World News

In another escalation of trade war against China

Trump issues executive order directed at Huawei

By Nick Beams, 16 May 2019

The latest US action is an escalation in what could be described as a drive to “weaponise” all arms of the state in the economic confrontation against China.

New Zealand government’s promises to combat child poverty exposed

By Chris Ross and Tom Peters, 16 May 2019

The Labour-led government of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is overseeing growing poverty and social inequality.

ICFI supporters hold rally in India to demand freedom for Assange and Manning

By our correspondents, 16 May 2019

The rally in the capital of the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu attracted the attention of workers and youth.

After shouting “I’m pregnant,” woman fatally shot by Texas police officer

By Marcus Day, 15 May 2019

Video recorded by a bystander and posted to Snapchat quickly went viral, prompting widespread outrage at the horrific killing.

Australia: Rally to defend Julian Assange held in Broadmeadows, Melbourne

By our reporters, 14 May 2019

The event drew a small but determined crowd of SEP members and supporters, local workers, and WikiLeaks’ supporters.

A million species threatened with extinction, UN-backed report warns

By Daniel de Vries, 14 May 2019

The comprehensive study of biodiversity called for “transformative change” to protect nature and humanity.

Factory fire symptomatic of social devastation in Calwell electorate

By Peter Byrne: SEP candidate for Calwell, 14 May 2019

“Where factories once employed workers who actually made things, they are now rented and filled with toxic waste, then abandoned.”

A socialist program needed to halt assault on university students and staff

By Mike Head: SEP candidate for Oxley, 14 May 2019

The Socialist Equality Party is alone in calling for a vast redistribution of wealth to secure the basic social right to free, high-quality public education at all levels.

Strikes by US workers outpacing rate in 2018

By Jerry White, 13 May 2019

There have been 17 major strikes in the US so far in 2019, involving nearly 230,000 public school and university employees, hospital staff, supermarket employees and other workers.

“This administration clearly wants to go after journalists”

Chelsea Manning restates her refusal to testify against Julian Assange as new grand jury subpoena looms

By Niles Niemuth, 13 May 2019

Speaking on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” program just three days after being released from federal detention, Manning made clear that she will resist the new grand jury subpoena, even at the cost of being sent back to prison.

“Act now” on trade or it will get worse, Trump threatens China

By Nick Beams, 13 May 2019

The increasingly belligerent US rhetoric is being matched by action expected to target another $300 billion worth of Chinese goods with tariffs of 25 percent.

Lebanon: Workers take to the streets to denounce government austerity measures

By Jean Shaoul, 13 May 2019

The rallies were part of a nationwide public sector strike affecting schools, universities, state-run media outlets and government offices.

Faculty at Chicago’s DePaul University condemn professor’s anti-democratic, militarist comments on Middle East

By Kristina Betinis, 13 May 2019

The faculty resolution condemned the views of Professor Jason Hill, who called for Palestinians to be stripped of voting rights and for Israel to exercise “unprecedented and excessive military might.”

Illinois passes bill criminalizing infrastructure-related protests

By Benjamin Mateus and Kristina Betinis, 13 May 2019

15 such bills, driven largely by oil and energy corporations through the pro-business think-tank ALEC, have already been enacted nationally, while 26 are pending.

New Zealand Labour government rules out capital gains tax

By John Braddock, 13 May 2019

Ardern’s capitulation to NZ First leader, Winston Peters, over what was a major election promise, underscores yet again the right-wing character of her government.

Australian Labor Party’s fraudulent cancer care pledge

By Gary Alvernia, 13 May 2019

Even if implemented in full, the plan would not significantly reduce the exorbitant costs of cancer therapy and care.

Australia: GetUp’s silence over the persecution of Julian Assange

By Richard Phillips: SEP Senate candidate for New South Wales, 13 May 2019

The protest group’s reaction to the incarceration of Assange signals its complicity and is a political godsend for Australia’s political elite.

With B-52s, carrier battle group in place, US war against Iran on a hair trigger

By Bill Van Auken, 11 May 2019

The threatening deployments come in the midst of a new round of bellicose statements from Washington.

Iran conflict intensifies transatlantic tensions

By Peter Schwarz, 11 May 2019

The European governments are doing all they can to avoid triggering a broader mobilisation against war.

No agreement at US-China trade talks as positions harden

By Nick Beams, 11 May 2019

A week ago, a deal had been expected, but that scenario was blown up when the Trump administration accused Beijing of backtracking on its commitments.

As protests grow, Algerian army arrests Workers Party leader

By Will Morrow, 11 May 2019

The army is imprisoning Louisa Hanoune on baseless charges to send a signal that it will deal ruthlessly with anyone, even figures with close ties to the regime.

