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Against Fascism and War

by George Dimitrov
International Publishers NY, 1986
Paperback – 125 pages

Against Fascism and War, contains the famous report to the 7th World Congress of the Communist International, 1935 by George Dimitrov and a 1936 speech on The People’s Front. There is a foreword by James West from the Communist Party USA giving a historical background to the great Bulgarian Communist leader who was elected as General Secretary of the International.

He concluded his speech on The People’s Front with the words: “In the struggle against fascism and war, not empty words, not platonic wishes, but action is needed. To achieve this action it is necessary to bring about the unification of all forces of the working class and to carry out unswervingly the policy of the People’s Front.”

His call for anti-fascist unity has particular relevance today with the rise of neo-Nazis and other extreme right-wing forces and economic crises facing capitalist states.


Basics for Peace, Democracy & Social Progress

by Gus Hall
International Publishers, New York, 1980
Paperback – 329 pages

Problems need not only clarifying analysis but also workable solutions, and the writings in this book by Gus Hall, General Secretary of the communist Party, USA, meet both criteria. The reader will meet a brilliant working-class intellect combining with a vast store of militant experience.


Can Capitalism Last? A Marxist Update

by Daniel Rubin
International Publishers, NY, 2010
Paperback – 197 pages

The book seeks to show why the influence of Marxism and socialism is growing and what value they have for the working people and the struggle for a better life. It brings together the major subjects of Marxism while dealing with contemporary developments such as the Soviet Union, Cuba and China. While making specific applications to the situation in the US, it is still very relevant to readers in Australia.

The chapters cover the social ills of our time; political economy of capitalism; historical materialism; socialism and communism; getting there from here; Marxist methodology; and organisations necessary for winning progress and socialism.

There is a very handy 13-page glossary explaining many of the terms used in the book. These range from the classic like surplus value, idealism, sectarianism through to the more recent financialisation and globalisation.


Elitist Revolution or Revolution of the Masses?

by Mikhail Gavlin & Liliya Kazakova
Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1980
English version 1988
Paperback – 205 pages

The book analyses current American and British theories of social revolution. It subjects to criticism the treatment by bourgeois authors of the essence and nature of social revolution and their significance in the process of society. The authors reveal the class bias of bourgeois theories, their continuity and connection with old conceptions and the general task of bourgeois social revolutions.


For a Better World: Excerpts from the classics

by Marx, Engels, Lenin
Edited by D Rubin
Published by the Chelsea Fund for Edcucation, 2004
Paperback – 130 pages

  • A handy reference on the views of Marx, Engels, or Lenin in various fields.
  • Use for couses, study groups, or self-study guide on Marxism.
  • From start to finish, read great political, economic, historical, and philosophic wisdom, containing myriad insights useful to any reader.

”The path to a democratic, humane, efficient socialism must begin with the strategic effort to build a broad labor-led people's coalition to politically curb and defeat the ultra-right. ... So much has changed, and yet these concepts, we could only begin to excerpt, are as vital today as ever when applied as a guide to action in the particular circumstances of the struggle in the USA for progress and socialism.“

Danny Rubin, 2004


Marxist Ethics – A Short Exposition

by Willis H Truitt
Published by the International Publishers, New York, 2005
Paperback – 119 pages

There is a widespread misconception that Marxism is limited to material facts, mostly economic in nature, and does not and cannot delve into the realm of values and value judgements. Yet, as the author points out, it is well known that Marx condemned the injustices of capitalism in moral language. The book identifies the kinds of ethical concerns that were deemed important by the young Marx; the question of determinism in Marx’s writings; justice and workers’ interests; integration of needs and rights of the individual with that of whole society; the intersection of the arts and morality; and much more.


Reader in Marxist Philosophy – from the writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin

edited by H Selsam & H Martel
International Publishers, New York, 1963
Paperback – 384 pages

A selection of writings from Marx, Engels and Lenin selected and edited with introductions and notes by Howard Selsam and Harry Martel. The book is devoted to selections from philosophical writings.

It covers materialism versus idealism; dialectics and the dialectical method; theory of knowledge and philosophy of science; the materialist interpretation of history; religion; and ethics. It draws on many well known writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin, is well referenced and has a bibliographical index with useful notes to anyone who is not well versed in the classics.


Manifesto - Three classic essays on how to change the world

by C Guevara, R Luxemburg, K Marx, F Engels
Ocean Press, Melbourne, 2005
Paperback – 173 pages

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels is one of three pieces by outstanding revolutionaries in this book.

There is a preface by Adrienne Rich on Karl Marx, Rosa Luxemburg and Che Guevara followed by an introduction from Armando Hart.

The other two historic essays are Reform or Revolution by Rosa Luxemburg and Socialism and Man in Cuba by Ernesto Che Guevara.


The Global Economic Crisis – The Great Depression of the XXI Century

edited by M Chossudovsky & AG Marshall Global Research Publishers, Canada, 2010
Paperback – 306 pages

This compilation of articles by 16 researchers, analyists, authors and others on the left gives a comprehensive analysis on the economic crisis. The book is divided into five parts: The Global Economic Crisis; Global Poverty; War, National Security and World Government; The Global Monetary System; and The Shadow Banking System.

The book is rich with detailed information that digs beneath the surface and exposes the lies and distortions of media, politicians and bourgeois economists. The language is very accessible, technical terms are explained clearly. Links are made between the economic, political, military and social developments. It exposes the myth of economic recovery, who was behind the crisis, who benefits and the horrendous impact it has had on millions of people around the world.

The chapters by Michel Chossudovsky provide an over view of the global economic crisis; global poverty and the economic crisis; and war and the economic crisis. Marshall looks at the political economy of world government; central banking and management of the global political economy; and the financial new world order – towards a global currency. Other authors include Mike Whitney, Ellen Brown, Tom Burghardt, James Petras and Bill Van Auken.

It is a must read for political activists, trade unionists, peace activists and anyone else wishing to learn more about the global economic crisis and 21st century imperialism.


The Nature of Democracy Freedom and Revolution

by Herbert Aptheker
InternationalPublishers, New York, 1967, 2001
Paperback – 128 pages

Herbert Aptheker discusses the origins of the bourgeois concepts of democracy and freedom in their historical development. The first chapter deals with the ideas of John Milton, Thomas Jefferson, John Stuart Mill and democracy and class. Other chapters look at the nature of and various concepts of freedom. The final four chapters deal with aspects of revolution, including definitions, non-socialist and socialist, the questions of violence and democracy.



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