Main Page
This site is a complete catalog of Social Justice Warriors. The purpose of the catalog is to help SJW-converged organizations locate and identify Social Justice Warriors they wish to hire or otherwise support.
For more information, see Vox Day's original post or read SJWs Always Lie.
Are SJWs trying to ruin your life right now? Check out our collection of resources for victims of SJW mob attacks.
There is also a list of SJW-converged organizations and a list of SJW events. Can't find someone? Check the aliases page for SJWs that use pseudonyms in place of their actual, legal names in an attempt to obfuscate their identities.
If you find this list useful, please consider making a small donation.
- The Admin's word is law.
- All decisions are final. The Admin has spoken.
- Each listed SJW should be linked to a wiki page describing why they are a SJW.
- Take screenshots and/or archive any external content, do not link directly to it.
- No posting of private or sensitive information (address, phone number, private email, SSN)
- Provide enough information on the SJW that he/she/it should be identifiable enough for a prospective employer/friend/spouse to identify them.
- Just because someone's name is here does not mean someone with the same name is that person. Check their wiki page for more information.
- The SJWs listed should be on the record supporting censorship of some kind (no platforming, government censorship, or disemploying people). This is not a place for grudges.
The Complete List of SJWs
This list is organized by last name then first name.
- Marian Aanerud
- Joseph Abrahamson
- Alexis Adams
- Andy Adams-Moran
- Ariel Agudio
- Alisha Aitken-Radburn
- Leigh Alexander
- Alon Altman
- Lynsey Anderson
- Carlo Angiuli
- Mario Aquino
- Morgan Astra
- Lennart Augustsson
- Timothy Baldridge
- Jason Barnes
- Barbara Barrett
- Colin Barrett
- Anthony Baxter
- Gershom Bazerman
- Joel Becker
- Vicki Behrens
- Sam Biddle
- Ryan Billups
- Josh Bohde
- David Boren
- Jabin Botsford
- Donna Braquet
- Dustin Branscum
- James Brechtel
- Christine Brennan
- Alexis Briggs
- David Brock
- Danielle Brown
- Travis Brown
- Colm Buckley
- Kim Burchett
- Kevin Burke
- Asha Burwell
- Brennan Byrne
- Danilo Campos
- Alondra Cano
- Harold Carr
- Patricia Cartes
- Chris C Cerami
- Manuel Chakravarty
- Morgan Chen
- Shu-Ju Ada Cheng
- Jennie Chenkin
- Tim Chevalier
- Ethan Chiel
- Arthur Chu
- Kat Chuang
- Paul Cicala
- Danielle Citron
- Athan Clark
- Katherine Clark
- Phenderson Djeli Clark
- Alex Clemmer
- Melissa Click
- Steve Coll
- Kevin Conboy
- Declan Conlon
- Brian Cornell
- Paul Cowan
- Philippa Cowderoy
- Olivia Crellin
- John Cramer
- Megan Cristina
- Steve Cunningham
- Anil Dash
- Rjurik Davidson
- Laurence E. Day
- Caitlin Dewey
- Sharbari Dey
- Robin DiAngelo
- Kyle JO Dingle
- Burcu Dogan
- Jenny Dorrit
- Jack Dorsey
- Ciara Doyle
- Reid Draper
- Arielle Duhaime-Ross
- Martin Dust
- Robert Easter
- Coraline Ada Ehmke
- Richard Eisenberg
- Kelly Ellis
- Sabrina Rubin Erdely
- Darlene Esparza
- Mark Farrell
- Richard Feldman
- Rachel Feltman
- Robert Fernandez
- Michelle Fields
- Mark Finn
- Adam Fletcher
- John Walker Flynt
- Kenneth Foner
- Marinke Fontein
- Clementine Ford
- Daniel Francis
- Phil Freeman
- David Futrelle
- Harry Garrood
- Margaret Gel
- James Ginder
- Todd Gitlin
- James Goins, Jr.
