The Left in the European Parliament인증된 계정


We stand up for workers, environment, feminism, peace & human rights. Another Europe is possible!

European Parliament
가입일: 2009년 6월


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  1. 16시간 전

    100 years after its establishment, conventions are still used by workers in struggles against exploitation. From factories in Asia to fast-food joints in Europe: decent wages, better working conditions and respect remain our core demands.

  2. 20시간 전

    Bad news for rule of law in Hungary. The European Parliament has demanded action to tackle Viktor Orbán and his cronies' attacks on the judiciary, the media, academia, migrants... the list goes on... When will EU leaders wake up? via

  3. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6월 11일

    Man who has set your house on fire tells you to wipe your feet before you come in

  4. 6월 11일

    Leak reveals illicit collaboration between then-presiding Judge Sergio Moro and prosecutors to imprison Moro is now Justice Minister in Bolsonaro's far right government. We demand freedom for Lula da Silva!

  5. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6월 11일

    A few thoughts on the EU strategy for 2019-2024 that's basically setting the EU's agenda for the next 5 years. And it's 💩

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  6. 6월 11일

    Finance lobby’s plans for post- Europe exposed! Report uncovers banking industry tactics & objectives. Worryingly, their demands - devised by lobby groups from UK, Europe, & the US – have traction both in London & Brussels via

  7. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6월 10일

    Se llama Pia Klemp. Es una bióloga alemana de 36 años capitana de barco. Pionera y luchadora. Solo 1 de cada 100 capitanes de mar son mujeres. Se enfrenta a 20 años de prisión por rescatar a más de 1.000 migrantes mientras cruzaban el Mediterráneo. Un ejemplo de solidaridad.

  8. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6월 10일

    Encore une semaine entre Bruxelles pour des échanges avec nos partenaires de la pour préparer notre mandat de 5 ans et Paris pour quelques médias !

  9. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6월 7일

    Hier à Bruxelles, autour de les eurodeputé(e)s et député(e)s insoumis réunis au Parlement européen pour la première réunion de l’intergroupe composée de 23 parlementaires. Un beau moment de travail, de solidarité et d’amitié entre nous toutes et tous.

  10. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6월 7일

    Growth-based economies are at the heart of environmental disasters we face today; making our goods, economic activity or infrastructure "greener" & more efficient without a major overhaul of the global economic system is not a long-term solution.

  11. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6월 7일

    Levantar muros, entrenar a policías, abrir CIE, sellar pozos de agua... Y ahora también controles biométricos a quienes usan las rutas migratorias africanas. La externalización de fronteras de la Europa Fortaleza está tomando forma de distopía neocolonial

  12. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6월 6일

    Selon Oxfam, 71% des investissements des grandes banques 🇫🇷 financent des énergies fossiles ! Le "capitalisme vert" est un mythe, on ne luttera pas contre le réchauffement climatique sans reprendre le pouvoir sur la finance, qui en est le 1er responsable !

  13. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6월 6일

    Sinn Féin's Lynn Boylan reflects on the recent election and the outpouring of support she received and the need for the Left to work more closely together.

  14. 6월 6일

    Academics protest involvement of Israeli arms companies in EU research programs. “Knowledge and innovation should serve progress [...], not to develop dual use or military research of a country that has a record history of grave HR violations." Letter:

  15. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6월 5일

    WATCH: 52 years since Israel occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza, setting up checkpoints to suffocate, humiliate, and collectively punish millions of Palestinians. Blocking patients from hospitals, children from schools, and workers from jobs.

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  16. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6월 5일

    Members of the HDP Youth Council visited DTK co-chair and HDP Hakkari MP Leyla Güven to celebrate the Eid. ANF are a role model and symbol of the women's struggle. Jin Jiyan Azadi ✌🏻

    이 미디어는 민감한 콘텐츠를 포함할 수 있습니다. 자세히 알아보기
  17. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6월 5일

    Soutien aux cheminots mobilisés hier pour dénoncer la dégradation de leurs conditions de travail et la détérioration du climat social à la . Voilà l'impact de la libéralisation du rail et du dogme de la concurrence qui obsède tant Macron et l'UE !

  18. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6월 6일

    Yes ! Tellement fier d’annoncer que le a été officiellement accepté comme membre à part entière de la Gauche unitaire européenne ( ) au Parlement européen.

  19. 6월 5일

    NO to more power grab by the regime!! Not content with seizing control of 's judiciary & media, he and his Fidesz cronies now want to curb academic freedom by taking over the famed Academy of Sciences, the MTA. Don't let him! ⤵️

  20. 6월 5일

    Nature doesn't need people. People need nature. Trash capitalism, not the environment. 🌬


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