. (more…)

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[Den Haag, Netherlands] Bannerdrops in solidarity with the anarchists being prosecuted in Belgium

Friday, April 19th, 2019

Today we have hung up four banners at various locations in The Hague, the Netherlands, in solidarity with the anarchists being prosecuted in Belgium. Hundreds of flyers were also thrown around.

From 2008, the Belgian State started a large investigation aiming at different struggles – but always without concessions – against detention centres, borders, prisons and the world of authority and exploitation. In its viewfinder: the anarchist library Acrata, anarchist and anti-authoritarian publications (Hors Service, La Cavale and Tout doit partir), dozens of flyers and posters, more than a hundred actions, attacks and sabotages…in other words the fight against Power in all its different expressions.

Initially charged with “participation to a terrorist group”, it is finally under the accusation of “criminal association” that 12 comrades will be on trial during the week of 29th April 2019. (more…)

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For a Subversive May 2019 In Solidarity with the Imprisoned Comrades in Italy

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

Against All Authority and Repression!

In Turin and Trento, 14 people are accused of forming a subversive association, inciting crime, and possessing, manufacturing and transporting explosives to a public place. Furthermore, the operation “Scripta Manent”, where the public prosecutor’s office demands a total of 204 years in prison for the attacks of the Informal Anarchist Federation and the operation “Panico”, where 3 comrades are accused of having attacked a fascist library with an explosive device, is still running.

Those who have decided to oppose any domination in the social conflict must live with the constant uncertainty of sooner or later being held accountable for their own actions by the opponents of freedom and self-determination. The idea and the longing for a society liberated from exploitation and oppression cab then be nipped in the bud.

This is especially the case for the anarchist movement in Italy. This is being tackled by the state. The affected prisoners are to be buried alive in their cells with draconian sentences. Their accomplices and the solidarity environment unequivocally profess their permanent enmity against the regime with regard to their kidnapping. (more…)

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PDF: Contra las elecciones

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

Cartel (Din A3)
Octavilla (Din A4)

Compartimos este llamado a la abstención activa, ante el circo eufórico de los procesos electorales (en España) que ya están aquí de nuevo. Con esto no sólo incitamos a la abstención, sino al ataque directo contra cualquier máquina, institución, Estado o colaborador de éstos.

Es un Cartel para colgar en la calle, y una Octavilla para buzonear.
El Catel es Din A3.
La Octavilla se imprime en Din A4 por las dos caras, y se recorta en 3, y se dobla el papel por donde está la imagen del gato, y se deja en el buzón dejando que sobresalga del buzón sólo la parte del gato y el “no votes nunca” para llamar la atención del vecino de turno.

No es un llamado “ciudadanista”, es un llamado a deslegitimar y atacar todas las estructuras de dominación que se ciernen sobre nosotros a diario. (more…)

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[Berlin, Allemagne] Liebig34.Restera.Bruyante.Sale. Résistante… et plus que jamais! + Video

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

Liebig34.Restera.Bruyante.Sale. Résistante… et plus que jamais! + Video

Vous l‘avez probablement déja entendu: le bail du squat anarchiste, queer et féministe „Liebig34“ situé à Berlin-Friedrichshain prend fin aujourd‘hui, le 31/12/18. Dès demain, le 01.01.19, le projet est menacé d‘expulsion. Mais juridiquement, avant que nous puissions être expulsé.es, Gijora Padovicz, spéculateur immobilier et propriétaire de notre maison, doit porter plainte contre l‘association et les habitant.es de la Liebig34. Une perquisition pourrait être le premier pas pour vérifier qui sont les habitant.es. Chez nos ami.es de la Rigaer94, on a pu voir à quoi une telle perquisition pourrait ressembler. Le passé a pu montrer encore et encore, que les keufs n‘agissent pas forcément sur une base juridique solide et qu‘ils peuvent expulser des squats dans toute „illégalité“. Donc, tout est possible. (more…)

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México: Llamado a la acción anárquica

Sunday, March 3rd, 2019

Llamado a la acción anárquica este 8 de marzo!!!
A todas nuestras afines en México y el mundo, a todas las brujas en lucha en el universo:

El próximo 8 de marzo se conmemora como cada año el Día Internacional de la Mujer. Para muchas, este día es un día de fiesta y homenajes. Para otras, es una jornada de lucha y reivindicaciones políticas y sociales, por lo que llaman a la huelga general feminista por el derecho básico a la no discriminación, contra la violencia de género que ejercen sobre nosotras en la casa, en la calle, contra los FEMINICIDIOS que suman y se multiplican en el México de la Cuarta, contra los convenios abusivos y la falta de garantías para obtener el mismo salario por un desempeño de igual valor, contra la falta de reconocimiento de las enfermedades propias del trabajo en sectores feminizados, contra el acoso y el abuso sexual en escuelas y centros laborales, contra los recortes presupuestales en detrimento de la madre trabajadora, contra la eliminación de los albergues y refugios para las mujeres víctimas de violencia, etc. (more…)

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Santiago, Chile: Contribution of La Rebelión de las Palabras to the meeting in combative memory of Sebastian Oversluij

Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

Contribution from La Rebelión de las Palabras for the meeting taking place in Santiago, Chile on 23rd December in combative memory of nihilist-anarchist comrade Sebastian Oversluij, “Angry”. The meeting was also within the context of Black December and internationalist anarchist praxis. 5th year since Sebastian’s death during a bank expropriation.

From the Spanish State, we greet first of all the compas that raised the commemorative activity for Angry, to a new anniversary of his death in action when he was trying to expropriate one of the temples of Capital. The noise of the blast that killed him awoke new feelings of rabid sadness that roamed the globe, unleashing actions of revenge, activities in his memory, and that inspired more individuals and groups that from the offensive or not, returned to take a breath to continue on this difficult path. We did not know Angry, nor did we know the political and social context of the Chilean territory where he developed, lived and fought. However, the courage, the determination and the coherent commitment that he showed with his last action reverberate in us, and we also feel affinity with his words, his music with the rap band Palabras En Conflicto, which we know and like, and with his drawings and gestures, contributions that mark his offensive trajectory, feeling honored to be able to participate in this activity contributing the present writing.

We have been asked to write something about the context of anarchism in the territories dominated by the Spanish State. However, to be honest, we do not feel legitimacy for such a task, since we do not know in depth the concrete context of many places of the state, and others we know them in a partial, ephemeral way or in any case, from an approach that starts from our assessment, our subjectivity and our own processes, affinities, preferences, with what we have decided to make a general assessment that, we repeat, part of our own personal valuations, without having to be taken as an absolute reason or that we intend to speak for others companions who, perhaps, have another point of view and something to say about it. (more…)

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Radical Anarchists in the Belarus, Ukraine, Russia – 2018

Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

We have prepared another video: Radical Anarchists in the BUR 2018 (Eng)

Video on Anarchy Today: https://a2day.net/radical-anarchists-in-the-bur-2018/

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