Collection of direct actions in solidarity with imprisoned comrade Dimitris Koufontinas (Greece)

[Hunger Strike By Prisoner Dimitris Koufontinas Ends in Success – AMW]

Athens, Greece: Responsibility Claim for the Arson Attack against Eurobank branch

We were taught that everything is commodity, everything can be exchanged. We didn’t understand the small print of history: that we are commodity too; working power that is exchanged with peanuts, prayers and curses, and a daily reverence to alienation, to the shattering of every human dignity. We referred to the wage slavery as our highest value and intention. We didn’t feel the waves of history carving our skin, we didn’t feel the razor blades of political economy chiseling our motion.

We ‘ve shown discipline to our times’ teachings, which are nothing more than the dominant narrative that wants us producing and consuming machines, that wants for itself the monopoly of the decision about what is included and what is excluded by its normativity. A dominant narrative by a dominant world that leaves its bloody marks on us everyday, fracturing the individual, feeding it with oppression and neuroses, killing every desire for experimentation and vitality and replacing them with miserable micro-rivalries and intrigue, disguising the emptiness.

If commodity is the real motion of history, if money is commodity too, then the temples of money is a constant target, without the need of any special cause for attacking them, as the reasons are already enough. At the dawn of May 19th, we made an incendiary attack and set Eurobank -at Athinon avenue, at Chaidari- on fire.

Inside the desert of alienation, we chose organizing in anarchist terms, we chose direct action. We take fighting position at the trenches of social war; against the techno-industrial complex that spreads its meshes in every corner, designing embarrassed smiles of flabby happiness and gray cells of massive congestion. The post-modern dystopic paradise is the decomposition of every human dignity, and our pleasure is to raise with intolerance exactly this dignity: the dignity of the ant looking straight into the eyes the monster, collectivizing, organizing and attacking. We want to build new forms of relationships between us.

Relationships that propose our individual and -at the same time- collective uplifting, with mutual respect and understanding.

Relationships which are dangerous for the authoritarian world that oppresses us. Both the war and the new relationships are necessary for us right now.

From such a fighting position, our solidarity to the revolutionaries and the insurgents around the world could not be missing. Our imperishable memory for our fallen comrades could not be missing. Our warm hugs for all the comrades and fighters that accept the weight of their choices with consistency and dignity could not be missing.

The communist revolutionary Dimitris Koufontinas has been on hunger strike since May 2nd, demanding the repeal of the prosecutor’s veto which blocked the granting of his regular furloughs. Judicial puppets are moved by the local and international capitalist interests. These interests, wearing the mask of democracy, want to take revenge from the urban guerilla fighter that didn’t sign any statement of repentance. He didn’t regret for the armed position that he chose in the raging war.

Regimes of exception are raised for the political prisoners, with revengeful deprivation of basic acquired rights, such us the furloughs from prison. The hunger strike of Koufontinas unites with our
solidarity; it unites with our rage, which crumbles the showcases of their democracy and becomes flammable, burning down their world: their banks, their homes, the offices of their political parties, their cops -who are thought to secure them-, their media stooges, their luxurious shops.

We never forget the thread that connects the anti-authoritarian struggles. We don’t forget the attack. We are full of thrill and shiver considering the choice of being part in the metropolitan guerilla
warfare and direct action. We walk on the streets of insurrection, against every “law and order” dogma. On the same streets in which so many comrades also walk or walked, conspired and attacked. One of them was the anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales who -ten years before, at the May 22nd of 2009- was carrying a bomb that exploded before being placed at the Jailers Academy, for which it was destined, with his death as a result. In a similar attempt of attack -this time it was an attempt of placing a bomb at the grave of the Argentinean Federal Police leader and torturer Ramon Falcon- at the 14th of November 2018, the anarchist comrade Anahi Salcedo was badly injured because of premature explosion. She was arrested, imprisoned and constantly tortured, as she was undernourished and she wasn’t provided with medical treatment.

Our attack, except from the frame of solidarity to Dimitris Koufontinas, is also included in the frame of the calls for a Black and Subversive May. The first call comes from Chile, in the memory of Mauricio Morales, for the 10 years that passed since his death. The other one comes from Italy, in solidarity with the comrades that were prosecuted and imprisoned after the recent repressive operations in Trento and Torino, and also after the Scripta Manent case which is running since 2016.

No regime of exception for the political prisoners | Victory for the hunger strike of D. Koufontinas

Our bloody memories will always be fresh | Mauri is present to our offensive intentions

We stand by Anahi | We wholeheartedly send her our strength and our solidarity

The war is on | We hit in unsuspected ways, with our rage and our thirst for breaths of life

«Traveler, your footprints
are the only road, nothing else
Traveler, there is no road,
you make your own path as you walk»

Source – Original text in Greek:


Patras, Greece: Attack to Central Commercial Streets

At the dawn of Sunday 19th of May, a group of solidarity with the fighter Dimitris Koufontinas moved at the commercial zone at Patras’ center (Mezonos – Agiou Nikolaou – Riga Fereou streets), shattering the showcases of big multinational shops. Action brings counter-action. The thread that connects the struggles will never be cut, because it springs from our hearts.




