The group


GUE/NGL – this abbreviation stands for Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left, the group for left-wing MEPs in the European Parliament.

about the group


Our group is a confederal one where each component party retains its own identity and policies while pooling their efforts in pursuit of common political objectives. The Group includes members from all corners of Europe.


For many years the various parties of the alternative left worked together in the same group in the European Parliament: the Communist and Allies Group. In 1989, four parties decided to form a Group called the Gauche Unitaire Européenne (GUE). (Its English name was European Unitarian Left, subsequently changed in 1992 to European United Left.)

After the European Elections of June 1994, a process of gathering together all the forces of the non-Socialist left then began. This alliance, enlarged to include other parties, was established as a political group at the beginning of the fourth parliamentary term, under the name Confederal Group of the European United Left (GUE).

Following enlargement of the EU to the Nordic countries and Austria in January 1995, the Group expanded to include: the Left Party (VP) of Sweden and the Left Alliance (Vas) of Finland. At the same time the Socialist Peoples’ Party (SF) of Denmark rejoined the group and together with the Swedish and Finnish parties formed the Nordic Green Left (NGL) component within the group.

The group was renamed the Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left, with GUE/NGL as the standard acronym.

more about our history


The presidency

President Gabriele Zimmer

Gabi Zimmer (DIE.LINKE/Germany) was elected president of the GUE/NGL group in March 2012 and reelected following the 2014 elections. She has been a Member of the European Parliament since 2004.


Gabi Zimmer

Between 2000 and 2003 she was president of the German left party PDS (which merged to become DIE.LINKE in 2007). Before that she was president of “PDS Thüringen” from 1990 until 1998 and, at the same time, a Member of the Regional Parliament of Thuringia until 2004.

Her main political objectives are the fight against hunger, poverty, and social exclusion both within and outside the EU. As a former member of the Development Committee, she was the European Parliament’s rapporteur on food security challenges in developing countries and her parliamentary work was in particular dedicated to achieving food and nutrition security. Ms Zimmer works for social fundamental rights and standards such as a minimum income, a minimum wage, the right to decent housing and energy provision.

The group’s MEPs also has four Deputy Presidents: Paloma Lopez (Spain), Dennis de Jong (Netherlands), Neoklis Sylikiotis (Cyprus) and Patrick Le Hyaric (France)


The Bureau, the Group’s executive body, consists of the President, 4 Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer and one MEP from each national delegation not already represented by a vice-president or treasurer. It may also include MEPs who became Independents during the legislature. The General Secretary and the Deputy General Secretaries are non-voting members. The Bureau is elected by the Group’s MEPs and meets once a month.

Members of the Bureau

  • Martina Anderson

    • Sinn Féin
    • The group
    • Ireland

The Meps

As the only confederal group in the European Parliament, our group of 52 Members, from 14 European Member states brings together the different traditions, experiences and political understandings of left forces in the EU.

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The Staff

But the work of our MEPs would not be possible without the support of the secretariat, whose overall aim is to ensure the smooth daily operation of the Group, in accordance with the political decisions and guidelines set out by the MEPs.

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