Rajnath SinghVerifizierter Account


रक्षा मंत्री, Defence Minister of India

Beigetreten April 2013


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  1. राजस्थान भाजपा के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष एवं राज्यसभा सांसद मदन लाल सैनी जी के निधन से मैं स्तब्ध हूँ। मदनजी एक कुशल संगठनकर्ता होने के साथ सहज एवं सरल व्यक्ति के रूप में प्रतिष्ठित थे। शोकाकुल परिवार के प्रति मेरी संवेदना। ईश्वर उन्हें यह दुख सहने की शक्ति प्रदान करें। ओम् शांति!

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  2. 23. Juni

    My humble tributes to the Jana Sangha founder, Dr. Syama Prasad Mukherjee on his punyatithi. His immense contribution to our country will always be remembered.

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  3. 22. Juni

    प्रख्यात पत्रकार एवं राज्य सभा में सांसद रहे राजनाथ सिंह ‘सूर्य’ जी के लखनऊ स्थित घर जाकर उन्हें अपनी श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की एवं उनके परिवार से मिल कर शोक संवेदना अभिव्यक्त की। ‘सूर्य’ जी हिंदी पत्रकारिता जगत के एक सशक्त हस्ताक्षर थे। उनके निधन से हुई क्षति की भरपाई मुश्किल है।

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  4. 21. Juni

    भाजपा कार्यकर्ताओं ने पार्टी को सफलता की ऊँचाइयों तक पहुँचाने में बड़ी भूमिका निभाई है। लोकसभा चुनावों में NDA को लगभग ४५ फ़ीसदी एवं उत्तर प्रदेश में ५० फ़ीसदी वोट हासिल हुए। लखनऊ में आयोजित एक कार्यक्रम में ऐसे ही समर्पित एवं परिश्रमी पार्टी कार्यकर्ताओं को आज धन्यवाद दिया।

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  5. 21. Juni

    With due respect to you, Ji, these are proud members of the Indian Army and they contribute to the safety of our nation. जब कोई बार-बार हमारी सेना का अपमान करता है तो यही प्रार्थना की जा सकती है कि हे भगवान सद्बुद्धि दे!

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  6. 21. Juni

    Reached Lucknow on a two day visit. Looking forward to meet the party karyakartas and interact with the people of my constituency.

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  7. 21. Juni

    योग आज दुनिया के कई देशों में जीवन शैली का हिस्सा बन गया है। जब योग और कर्मयोग मिल जाते हैं तो एक बहुत बड़ी ताकत बन जाते है। इस अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस के अवसर पर यह संकल्प लेने की आवश्यकता है कि योग और कर्मयोग के माध्यम से हम भारत को पुनः विश्वगुरू के पद पर आसीन करेंगे।

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  8. 21. Juni

    Met with the families and friends of the deceased Air-warriors of An32 and shared my grief and heartfelt condolences with them. My thoughts and prayers are with them. May God give them strength to bear this monumental loss.

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  9. 21. Juni

    Paid tributes to brave Air-warriors , who lost their lives in the unfortunate An-32 crash on 03 June, 19 in Arunachal Pradesh. They served the nation with confidence and courage. I salute their sacrifice in the line of duty.

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  10. 21. Juni

    Attended celebrations at Rajpath today. Yoga brings the entire humanity together as it unites the people from Tokyo to San Francisco. The cultural diplomacy of PM Sh played a vital role in popularising Yoga around the world.

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  11. 21. Juni

    On I urge everyone to make Yoga an integral part of their lives. Join us live from Rajpath, New Delhi on my YouTube channel :

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  12. hat retweetet
    19. Juni

    Had a great meeting with Presidents of various political parties. Multiple issues of national importance were discussed. I thank the various leaders for their informed suggestions. Here are highlights from the meeting.

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  13. hat retweetet
    19. Juni

    Presidents of various parties had extensive discussions on: Improving Parliament productivity. One Country, One Election. Vision for New India. Marking Bapu’s 150th Jayanti. Developing aspirational districts.

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  14. 19. Juni

    Congratulations to Shri on being unanimously elected the Lok Sabha speaker. He has a good experience in public life as he has been a three time MLA and now a second time MP. I am confident Omji will efficiently run the House. My best wishes for his tenure ahead.

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  15. 19. Juni

    Greetings and good wishes to Shri on his birthday. Wishing him a long life filled with good health.

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  16. 18. Juni

    . , it is the least we can do. As the Raksha Mantri, I will leave no stone unturned to lift the morale of India’s Armed forces and support their families. It is an honour for me to get an opportunity to do something for the Armed Forces.

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  17. 18. Juni

    Paid tributes to Major Ketan Sharma who made the supreme sacrifice while fighting against the terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir. Major Sharma fought valiantly like a true soldier. My heart goes out to his bereaved family.

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  18. 17. Juni

    BJP Parliamentary board met today and it has selected Shri as the working president. He will remain the working president till the BJP’s membership drive& org. elections are over. Congratulations & best wishes to Naddaji for shouldering this new responsibility. 2/2

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  19. 17. Juni

    The has won several elections under the leadership of party president Shri . After the Prime Minister Shri appointed him the Home Minister, Amitji himself had said that the responsibility of party president should be given to someone else. 1/2

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  20. 16. Juni

    Congratulations to Indian cricket team for winning the match against Pakistan in . The Indian team played an amazing game of cricket for this victory. We are all proud of Team India.

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