Students at the Parana Federal University in Curitiba, Brazil, protest planned cuts to federal spending on higher education planned by President Jair Bolsonaro’s right-wing government, May 30, 2019. The banner reads ‘In defense of education.’ Reuters/Rodolfo Buhrer

Brazilian universities fear Bolsonaro plan to eliminate humanities and slash public education budgets

Brazil's new president was elected on promises to radically restructure Brazil. But proposed education spending cuts and curricular changes have students and teachers marching in the streets.
Companies use data to make a portrait of their users. ImageFlow/

Big tech surveillance could damage democracy

Big tech companies compete over who can gather the most intelligence on their users. Countries like Russia and China turn this information against their citizens.
Muslim women at a prayer service at a mosque in Redmond, Washington, to mark the end of Ramadan and the start of Eid-al-Fitr in 2016. AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

What is Eid and how do Muslims celebrate it? 6 questions answered

Muslims throughout the world will celebrate the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, a celebration at the end of Ramadan. Here's an introduction to this important feast and its partner, Eid al-Adha.
Archaeological visualization of Angkor Wat at sunset, with site map at upper right. Tom Chandler, Mike Yeates, Chandara Ung and Brent McKee, Monash University, SensiLab, 2019

Angkor Wat archaeological digs yield new clues to its civilization’s decline

Many tourists hold an outdated romanticized image of an abandoned temple emerging from the jungle. But research around Angkor Wat suggests its collapse might be better described as a transformation.
Former Georgia Tech head coach MaChelle Joseph looks on during an NCAA college basketball game against Notre Dame in February 2019. AP Photo/Robert Franklin

The war on women coaches

Why do female college coaches seem to be held to a different standard than their male counterparts?
Airline pilots are often exhausted. christinarosepix/

Pilots sleeping in the cockpit could improve airline safety

Pilots are often overtired, making them prone to errors. Some countries let them sleep on the job – under strict rules. Pilots love the idea, but consumers are wary, for now.
Police protect a judicial complex where former FARC rebel leader Seuxis Hernandez was standing trial on May 20, 2019. The former peace negotiator has been arrested on drug charges and is now fighting extradition to the United States. AP Photo/Ivan Valencia

Violence climbs in Colombia as president chips away at landmark peace deal with FARC guerrillas

Colombia's new president opposes the 2016 peace deal with the FARC guerrillas. As trust between the government and militants erodes, at least 1,700 former insurgents have returned to armed struggle.


Quote of the Day

Churchill demanded that a team of engineers, scientists and military officers design a marine staging area that could actually support a successful operation. The team’s solution was ingenious. Colin Flint, Utah State University

Marijuana legalization

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Most Read past week

  1. D-Day succeeded thanks to an ingenious design called the Mulberry Harbours
  2. Angkor Wat archaeological digs yield new clues to its civilization’s decline
  3. What is Eid and how do Muslims celebrate it? 6 questions answered
  4. I’m an MLK scholar – and I’ll never be able to view King in the same light
  5. How the new ‘Aladdin’ stacks up against a century of Hollywood stereotyping

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