US indicts whistleblower who exposed Obama’s drone assassination program

By Kevin Reed, 11 May 2019

Former US intelligence officer Daniel Hale was indicted and arrested on Thursday on charges of violating the Espionage Act.

French public sector workers strike against Macron government attacks

By Anthony Torres, 11 May 2019

Over 150 demonstrations took place Thursday against Emmanuel Macron’s “modernization” reform that would overturn conditions for public sector workers established in 1946.

Spain: No “red lines” in talks for a Socialist Party-Podemos coalition government

By Alejandro López, 11 May 2019

Iglesias stressed that during their parliamentary collaboration, both parties were able “to build a relationship of trust” and dealt with each other “with frankness and empathy.”

Two former Australian prime ministers tout Labor’s pro-business record

By Oscar Grenfell: SEP candidate for Parramatta, 11 May 2019

Hawke and Keating boasted they had created the “modern” deregulated economy, and called for the election of a Labor government to deepen this pro-business agenda.

New York City public housing fire kills six

By Tim Avery and Philip Guelpa, 11 May 2019

A fire in a Harlem building owned by the New York City Housing Authority killed two adults and four children.

Low-paid South Carolina teachers recruited for factory work

By Shelley Connor, 11 May 2019

South Carolina’s teachers, frustrated by pay that has not kept up with inflation, have become a reliable source of labor for a pharmaceutical company.

The Uber IPO: Billions for investors, increased exploitation for workers

By Shannon Jones, 11 May 2019

The global strikes and protests by Uber and Lyft drivers amid an orgy of stockholder enrichment underscore the need for workers to adopt an international socialist strategy.

German Young Socialist leader unleashes storm of debate about socialism

By Peter Schwarz, 11 May 2019

Kühnert, an unscrupulous careerist, can only pose as a socialist because he relies on the inexperience and lack of knowledge of today’s young generation.

Eugenics advocate Noah Carl dismissed from Cambridge University fellowship

By Thomas Scripps, 11 May 2019

Carl’s dismissal is a victory over a global campaign to revive far-right ideology on university campuses.

Free Assange NZ denounces hypocrisy at World Press Freedom Day event

By Tom Peters, 11 May 2019

Alex Hills from Free Assange New Zealand condemned the British government’s “brazen hypocrisy” and called on the media to “end the smears and lies about an anti-war hero.”

Trump rally roars approval for call to “shoot” immigrants

By Eric London, 10 May 2019

When an audience member at a Trump rally Wednesday yelled that the US should “shoot” immigrants, Trump laughed. Meanwhile, the government is arresting record numbers of families at the border.

US seizes North Korean ship

By Mike Head, 10 May 2019

This week’s developments demonstrate that the Trump administration has no intention of striking a deal with Pyongyang unless it involves a total capitulation and embrace of Washington’s offensive against China.

US tariff hike against China goes ahead

By Nick Beams, 10 May 2019

Trump said talks with Chinese representatives would proceed, but “I have no idea what’s going to happen.”

“They depend on us for their wealth and power”

Uber and Lyft drivers in Chicago, New York and California speak out against exploitation of gig economy workers

By our reporters, 10 May 2019

Drivers across the United States spoke out against the classification of Uber drivers as independent contractors as Uber heads into an Initial Public Offering worth billions of dollars.

GM workers denounce deals to “save” token jobs in Lordstown and Oshawa

By Shannon Jones, 10 May 2019

The moves, which will retain at most a few hundred jobs out of the thousands that are being permanently eliminated, are being denounced by workers.

Venezuela tensions mount after arrest of coup leader

By Bill Van Auken, 10 May 2019

Washington continues to threaten military intervention in the oil-rich South American country.

Netanyahu agrees a ceasefire with Hamas—for now

By Jean Shaoul, 10 May 2019

The Israel Defense Forces launched more than 150 aerial strikes and shelled at least 200 sites in the tiny Palestinian enclave.

Corporate murder: Trial opens of France Télécom executives over worker suicides

By Will Morrow, 10 May 2019

To shrink a workforce legally protected from sacking, executives adopted a covert policy of psychological torture designed to coerce workers to quit or commit suicide.

Germany’s far-right AfD exploits famous artwork to promote Islamophobia

By Sybille Fuchs, 10 May 2019

The use of the painting and its interpretation by the AfD is an amalgam of historical falsification, outright lies and racist agitation, which can quite rightly be compared with the techniques used by the Nazis.

