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Building insolvencies surge as housing turns

Michael Bleby
Michael BlebySenior Reporter

Building industry insolvencies have risen to a four-year high in NSW and are approaching historical highs nationally, prompting subcontractors to demand protection of unpaid payments in an industry estimated to leave an unpaid $3 billion-worth of bills each year.

Corporate regulator ASIC figures show NSW building industry failures jumped to 64 in March, the highest level since mid-2015, lifting the national total to 153, close to its highs of recent years. Unlike recent years, however, the figures come at a time when housing construction - a mainstay of the sector - is cooling.

Without long-overdue protections for subcontractors, who perform 80 per cent of all building work, many more of these small businesses will go to the wall at a time of building stress, said John Murray, the author of a 2017 report into security of payments for the federal government.

Nothing to catch them: But subcontractors say a system of statutory trusts would protect payments made to them.  Louie Douvis

"Why should subcontractors be unwilling bankers for interest-free loans to builders?"

Review author John Murray


"The industry’s in a downturn and what happens in a downturn is high incidences of insolvencies," Mr Murray told The Australian Financial Review on Wednesday.

A 2015 Senate report into insolvency in construction estimated the industry suffered $3 billion in unpaid debts, including subcontractor payments, employee entitlements and tax debts averaging about $630 million a year.

A key recommendation of Mr Murray's review was the introduction of deemed statutory trusts, which - like trust accounts of real estate agents and lawyers - would ringfence the payments head contractors receive from clients on any project worth more than $1 million, keeping them distinct in the operating funds of the contractor.

"The sooner [a system of trusts] comes in the better," Mr Murray said.

"It has been a convenient source of capital for builders. We have to ask the moral question – why should subcontractors be unwilling bankers for interest-free loans to builders? No one’s giving me an answer on that."

"The urgency? Jesus. It’s high"

Subcontractors Alliance's Les Williams


A trust system would keep money intended for subcontractors down the chain intact even if a building contractor went under.

"The reality is they don’t get the money to not pay," Small Business Ombudsman Kate Carnell said.

It wouldn't stop companies phoenixing - declaring themselves bankrupt and avoiding liabilities before starting up in a different guise - but would at least preserve the funds owed to subcontractors, she said.

"You don’t take your subbies out with you when you do that," Ms Carnell said.

Builders said it was not necessary to change practices around security of payments and that insolvencies were largely due to competition between subcontractors and an industry with few barriers to entry for unresourced players, who could often not survive.

"I don't think it's a payment issue," said Christopher Schiavello, a director of family-owned builder and developer Schiavello and head of its NSW business.

"Mandatory statutory trusts are not practical, cost effective or workable"

HIA's Kristin Brookfield

"I think in a lot of cases it's very easy just to accept a cheap price. There's not enough emphasis on financial due diligence around building contractors."


Building industry bodies oppose the idea.

"Mandatory statutory trusts are not practical, cost effective or workable for this scale of construction work and the nature of the contracting arrangements," said Kristin Brookfield, the Housing Industry Association's chief executive for industry policy.

"The imposition of deemed statutory trust arrangements will not stop insolvencies or guarantee payments to subcontractors. They will, however, impose additional costs that will impact housing affordability."

"When the industry slows down, bad stuff is more likely to happen"

Small Business Ombudsman Kate Carnell

Master Builders Australia took a similar line.

"Everyone in our industry should be paid what they are due on time and in full," an MBA spokesman said.

"Prompt payment is essential given 99 per cent of our industry is made up of small subcontractors and family businesses but cascading trusts, project bank accounts and similar arrangements are not the solution."


While home-building is holding up better than expected - forecasting body ACIF last month revised up its expectations for housing construction this year - the industry is weakening. Wednesday's GDP figures showed new housing investment slumped 2.5 per cent in the first quarter.

This raised the risks for subcontractors, Ms Carnell said.

"When the industry slows down, bad stuff is more likely to happen," she said.

States, particularly NSW, WA and Queensland, are taking steps to protect subcontractors, but they needed to be consistent, Mr Murray said.

"You want to make sure the requirements in relation to the statutory trusts are as unified and harmonised as possible because you don’t want to have different jurisdictions imposing different requirements in an important area of trust law," he said.

Subcontractors say the system would impose costs on builders, but was crucial.

"The urgency? Jesus. It’s high. It should have been started long before now," said Les Williams, of Queensland body Subcontractors Alliance.

"You’ve got to balance it against the cost of doing nothing – which is huge to a lot of innocent people."

Michael Bleby writes on real estate specialising in construction, infrastructure, architecture based in our Melbourne newsroom. Connect with Michael on Instagram and Twitter. Email Michael at
Michael Bleby

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