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Jennifer Hewett

The new economic D-Day

Jennifer HewettColumnist

Donald Trump’s polite references to the enduring common values of the US and the UK can’t obscure the large rips in the normal fabric of international relations, including in the links between traditional allies.

A British government paralysed by the meaning of Brexit and the future of the European Union is simultaneously trying to negotiate a future with the Trump administration that is also fraught with contradictions. These go well beyond trade, let alone the notion of a free trade deal between the UK and the US.

US national security and economic concerns, particularly in the world of rapidly advancing technology, are now beginning to divide the world into China and US camps. Theresa May won’t be around much longer but she is making it clear, for example, the UK government doesn’t intend to follow the example of Australia or the exhortations of the US and ban Huawei from Britain’s 5G mobile phone network. That is despite being warned by the US this will inevitably compromise intelligence sharing and the closeness of the relationship.

The Morrison government may not be directly involved in this UK-US wrangling but joint membership of the Five Eyes intelligence community is another reason to make Australia particularly vulnerable to the tensions. Huawei is also in the frontline of the broader US China trade war and the continuing confrontation and competition over advanced technology in general – making Australia a key player in that struggle too.

Lower rates won’t remove the fundamental threat to the health of the global economy or to the “rules based” international order that has dominated trade and growth since the end of World War II.

As tensions escalate, China is determined to demonstrate there are definite costs to blocking Huawei or siding too closely with the US. Reacting to Australia’s very public decision to ban Huawei last year has become integral to that. So far, the effect on Australia’s trade with China remains limited despite delays in the shipments of coal and fierce rhetoric about Australia’s actions in the state-owned media.


But apprehension any retaliation from China could become more widespread is becoming sharper given fading optimism about the prospects of a trade deal being completed between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison meets Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace. News Pool

It seems a convenient coincidence, for example, that the American and Australian chambers of commerce (Amcham and Austcham) in Beijing were informed last week by their regulator, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, they would be audited. According to a report in the Financial Times, Austcham said it had been “randomly selected” and would fully co-operate with the ministry.

This was after the US administration undermined Huawei’s huge global expansion – at least outside the US – by putting the telco equipment giant on a blacklist preventing US companies providing any hardware or software to it anywhere in the world.

In response, China is about to issue its own blacklist of “unreliable entities”, including foreign individuals or other organisations or businesses suspected of “damaging the legitimate rights and interest of Chinese companies and jeopardising China’s national security and interests”.

While there has so far been little detail of those likely to be affected from the Commerce Ministry, the list seems certain to target big US tech companies such as Apple. It obviously has the potential to be interpreted more broadly and possibly extended to non-US companies.

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd is another China expert who has recently become much less confident of the prospects of a deal, rating them now at less than 50 per cent despite the mutual interests of Trump and Xi in negotiating an agreement. After a speech at the ADC Forum last weekend, he told The Australian Financial Review the relationship was turning “nasty” in a way he had not seen in 30 years.


Despite the conflict over trade, global sharemarkets have been boosted this week by the prospect of further interest rate cuts, led by comments from the US Federal Reserve. In Australia this was backed in by a 0.25 per cent cut in the cash rate with Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe suggesting there will be more to come.

Yet lower rates won’t remove the fundamental threat to the health of the global economy or to the “rules based” international order that has dominated trade and growth since the end of World War II. Scott Morrison’s warning in the UK that a “zero-sum mindset” would put living standards and prosperity at risk is an expression of rationality overwhelmed by much larger disruptive forces, fuelled by emotive appeals to the national interest in both the US and China.

The immediate risk to Australia is certainly evident in the latest disappointing growth figures for the March quarter of 0.4 per cent, putting annual growth for the preceding year at 1.8 per cent, the lowest in a decade. The Morrison government will point to the likelihood of a subsequent improvement as a result of the removal of the risk of Labor’s tax increases as well as regulatory changes loosening credit in the mortgage market, assisted by Coalition tax cuts and RBA rate cuts.

But the fall in private sector investment shows a business community hesitant to take risks and the persistence of weak consumer spending in a falling housing market with low wages growth. It means the government will come under increasing pressure to heed Lowe’s stern recommendations for greater structural reform and fiscal stimulus. That’s even though government spending was already the primary driver of domestic growth, contributing 0.2 per cent – the same as net exports. Household consumption added a modest 0.1 per cent but the lack of private capital expenditure actually took away 0.2 per cent from the final figure for the quarter.

That means the growing divisions between China and the US become an even bigger threat to Australia’s favourite national economic story of 28 years without a recession. No D-Day style economic landing likely.

Jennifer Hewett is National Affairs Columnist at The Australian Financial Review and writes a daily column on politics, business and the economy. Connect with Jennifer on Twitter. Email Jennifer at
Jennifer Hewett

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