“Unequal Germany”—new study examines regional differences

By Elisabeth Zimmermann, 10 May 2019

A key finding of the comprehensive study is that social and economic inequality has consolidated despite economic growth and employment growth in recent years.

Acceding to Erdoğan’s demand

Turkish election authorities order re-vote in Istanbul

By Ulas Atesci and Keith Jones, 10 May 2019

If Erdoğan went to such lengths to overturn the Istanbul mayoral election results, it is because he fears any weakening of his control of the state apparatus under conditions of deepening economic and geopolitical crisis.

Cell phone video from Sandra Bland’s 2015 traffic stop made public

By Anthony Bertolt, 10 May 2019

The video renews attention to her death in police custody and raises questions over the way it has been withheld for nearly four years.

Changing poverty formula, Trump administration to make millions ineligible for social programs

By Alex González, 10 May 2019

The “chained CPI” plan is based on a previous attack on the poor and elderly proposed by the Obama administration.

Fiji authorities suppress May Day protests, arrest locked-out workers

By John Braddock, 10 May 2019

The sacking and persecution of the FWA workers and ban on the protests again underlines the dictatorial nature of the Fijian regime, which rests directly on the military.

Chelsea Manning released, faces new imprisonment for refusing to testify against Assange

By Niles Niemuth, 10 May 2019

Even before she was released on Thursday, Manning was served with a new subpoena to demand testimony before a different grand jury. She could be returned to jail as early as next week.

Imperialist war, the working-class upsurge in the Mideast and North Africa, and the strategy of Permanent Revolution

By Keith Jones, 10 May 2019

We are publishing here the text of the speech to the 2019 International May Day Online Rally delivered by Keith Jones.

The defense of Venezuela and the struggle for socialism in Latin America

By Bill Van Auken, 10 May 2019

We are publishing here the text of the speech to the 2019 International May Day Online Rally delivered by Bill Van Auken.

The Australian election and the fraud of the NDIS

By Max Boddy: SEP candidate for Hunter, 10 May 2019

The National Disability Insurance Scheme was always designed to privatise the disability sector, push people off welfare payments and slash public spending.

Wild Nights with Emily: American poet Emily Dickinson undone by gender politics

By Joanne Laurier and David Walsh, 10 May 2019

By concentrating almost exclusively on Emily Dickinson’s supposed sexual relationship with her sister-in-law, filmmaker Madeleine Olnek and her collaborators recreate the poet in their own petty, self-absorbed image.

IYSSE in US holds successful meetings on postmodernism and identity politics

By our reporters, 10 May 2019

The meetings reviewed the right-wing, subjective idealist roots of the pseudo-left philosophies and politics that dominate college campuses.

South African municipal strikers defy unions; strike continues by South African workers at Cell C phones

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

10 May 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

House committee votes contempt charge against Trump’s attorney general William Barr

By Patrick Martin, 9 May 2019

The conflict between Congress and the White House represents the breakdown of the institutional framework through which American capitalist politics has operated for more than two centuries.

Pompeo lays down the law during UK visit

By Robert Stevens, 9 May 2019

The US secretary of state’s remit was to demand that the UK government toe the line in backing the geo-strategic imperatives of US imperialism… or else.

China to hit back if new US tariff threat goes ahead

By Nick Beams, 9 May 2019

The US is demanding China submit an inventory of laws and regulations it will enact to guarantee compliance with any trade deal—in effect dictating economic policy to Beijing.

Insys Therapeutics executives, makers of oral fentanyl spray, convicted of racketeering

By Ben Mateus, 9 May 2019

A study published earlier this year found that in 28 states the mortality rate from synthetic opioids had more than doubled every two years.

Video: Workers at SEP rally in Parramatta denounce persecution of Julian Assange

By our reporters, 9 May 2019

The Socialist Equality Party won strong support from workers and youth at its rally demanding the immediate release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and US whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

Papua New Guinea government faces no-confidence vote

By John Braddock, 9 May 2019

The wholesale defections from the government are the most significant in Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s eight years in office.

The New York Times and its Uyghur “activist”

By Peter Symonds, 9 May 2019

The promotion of Rushan Abbas by the New York Times is a classic example of its role in pushing the bogus “human rights” issues used by US imperialism to prosecute its interests.

Greens offer bogus climate pledges while pleading for another partnership with Labor

By Mike Head: SEP candidate for Oxley, 9 May 2019

The “plan” of the Greens is not about saving the environment and the planet but handing billions of dollars to supposedly “green” companies.

