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Economics of Racism II – The Roots of Inequality, USA

by Victor Perlo
International Publishers, New York, 1996
Paperback – 307 pages

The shooting of Walter Scott and the long list of other unarmed African Americans who have been shot to death by white police officers demonstrate that the victories for racial equality of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s are far from complete. African American and Latinos are still subjected to discrimination. The 1980s and ‘90s saw a serious escalation in the racist offensive which cover all aspects of life – economic, cultural, social and political. In this book Victor Perlo examines various areas of racism, the struggle to overcome it, who gains and who loses from racism. It also looks at such question as incomes and wealth, poverty, employment and unemployment, police and judicial processes, and education.


May Day – A Short History of the International Workers’ Holiday 1886 - 1986

by Philip S Foner
International Publishers, New York, 1986
Paperback – 184 pages

This is the story of May Day! – a holiday born in the USA a hundred years ago and since 1890 celebrated by working people the world over. In this short history, Philip Foner clarifies the dramatic origins of labor’s May Day and recounts many highlights of May Day celebrations through the years. Here is a story with a multitude of heroes and heroines who protest the injustices of their time as they unite to demand shorter hours of labor and a world free from imperialist war. In a stirring panorama, labor’s May Day banners affirm the struggle for a better life now and the bright promise of a future still to be won.


People vs. Profit: Volume 1: The Home Front

by Victor Perlo
International Publishers, New York, 2003
Paperback – 372 pages

Victor’s writing confirm a broad historic truth: that “unpaid labor” stolen from workers is the engine that drives capitalism. Capitalism generates mass poverty, racism, and war, even as it creates the enormous wealth that could banish these social ills forever. He argues with persuasion that socialism, in which the working class owns the means of production, is the only system capable of resolving these contradictions. [From the forward of the book by Tim Wheeler.]


People vs. Profit: Volume 2: The United States & the World

by Victor Perlo
International Publishers, New York, 2006
Paperback – 442 pages

This volume deals with the reaction of Washington to developments all over the globe. America’s position as the strongest and richest imperialist nation, advancing and protecting the worldwide operations of the multinational giants, is traced and documented. The content provide a review of US foreign policy, the forces that propelled it, over the last half of the 20th Century: the arrogant military mayhem; the role of oil; the disregard for international treaties and for the national integrity of small nations; the influx of US business interests, protected by US troops, all over the world; the manic hostility towards socialist countries. [From introduction of the book by Ellen Perlo.]


Super Profits and Crises: Modern US Capitalism

by Victor Perlo
International Publishers, New York, 1988
Paperback – 548 pages

An excellent book for beginners as well as those who have done considerable studies in political economy. It not only covers basic Marist theory but does so by applying it to current issues – class struggle, wages, exploitation, surplus value, women workers, poverty, unemployment, rate of profit, monopoly, wars, super profits of armament companies, interest rates, rate of profit, economic crises and business cycle, imperialism, and much more. The final chapter is on socialism versus capitalism. The examples given are for the US but they are just as relevant for readers in Australia or any other capitalist country. It is clearly written in everyday language and very accessible for readers.


The “American Model” on the Scales of History

by Andrei Kortunov & Alexander Nikitin
Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1985
Paperback – 232 pages

The main questions of which the authors consider are whether the American recipes for economic, social and political development can be applied to other countries and societies; whether America can serve as an example and instructor for them; whether or not the “American model” meets the requirements of social progress; and whether it is applicable to other countries at all, or is it in need of serious reconsideration within itself.


The Man Who Cried Genocide: An Autobiography

by William L Patterson
International Publishers, NY, 1991
Paperback – 234 pages

This is an absorbing story. Patterson was the son of a slave mother, a friend of Paul Robeson and founder of the Civil Rights Congress which led mass campaigns to save the victims of racial oppression. He initiated the Petition to the UN charging the US government with genocide against Black people. His rich and dramatic life, his passionate struggle for human dignity, equality and socialism, make this book thoroughly contemporary.



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