Source – Original text in Greek:


Athens, Greece: Traffic Sabotage at Central Streets – Solidarity with D. Koufontinas

On Monday 20/5 many comrades made a coordinated traffic sabotage at some of the most central streets of Athens. We barricaded with burning trash-bins and blocked the traffic ar Patission, Kokkinopoulou and Iera Odos streets, as a gesture of solidarity with the revolutionary Dimitris Koufontinas, who has been on hunger strike since 2/5, demanding the repeal of the prosecutor’s veto and the immediate grant of furloughs.

The whole judicial complex unleashes its fury and its harshness against the specific political prisoner, because from the beginning of his activity until now he has shown consistency on his struggle and his values. Simultaneously, the pressure that the greek state receives both in an internal level from the well-known family of Bakogiannis, and also in the level of external politics from USA, intensifies the repression and obstructs the detention conditions of D. Koufontinas. A big part of the social fabric, driven by the dominant bourgeois mindset that wants “law and order” and a normal and unimpeded flow of their daily lives, embodies all of its suffering on the face of D. Koufontinas.

Continuous struggle until the end, near Dimitris Koufontinas

Immediate repeal of prosecutor’s veto

Furloughs now for Dimitris Koufontinas


Source – Original text in greek:


Athens, Greece: Responsibility Claim for Incendiary Device at the Police Academy in Pefkakia

“You treat me as a political enemy. That’s why I bring back the red thread of struggle. I am on hunger strike”, Dimitris Koufontinas, Kassavetia’s Prison, 2/5/2019

In the frame of actions in solidarity with the hunger strike of the fighter Dimitris Koufontinas, we attacked with an incendiary device the Police Academy in Pefkakia, at Sunday 19/5. Let’s prohibit the state’s repression from playing with the lives of the fighters. Repeal of the prosecutor’s veto.



Source – Original text in greek:


Athens, Greece: Incendiary Barrage in Solidarity with Dimitris Koufontinas

A Barrage of Solidarity for D. Koufontinas

“We may not know each other, but we are sharing the same dreams, common struggles, common ways of creating life, the feeling that we are moving in the same time, in the same space, walking the same path towards the emancipatory future” Dimitris Koufontinas

Revolutionary political prisoner D. Koufontinas has been on hunger strike since May 2nd, demonstrating clearly: there is a regime of exemption for political opponents of the State and Capital. For so many days, the government and the opposition, political and judicial authorities, the media, well-connected families, and even more embassies have been killing D. Koufontinas. They kill him because they are terrified of him. But they are not scared of his physical presence, they are scared of what he represents as a fighter.

It scares them that he refuses to kneel, that he does not beg, that he doesn’t happily offer his back for their whips.

It would have been easy for him to sign a statement of repentance, to denounce his ideals, to send a signal of defeat, to say that everything was in vain, that everything is over and that we live in the definitive ‘end of history’. But D. Koufontinas insists on standing strong, and it terrifies them. They even run in fear of his words: “Let’s bring back the red thread of struggle”.

Let’s be clear, D. Koufontinas’ struggle for the liberty he deserves is not just a struggle for a bourgeois-democratic right. It exposes the conflict between two opposing worlds: the world of struggle, solidarity and dignity on the one hand and on the other the world of exploitation and barbarism. Let us make it clear to those in power, that if D. Koufontinas suffers in the slightest, then what will follow will be unprecedented…

Furlough now for Dimitris Koufontinas!
Remove the prosecutor’s veto!
Remove the exemption regime for political prisoners!

On May 19 and 20, we carried out the following 11 incendiary attacks:

– At New York College in Tavros
– 2 ATMs of the National Bank and 1 Eurobank ATM in Gounari
– 1 Bitcoin ATM in Agia Paraskevi
– 1 ATM in Kypseli
– 2 ATMs (Piraeus and Ethniki) in Kato Petralona
– 1 Piraeus ATM in Ilisia
– Offices of New Democracy in Alimos
– Offices of New Democracy in Nea Ionia


Translated into English for Mpalothia by Anarchists Worldwide

Source – Original text in greek:


Athens, Greece: Municipal Police Vehicle Torched in Solidarity with Dimitris Koufontinas

We claim responsibility for the petrol bombing of a municipal police vehicle in the Nea Filadelfeia area at dawn on Monday the 20th of May as a signal of solidarity with Dimitris Koufontinas, on hunger strike since the 2nd of May.




Translated into English for Mpalothia by Anarchists Worldwide

Source – Original text in Greek:

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This entry was posted on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 at 10:31 pm and is filed under Direct Action.