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Patrick Commins

How to invest at the razor's edge of innovation

Patrick ComminsColumnist

It's hard to find an investor these days who will sing the praises of Tesla. The technology is clearly impressive, but the business seems to be burning through cash like a racing car burns through fuel.

And even true believers have been shaken by the precipitous fall in the electric car manufacturer's share price, which has nearly halved since December to now fetch around $US194. More analysts have a "sell" on the stock than a "buy" these days, and experts worry that Tesla's controversial boss Elon Musk is running out of time.

The stock has "been beaten up badly", ARK Invest's Catherine Wood told a Morgan Stanley conference in Sydney on Wednesday.

Tesla shares have plunged to $US194 but will reach $US560 even in a bear case scenario, says Ark Invest's Catherine Wood. Christophe Ena

But Wood did not come all the way from the US to list reasons to dump the stock. In fact, she is Tesla's most high-profile supporter in the investment community, and has copped plenty of flack for it.

The investment firm she founded five years ago "seeks to identify disruptive innovation in the public markets", according to the marketing blurb. And Tesla is one of her highest conviction investments.


"You know what, for people that have walked away from the stock: it is going to be like Amazon back in the day," Wood says. "A lot of people sold Amazon and it went on to become one of the greatest investments I've ever made – it’s the same thing."

Accordingly, Wood has built up her position through the recent share price decline, and says Tesla is her biggest exposure with 10 per cent of the portfolio.

Wood and her team invest at the razor's edge of innovation. She sees an inflection point coming across a range of investable innovations, from blockchain enabling the rise of cyptocurrencies, to genome sequencing developing cures for previously incurable diseases, to artificial intelligence, robotics and energy storage paving the way for widespread uptake in autonomous vehicles.

Wood says that "autonomous taxi platforms are going to be one of the biggest investment opportunities of my lifetime". Her team's analysis suggests the total market capitalisation of the autonomous taxi industry will be $US7 trillion by 2028, or larger than the global energy sector capitalisation today.

(For the record, Wood sees peak oil demand coming within two years' time.)

Wood is convinced that Tesla will be the winner in the march towards self-driving cars, and will finish well ahead of main rival Waymo, a subsidiary of Alphabet, which owns Google.

But even if you don't buy the autonomous car story – or think it a story for too far in the future - then the prospects for electric vehicles, or EVs, alone should be enough to make a powerful case for the stock.


"In our bear case, Tesla's EV market share drops from 17 per cent to 6 per cent globally and that still gets us to $US560 per share. That's well above our 15 per cent minium annual rate of return.

"Our bull case has them losing a third of their market share, and that gets us to $US1200 a share."

Catherine Wood ... bitcoin "like a little calf" but ready for prime time and especially relevant in developing countries. Supplied

These are clearly massive price targets. Wood's justification is that she expects "exponential growth" in EV sales as battery prices decline rapidly and push electric vehicle prices below petrol-powered vehicles by as soon as 2022.

In fact a key concept for Wood is "Wright's Law", which shows how costs decline as production increases. As production doubles, costs decline even further, and that can lead to exponential growth once costs - and prices - reach a tipping point.

This is a phenomenon that Wood believes the market fails to recognise in the case of Tesla and in many industries, which are driven by rapid technological innovation.

'Ready for prime time'

Wood is also a rare supporter of bitcoin - the cryptocurrency that has experienced an explosion of interest in recent years, but which has been the subject of price booms and busts that would make even the most volatile asset seem boring.


Despite this, the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust is among the fund's top-10 largest exposures.

"This is very early days [for bitcoin] - it’s like a little calf," Wood says. "It's very early days and there's a lot of fear and uncertainty and doubt.

"We are at the very beginning of this journey, but it [bitcoin] is ready for prime time. People don’t recognise this as much in the developed market - a lot of people thought, 'Well, we can’t buy pizza with bitcoin, so it’s not living up to its promise'.

"You're looking in the wrong places."

Last year there were $US1.3 trillion in transaction volumes - not trading volumes - in bitcoin, Wood says. But it's not happening in the developed world, but where there is "huge, unmet needs", Wood says. She points to Venezuela, for example, and in Africa and in other places "where cross-border transactions are prohibitively expensive because of currency conversions".

Using bitcoin to send remittances back from the developed world used to cost 8-25 per cent for the $100 sent home every month. Wood uses the analogy of "voice over IP" - making calls over the internet that drove the cost down to zero. Bitcoin, she says, is "money over IP".

The total remittance market is a $US600 billion market, she says, and that number should grow much larger as transaction costs are driven down towards zero.

Why bitcoin in particular? Because it is the reserve cryptocurrency, Wood believes. She notes that as the price of digital currencies crashed from $US20,000 to $US3000, bitcoin's share of transactions lifted from under 30 per cent to 60 per cent.

In the end, "there will be very few digital currencies, and bitcoin will be one of them".

Not everybody is ready to put their money into cutting-edge innovation. But Wood believes that there is a disconnect between what people instinctively know from their everyday lives - that the world is changing at a rapid pace, driven by technology - and where they invest their money.

Patrick Commins reports and comments on trends and news in domestic and global investment markets. Connect with Patrick on Twitter. Email Patrick at
Patrick Commins

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