Two thousand nurses and support staff strike at Toledo, Ohio hospital

By Jerry White, 8 May 2019

Nurses, technicians and other support staff walked out at Mercy Health St. Vincent Medical Center Monday to fight against increased workloads and out-of-pocket health care costs.

Trump floats proposal to cancel 2020 elections

By Eric London, 8 May 2019

Bourgeois politics has degenerated to such a degree that political and legal norms considered fundamental since the American Revolution are now challenged by presidential tweet.

“We need to save his life. That’s how serious it is”

Pamela Anderson and WikiLeaks editor-in-chief visit Julian Assange in prison

By Laura Tiernan, 8 May 2019

Anderson condemned the state persecution of her friend as a “misrule of law in operation.”

“We want him to come to graduation!”

Arizona students demand release of classmate detained by immigration agents

By Norisa Diaz, 8 May 2019

Over 200 high school students in Tucson, Arizona walked out of school Monday to protest the detention and deportation of their classmate, Thomas Torres.

Uber drivers to participate in global strike

By Leslie Murtagh and Jesse Thomas, 8 May 2019

Thousands of Uber and other ride-sharing drivers around the world will strike on Wednesday to protest low wages and the spread of casualized labor.

Teachers walking out statewide today in Oregon

By Kayla Costa, 8 May 2019

The SEP calls for the creation of rank-and-file committees to unite all educators, workers, parents and students in a common fight across the United States and internationally.

Georgia governor signs “heartbeat” anti-abortion legislation

By Kate Randall, 8 May 2019

The “Living Infants Fairness and Equality Act” marks a new stage in an orchestrated campaign to outlaw abortion.

UK government seeks to deny legal aid to Shamima Begum

By Paul Bond, 8 May 2019

Home Secretary Sajid Javid revoked Begum’s British citizenship last year, leaving her and her new-born baby stranded in appalling conditions and stateless.

Panama election a distorted expression of growing opposition to austerity

By Andrea Lobo, 8 May 2019

The election came after a year dominated by strikes, including by teachers, construction workers and a general strike against an electricity rate hike.

Anti-Muslim witch-hunt after terrorist bombings in Sri Lanka

By our correspondents, 8 May 2019

Alongside a vicious campaign of anti-Muslim propaganda, hundreds of people have been arrested in house-to-house police operations.

Australian fascist group tried to recruit Christchurch terrorist

By Tom Peters, 8 May 2019

The latest revelation further discredits claims by the Australian and New Zealand governments and police that Tarrant was a lone gunman whose attack could not have been prevented.

India’s election and the revolutionary program to oppose austerity, war and communal reaction

By Keith Jones, 8 May 2019

The BJP’s turn to militarism and unabashed communal reaction is animated, above all, by its fear of growing social opposition.

The Christchurch terror attack and the promotion of fascism by the ruling elite

By Tom Peters, 8 May 2019

We are publishing here the text of the speech to the 2019 International May Day Online rally delivered by Tom Peters.

Former Australian PM denounces anti-China witch-hunt of intelligence agencies

By Oscar Grenfell: SEP candidate for Parramatta, 8 May 2019

Paul Keating’s outburst highlights the degree to which Australia and its military and security agencies have been integrated into the US war drive against China.

US threatens Iran with war

By Keith Jones, 7 May 2019

The reckless and criminal character of Washington’s actions cannot be exaggerated. A US attack on Iran threatens to ignite a Mideast-wide war and rapidly draw in the other imperialist and great powers.

Betraying my principles is “a much worse prison than the government can construct”

After nearly two months in jail, Chelsea Manning submits powerful appeal for release

By Niles Niemuth, 7 May 2019

Manning has been detained for contempt of court after she refused to testify before a grand jury impaneled to bring frame-up charges against WikiLeaks publisher and journalist Julian Assange.

Democrats line up behind Trump’s war on immigrants

NY Times demands: “Give Trump his border money”

By Kevin Martinez, 7 May 2019

With death and misery mounting along the southern US border,the Democratic party is signaling its support for further repression.

In wake of Venezuela coup fiasco, US military threats mount

By Bill Van Auken, 7 May 2019

Both Secretary of State Pompeo and US puppet Juan Guaidó say that “military options” are under consideration.

Conflicts flare between Trump and House Democrats

By Patrick Martin, 7 May 2019

On a range of issues, the Trump administration is refusing to provide documents and witnesses subpoenaed by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives.

UK: Renewed Brexit talks deepen splits in both Conservatives and Labour

By Robert Stevens, 7 May 2019

After the Tories lost more than 1,300 council seats last week and Labour also made smaller losses, May and Corbyn stressed that the electorate want Brexit to be implemented.

