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Oxford Dating

"Oxford, the City of Dreaming Spires." It's hard not to be in the mood with this beautiful city as your romantic backdrop. To help you get started, Soulmates is here to help beyond your online dating profile, featuring posts on how to make the most of online dating and helpful tips to securing a second date. 

How to survive online dating in 5 steps

Octavia Welby

Online dating is a rollercoaster adventure. But while it’s exciting, it can also leave you feeling a bit bamboozled. What does a successful profile look like? What is the right etiquette? And how can I pick the right person when there are so many options? As mid-life ex-wife blogger Stella Grey puts it, “it’s a […]

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Success on Soulmates: Helen and Robert

Emily Cowan

Helen met Robert on Soulmates in 2017, after several months of searching. She wrote to us to tell us about her journey and the wonderful relationship that her and Robert now have. “I was sceptical. I was cautious, I spent fifteen months searching. It was tough but I couldn’t give up. I met twenty quality […]

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The art of good online dating profiles

Octavia Welby

Crafting a good online dating profile can sometimes feel as complicated as a painting by Jackson Pollock. And yet, you have the power to make it as intriguing as the Mona Lisa. So here’s how to paint yourself in the best light on your online dating profile. Starting out with how to choose the right […]

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Success on Soulmates: Gary and Russ’s story

Guardian Soulmates

Gary, 35, is a social work manager living in the West Country. He was born with cerebral palsy; a disability that affects mobility and balance. In 2015 he met his now-fiancé, Russ, on Soulmates, and recently wrote to us to tell us his story. “I woke up this Sunday morning as my partner brought me […]

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