About us

In Defence of Marxism - launched in 1998 - has become one of the world's foremost sources of Marxist theory, analysis on current events and the history of the revolutionary workers’ movement.

This has been achieved thanks to the consistent effort of thousands of Marxists throughout the world in dealing with the burning problems and opportunities for the revolutionary movement arising from the crisis of the capitalist system and the development of the class struggle internationally.

In doing so, we have consistently defended the Marxist method and revolutionary ideas against the deluge of falsifications and slanders by the bourgeois media.

In Defence of Marxism is not just a website. It is the organ of the International Marxist Tendency, now organised in more than 30 countries.

To find out more about us, read what we stand for in the brief document Why we are Marxists. You can also read more about the origins of the Marxist tendency in Ted Grant's book History of British Trotskyism.

For a detailed analysis of our ideas regarding the world situation today and the tasks facing revolutionary Marxists, please read our document on World Perspectives 2018

If you agree with our ideas and the need to fight for a revolutionary Marxist alternative within the working class movement, please join us, or see the Contact Us section for details of how to join the struggle for socialism in your country.

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