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Ex RBA-deputy queries rate cut

John Kehoe
John KehoeSenior Writer

Former Reserve Bank of Australia deputy governor Stephen Grenville has challenged the effectiveness of the RBA's inflation target and interest rate cut, as he warned that cheap borrowing costs distort housing and stockmarkets.

Following the historic reduction in the RBA's cash rate to a record-low 1.25 per cent on Tuesday, Dr Grenville writes in The Australian Financial Review today that negative real (inflation adjusted) interest rates "don’t make much sense" and fiscal policy should play a larger role to stimulate the economy.

RBA governor Philip Lowe said on Tuesday night he doesn't expect the cash rate to fall as low as 0.25 to 0.50 of a per cent like it did overseas, but the RBA had capacity to do so if the economy performs worse than expected.

Dr Grenville, who was second-in-charge at the RBA when the 2-3 per cent inflation target was officially adopted in 1996, said inflation no longer gave a clear reading on the economy due to China's cheap manufacturing of goods, globalisation of supply chains, the digital revolution and changes in wage setting.

"The instrument of monetary policy – the short-term interest rate – seems less reliable and less powerful in the world of low inflation," he wrote.

International Monetary Fund intervenes


"Lower rates push up prices of equities, bonds and housing. The direct impact on activity – encouraging consumers and investors to spend more – is weak."

The International Monetary Fund said in a new report that Australia was one of the very few countries in the world that has "substantial" government budget capacity leftover to stimulate the economy in response to any "shocks".

Instead of looser monetary policy distorting capital allocation, Dr Grenville called for government spending to play the leading role in supporting the economy if Australia is "caught in the maelstrom" of Donald Trump's trade war against China.

"Australia (together with most advanced economies) has operated unbalanced macro policies since the GFC – expansionary monetary policy opposing contractionary fiscal policy," Dr Grenville writes.

"Low interest rates have weakened the power of monetary policy, but at the same time have created an opportunity for effective fiscal stimulus."

Dr Grenville joins a growing list of former RBA senior officials to cast doubt on the bank's monetary policy framework in the low inflation and low interest rate era, including Peter Jonson, Warwick McKibbin and Ian Macfarlane, who in 2016 said such low inflation was "never envisaged" when inflation targeting was introduced more than 20 years ago.

The debate comes amid rising concerns that further reductions in the RBA's record-low interest rate will leave the central bank with little ammunition to support the economy in a serious economic downturn.


Governor Lowe on Tuesday night rejected the idea of changing the monetary policy framework, including the 2-3 per cent inflation target, after three years of undershooting the goal.

"I'm confident that if we can get the unemployment rate down, perhaps to four and a half per cent, there will be enough pressure on capacity in the economy that inflation will rise," Dr Lowe said.

"I don't see at the moment any case for changing the framework and the two to three per cent goal.

"It's served us well for a quarter of a century."

Dr Lowe said some academics had argued the opposite - that the inflation target should be increased to overcome low inflation.

"And the reason people talk about raising inflation targets is if you have a higher average level of inflation, you have a higher average level of interest rates and if the average is higher you have more capacity to lower them [rates]," Dr Lowe said in response to a question.

Trade war concerns

Globally, the IMF is concerned the escalating trade war between the US and China could slow international economic growth.


Before Treasurer Josh Frydenberg's trip on Thursday to the Group of 20 finance ministers meeting in Japan, the IMF signalled the Morrison government had "fiscal space" to support the economy, drive down unemployment and lift inflation.

"Only a few G20 economies have substantial fiscal space at present levels of output gaps (Australia, Germany, and South Korea)," the IMF's G20 surveillance note said.

Dr Lowe, who signalled on Tuesday that the Reserve Bank's cash rate could fall to 1 per cent or below in coming months, has suggested federal and state governments may need to unleash more infrastructure investment to help push down the jobless rate and stimulate stronger wage growth.

Dr Lowe has also called for more "structural" economic reforms from politicians, such as to tax, workplace relations, competition, innovation, skills and education.

Tax cuts and infrastructure spending

Mr Frydenberg said the government already had fiscal support in the pipeline from imminent tax rebates worth up to $1080 for low-to-middle-income earners and $100 billion in infrastructure spending, nearly half of which will be deployed in the next four years.

But with the budget moving back towards surplus, fiscal policy will be a slight drag on the economy.

Some economists said with RBA interest rates likely to fall to 1 per cent or less, fiscal policy should play a bigger role in supporting the economy.


Dr Grenville, now a non-resident fellow at the Lowy Institute, noted monetary policy was already providing "pedal-to-the-metal" stimulus, but the economy was still operating below capacity.

"Attention should turn to the other arm of macro policy – fiscal policy," he said.

"The experience during the global financial crisis, both here and overseas, is that fiscal policy is powerfully effective.

"The usual fears about debt and deficits haven’t eventuated: financial markets have readily absorbed the big increases in public debt, without putting upward pressure on interest rates."

Canberra-based Outlook Economics director Peter Downes said interest rate cuts would be less effective as the cash rate fell towards zero, so the Morrison government should be ready to deploy more rapid-fire infrastructure spending and, possibly, other measures such as tax breaks to encourage business investment.

Dr Lowe on Tuesday night said he wasn't concerned ultra cheap money will distort capital flows or further inflate the price of assets such as houses.

John Kehoe writes on economics, politics and business from the Canberra press gallery. He is a former Washington correspondent. Connect with John on Twitter. Email John at
John Kehoe

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