People Innovation Excellence

What is Webinar?

Last Update: 22/02/2017

The term “webinar” is  web and seminar. It means a presentation, lecture, or workshop that is transmitted over the web.

Binus University provided webinar access using Webex Application from Microsoft. You can open for further details.

What is Webinar?

The term “webinar” is  web and seminar. It means a presentation, lecture, or workshop that is transmitted over the web.

Binus University provided webinar access using Webex Application from Microsoft. You can open for further details.

How to register at “x” webinar?

Last Update: 22/02/2017
  1. Click on the webbanner above
  2. Click on the register button
  3. fill the registration form
  4. you will get notification email from webex
  5. you can get access to the webinar at the event date

How to register at “x” webinar?

  1. Click on the webbanner above
  2. Click on the register button
  3. fill the registration form
  4. you will get notification email from webex
  5. you can get access to the webinar at the event date

Webinar Archive

Guest Lecture: Legal Responsibility in Virtual World

Guest Lecture: Legal Responsibility in Virtual World

June 19 2019
Event number: 577078204 Event password: webinar ...

Read More >

Hubungan Indonesia-Uni Eropa: Kesempatan dan Tantangan

Hubungan Indonesia-Uni Eropa: Kesempatan dan Tantangan

June 19 2019
Event number: 579373805 Event password: webinar ...

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Just In Time Production

Just In Time Production

June 17 2019
Webinar BBS - Just In Time Production Event number: 570682814 Event password: webinar ...

Read More >

View All Webinar Archive >


Matheusz Woinski, PhD

Matheusz Woinski, PhD

Assistant professor, Kozminski University
Yuri O. Thamrin

Yuri O. Thamrin

Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Belgia
Iqbal Prakasa

Iqbal Prakasa

Head of Marketing and Sales Beritagar


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