Germany: FDP Congress tacks to the right

By Peter Schwarz, 7 May 2019

The central message of the Congress was unmistakable: the Free Democrats advocate aggressive international expansion, more corporate deregulation and austerity for the working class.

Video: At Sydney rally Assange’s father demands Australian government secure son’s release

7 May 2019

Two days after Assange was sentenced to 50 weeks in jail, protesters rallied in Sydney’s Martin Place.

In wake of Venezuela coup fiasco, US military threats mount

By Bill Van Auken, 7 May 2019

Both Secretary of State Pompeo and US puppet Juan Guaidó say that “military options” are under consideration.

“The UAW sold us down the river”

Fiat Chrysler uses robocall to announce more layoffs at Belvidere, Illinois, plant

By Marcus Day and George Marlowe, 7 May 2019

On Monday, the auto giant announced more layoffs in addition to the shift it has already eliminated.

Workers at Airbus’ Montreal facility repudiate union-backed, concessionary contract

Workers Struggles: The Americas

7 May 2019

Some 1,000 workers at Bombardier voted by a 73 percent margin to vote a union-backed concessions deal and then voted overwhelmingly to grant strike authorization.

After Matamoros strikes, Mexican government enacts bill for “democratic unions”

By Alex González, 7 May 2019

The bill is a response to the resurgence of the class struggle and a demand for the passage of the USMCA.

UK: Renewed Brexit talks deepen splits in both Conservatives and Labour

By Robert Stevens, 7 May 2019

After the Tories lost more than 1,300 council seats last week and Labour also made smaller losses, May and Corbyn stressed that the electorate want Brexit to be implemented.

Britain: National Union of Journalists World Press Freedom Day event ignores Julian Assange

By Paul Mitchell, 7 May 2019

At the NUJ’s World Press Freedom Day event, there was not a single mention of Assange by any of the speakers on the platform, all of whom claimed to be champions of press freedom.

Thousands of jobs threatened at Bombardier plants in Belfast and Casablanca

By Steve James, 7 May 2019

Bombardier’s move is the next phase of a global restructuring necessitated by ferocious competition in the world airline industry.

New Orleans Times-Picayune lays off its entire staff

By Aaron Murch, 7 May 2019

The mass layoff was the first action of the new owners after Baton Rouge-based the Advocate bought the New Orleans daily.

Labor leader makes phony populist pitch at Australian election launch

By Oscar Grenfell, 7 May 2019

Labor is absurdly claiming that paltry funding on health and a miniscule increase in tax collected from multinational corporations, will resolve the deepening social crisis.

Greetings to Chinese workers and youth on the centenary of the May 4 movement

By Peter Symonds, 7 May 2019

We are publishing here the text of the speech to the 2019 Online International May Day Rally delivered by Peter Symonds.

Israel pounds Gaza, stoking fears of invasion

By Jean Shaoul, 6 May 2019

Less than a month after his far-right bloc's victory in last month’s elections, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu authorised an aerial assault on Gaza, targeting at least 150 sites over the weekend.

The nationalist “socialism” of Bernie Sanders

By Patrick Martin, 6 May 2019

Sanders presents Chinese workers, the largest single contingent of the international working class, as the enemy of American workers.

Teachers at three Chicago charter schools strike as union blocks common fight with public school educators

By Alexander Fangmann and Andy Thompson, 6 May 2019

The Chicago Teachers Union has worked closely with the Democratic Party to ensure that the two-tier education system is completely unaffected.

Sickout by teachers and school support staff in Nashville, Tennessee

By Warren Duzak, 6 May 2019

More than 1,400 teachers and support staff called in sick Friday after Democratic Mayor David Briley’s budget provided no increase in real wages for school employees.

As contract deadline approaches

Faurecia auto parts workers in Michigan speak out on sweatshop conditions

By James McDonald, 6 May 2019

In advance of their May contract expiration workers at the Faurecia auto parts plant in Saline, Michigan, spoke out on brutal working conditions and harsh treatment by management.

On eve of trade talks in Washington

Trump threatens new tariffs against China

By Nick Beams, 6 May 2019

Trump’s threats, aimed at putting intense pressure on Chinese negotiators when they sit down with their US counterparts on Wednesday, could have the effect of blowing up the talks.

Horrific plant explosion kills at least three workers in northern Chicago suburb

By Jessica Goldstein, 6 May 2019

The 30,000-square foot plant was located close to residential areas, where witnesses reported power outages and structural and other property damage in nearby buildings.

Australian youth speak out against climate change

By our reporters, 6 May 2019

The climate strikes are part of a growing politicisation of young people in Australia and internationally.