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Religious freedom laws to fall short of conservative demands

Tom McIlroy
Tom McIlroyPolitical reporter

The Morrison government is set to disappoint conservative MPs pushing for radical religious freedom protections, opting instead for "standard" anti-discrimination provisions in new laws.

Seeking to "complete the set" of Australia's anti-discrimination protections, Prime Minister Scott Morrison committed the Coalition to a new religious discrimination law during the federal election campaign.

Attorney-General Christian Porter said on Wednesday draft legislation was close to being ready and could be introduced in the new Parliament's first sitting weeks in July, placing it alongside personal income tax cuts in importance.

But calls from former Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce for the new law to give protection to controversial views like those held by rugby star Israel Folau won't be taken up.

Liberal senator Eric Abetz has asked the Fair Work Ombudsman and Australian Human Rights Commission to investigate Folau's dismissal, a decision likely to be appealed by the dumped player. AAP

Mr Joyce has called for religious protections to cover employment contracts, in order to allow religious believers to express views like those of Folau, who used social media to warn that gay people and fornicators will go to Hell unless they repent.


Last month, conservative Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells called for the concerns of religious leaders and faith-based institutions to be addressed, ahead of the results of an Australian Law Reform Commission review into exemptions to anti-discrimination laws afforded to religious schools.

Mr Porter said the commission's review would continue while the government focused on less controversial changes, including clarifying issues in charities law to allow faith-based non-profits to observe religious teaching.

"That'll be largely uncontroversial," he said.

He said the new legislation would match protections barring racial or sex discrimination for people of religious faith, following the basic architecture of existing laws.

"We define an attribute, in this case someone's religious qualities or indeed irreligious qualities. It will apply to people who don't believe in religion.

"And then we say that persons holding those attributes will be protected from certain behaviour in certain circumstances, again, just like the Race or Sex Discrimination Act."

Mr Porter told ABC radio a range of "logical exceptions" would also be included.


"The principle is that if people should properly be protected from discrimination on the basis of their race or the fact that they have a disability or their age or their sex, why not also because of the fact that they hold a particular religious view?"

Mr Morrison said before his May 18 re-election the new religious discrimination act would match protections for LGBTIQ Australians and other minorities.

"It will ensure that we complete the set," he said.

Human rights advocates said they were waiting to see the draft legislation, with some groups welcoming additional legislation for religious believers.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese says the opposition will consider the legislation when it is made public.

Frontbencher Penny Wong on Wednesday warned against a partisan debate, calling instead for respectful discussion.

"It would be a pity in Australia – a country which I think has had a very good history of ensuring that we respectfully discuss different views, different faiths, whether it’s Christian faith, Muslim faith or others – if this turned into a partisan political issue," she said.

"I hope all political parties would avert this becoming a highly partisan issue."

Coalition backbencher Kevin Andrews this week called for the new laws to follow the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, balancing the rights of believers with the wider Australian community.

Liberal senator Eric Abetz has asked the Fair Work Ombudsman and Australian Human Rights Commission to investigate Folau's dismissal, a decision likely to be appealed by the dumped player.

Tom McIlroy is a political reporter for The Australian Financial Review in the federal press gallery at Parliament House. Connect with Tom on Facebook and Twitter. Email Tom at
Tom McIlroy

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