- Gabriel Gonzalez
- Sue Gorbing
- Emily Gorcenski
- Andrew Gough
- Lucas Grindley
- Tamie Grunow
- Rafaella Gunz
- Stephanie Guthrie
- Austin Haas
- Heather Hackman
- Coda Hale
- Brad Hamm
- Geoff Hardy
- Randi Lee Harper
- Al Harron
- Megan Harvey
- Douglas Haynes
- Susan Sto Helit
- Shawn Henry
- Michelle Hensler
- Pat Hickey
- Jenn Hillner
- Jim C Hines
- Heather Hogan
- Dennis H. Holtschneider
- Libby Horacek
- Michel Houellebecq
- Ben Howe
- John D. Hume
- Sunny Hundal
- Jonathan Hyams
- Julia Ioffe
- Juan Pedro Villa Isaza
- Charline Jao
- Ranjit Jhala
- Ann Johnson
- Kayla Johnson
- Allie Jones
- Andrew Joseph
- Shanley Kane
- Brian Keene
- Mikki Kendall
- Joseph Kiniry
- Steve Klabnik
- Edward Kmett
- Geoffery S. Knauth
- Alex Kotch
- Lindsey Kuper
- Ken Kuzminski
- Adrien Lawyer
- John Legend
- Noah Leibowitz
- Justin Leitgeb
- Aaron Levin
- Thomas Lucier
- Sitaram lyer
- Michael Lynch
- Nick Mamatas
- Bethany Mandel
- Amanda Marcotte
- Simon Marlow
- Vincent Marquez
- Chris Martens
- Claire Matway
- Chris McAvoy
- Conor McBride
- Andi McClure
- Ryan McElveen
- Jonathan McIntosh
- Calum McSwiggan
- Bartosz Milewski
- Casey Miller
- Alex Miller
- Laura Miller
- Richard Minerich
- Sarah Molloy
- Mike Monteiro
- Adriaan Moors
- Tauriq Moosa
- Patrick Morissey
- Jared Morrow
- Katie Nelson
- Annaliese Nielsen
- David Nolen
- Rebecca Nowacek
- Dave O'Connor
- Liam O’Connor
- Stew O’Connor
- Nnedi Okorafor
- Daniel José Older
- Erik Osheim
- Candace Owens
- Ellen Pao
- Jessica Paoli
- Alanah Parkin
- Erin Parnell
- Daniel Patterson
- Dee Pennyway
- Greg Pfeil
- Sundar Pichai
- Philippe Poisson
- Isaac Potoczny-Jones
- Krista Prince
- Cindy Prior
- Paisley Rae
- Prabhakar Ragde
- Patricia Ramirez
- Monisha Rajesh
- Karen Reilly
- Mary-Bridget Reilly
- Tanya Reilly
- Emmett Rensin
- Adria Richards
- Heather Riley
- Rob Rix
- Marcus Robinson
- Olivia Ronan
- Peter Roscoe
- Tavis Rudd
- Miles Sabin
- Sofia Samatar
- Nicole Sanchez
- Phil Sandifer
- Anita Sarkeesian
- Priscilla Saunders
- John Sawyer
- John Scalzi
- Kyle Schmidt
- Marilyn Schwartz
- Amber Scott
- Cora Segal
- Austin Seipp
- Amar Shah
- Chung-chieh Shan
- Jeffrey Shanks
- Ghadi Shayban
- John Sibley
- Matt Siegel
- Riley Silva
- Jousha R. Simmons
- Jesse Singal
- Satnam Singh
- Aditya Siram
- Bob Smith
- Leon P Smith
- Shane Smith
- Darius Stafford
- Justin Steele
- Jon Sterling
- Connie St Louis
- Bodil Stokke
- Chase Strangio
- Emma Sulkowicz
- Chelsea Summers
- Asumu Takikawa
- Elle Tea
- Ben Terris
- Nitasha Tiku
- Bonita Tindle
- Seth Tisue
- Monica Torres
- Tess Townsend
- José Manuel Calderón Trilla
- Katie Turner
- Maureen Turner
- Sherwynn Umali
- David Van Horn
- Chelsea Van Valkenburg
- Larry Vela
- Shilo Walden
- Malcolm Wallace
- Damien Walter
- Edward Ward
- Jamie Weinstien
- Sharon Weiss-Greenberg
- Wil Wheaton
- Deej Julie White
- John Wiegley
- Leon Wieseltier
- Andrew Willett
- Mikala Williams
- Collin Winter
- Joe Wintergreen
- Tara Woods
- Brent Yorgey
- Eugene Zdziarski
- Jess Zimmerman
- Mark Zuckerberg
Known Aliases
- Muhammad Bali
- The New Melissa Click
- Carl the Cuck
- Phil Fish
- FreeBSDGirl
- Gamaliel
- Rose Garston
- No Hate
- Mattress Girl
- Lynyrd McDongshaft Sr.
- Cora Miriam
- Auntie Pixelante
- Zoe Quinn
- sektie
- AIDS Skrillex
- Trigglypuff
- Brianna Wu
Why am I on the list?
You were added to the list because you publicly called for someone to be fired, disinvited, shunned, no-platformed, or otherwise punished or silenced for refusing to submit to the SJW Narrative. The particular incident is linked to your name in the list. Tortious interference is not a joke.
There are three criteria for inclusion on The Complete List of SJW:
- Self-identifying as a Social Justice Warrior
- Publicly advocating the disemployment or no-platforming of an individual for failing to submit to the SJW Narrative
- Being a journalist and publishing articles that support the SJW Narrative or an SJW attack campaign.
I don't belong on here
If you've been added in error (or otherwise) and you have never advocated or enforced the persecution of someone with different political opinions, please contact the site administrator. mail
SJW Convergence
Convergence is a term coined by Vox Day in SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police while defining a principle described as the Impossibility of SJW Convergence: “The more an institution converges towards the highest abstract standard of social and distributive justice, the less it is able to perform its primary function.”
The principle and the concept are derived from a quotation of John Stuart Mill's 1861 book Utilitarianism.
“This is the highest abstract standard of social and distributive justice; towards which all institutions, and the efforts of all virtuous citizens should be made in the utmost degree to converge.”
Lists compiled by others
These lists are compiled by other people for different purposes. SJWList does not endorse them, however if they coincide with your views they may be useful.