5 June 2019

Trump escalates his pro-Brexit agenda during UK state visit

By Robert Stevens, 5 June 2019

Trump envisions any trade deal with the UK as one entirely to the advantage of the US corporations, as he steps up trade war measures against America’s competitors everywhere.

Protesters speak out at London demonstration against Trump

By our reporters, 5 June 2019

Mass protests as Trump visits the UK
The fight against Trump must become the struggle for socialism

Australian Federal Police raid journalists over exposures of government spying, war crimes

By Oscar Grenfell, 5 June 2019

The raids, targeting a News Corp journalist and the Sydney offices of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, are part of an expanding assault on democratic rights and press freedom.

US stocks surge as Fed signals rate cut

By Barry Grey, 5 June 2019

US stock prices shot up Tuesday, reversing weeks of declines, after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell signaled that he was prepared to slash interest rates.

As China-FedEx row heats up
Warnings mount that trade war could bring recession

New Hampshire legislature abolishes death penalty, overriding governor’s veto

By Kate Randall, 5 June 2019

Half of all US states, plus the District of Columbia, have now abolished the death penalty or imposed a moratorium on executions.

As new Democratic mayor takes office
Chicago Public Schools lay off hundreds of teachers and staff

By Kristina Betinis, 5 June 2019

Layoff notices were sent to 220 teachers and 498 support staff ahead of the June 30 Chicago Teachers Union contract expiration.

US requiring visa applicants to reveal social media information

By Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 5 June 2019

The implementation of the new “extreme vetting” policy is another step in the Trump administration’s war against immigrants.

United Electrical Workers union offering concessions at Erie, Pennsylvania locomotive plant

By Jessica Goldstein, 5 June 2019

The union has offered the company a proposal to cut labor costs by $42 million—more or less a guarantee that it will get the wage cuts and two-tier system that it demands.

Workers Party theorist pens diatribe against Brazilian “white trash”

By Miguel Andrade, 5 June 2019

The use of this reactionary term to describe poor whites exposes the anti-working class character of the PT.

Australian government forces refugees back to face repression in Sri Lanka

By Max Newman, 5 June 2019

At least 20 more asylum seekers have been detained by the Australian navy and deported to Sri Lanka to face possible torture and imprisonment.

New in Russian

Российские медики протестуют против низких зарплат и плохой укомплектованности кадров

Андреа Питерс, 5 июня 2019 г.

Частью текущих протестов против плачевного состояния государственной системы здравоохранения стала проведенная в конце мая «итальянская забастовка» работников скорой помощи Пензенской области.

New in Portuguese

Relator Especial das Nações Unidas: Julian Assange está sendo torturado

Por Oscar Grenfell, 5 Junho 2019

A declaração de 31 de maio de Nils Melzer, Relator Especial da ONU sobre Tortura, é uma condenação a todos aqueles que têm perseguido Assange e têm procurado envenenar a opinião pública contra o fundador do WikiLeaks.

New in Turkish

Assange için hukuki bir zafer: İsveç mahkemesi, iade aleyhine karar verdi

Oscar Grenfell, 5 Haziran 2019

Karar, İsveçli savcıların, ülkede hiçbir zaman herhangi bir suçla suçlanmamış olmasına rağmen, bir Avrupa Tutuklama Kararı çıkarma yoluyla Assange’ın iadesini sağlama girişimine bir darbe indirdi.

4 Mayıs hareketinin 100. yıldönümünde Çinli işçilere ve gençlere selam

Peter Symonds, 5 Haziran 2019

Dördüncü Enternasyonal’in Uluslararası Komitesi, 1 Mayıs 2019’da, Çin’deki 4 Mayıs hareketinin 100. yıldönümü üzerine Çinli işçilere ve gençlere özel selamlarını gönderir.

New in Norwegian

Militæret massakrerte protesterende i Sudan

Bill Van Auken, 5. juni 2019

Dusinvis ble drept og hundrevis såret da tropper i Khartoum på mandag brøt opp en sitt-inn-protest med skarp ammunisjon.

Svensk domstol beslutter mot utleveringsbegjæring, i en juridisk seier for Assange

Oscar Grenfell, 5. juni 2019

Til tross for at svenske påtalemyndigheter har etterforsket Julian Assange på falske påstander om seksuelle misgjerninger i åtte år, har de aldri anklaget ham.

WSWS publiserer på nytt ICFI-erklæringen om Tiananmen-massakren den 4. juni 1989

5. juni 2019

Tretti år etter det brutale militærtilslaget mot ubevæpnede arbeidere og studenter i Beijing inneholder disse dokumentene de essensielle politiske lærdommene for de revolusjonære kampene fremover.

Fra arkivene
Seier for den politiske revolusjonen i Kina

Erklæring fra Den internasjonale komitéen av den fjerde internasjonale og den 4. juni 2019, 5. juni 2019

Følgende uttalelse ble publisert den 8. juni 1989, bare fire dager etter den kinesiske regjeringens brutale militærtilslag mot studenter og arbeidere på Den himmelske freds plass.

New in French

L'armée massacre des manifestants au Soudan

Bill Van Auken, 5 juin 2019

Des dizaines de personnes ont été tuées et des centaines d'autres blessées lundi après que les troupes ont dispersé un sit-in à Khartoum avec des balles réelles.

«Je sentais que m'asseoir derrière mon ordinateur portable n'était pas suffisant et j'ai donc décidé d'essayer d'organiser quelque chose moi-même»
Valentina Flex, organisatrice de la manifestation d'Edinburgh pour Assange et Manning, s'adresse aux WSWS

Steve James, 5 juin 2019

Flex a organisé une manifestation pour la défense de Julian Assange et Chelsea Manning devant le consulat américain samedi dernier.

Québec: chauvinisme et réaction dominent les débats officiels sur le projet de loi 21 de la CAQ

Louis Girard, 5 juin 2019

L’attisement de la haine et des préjugés envers les minorités, particulièrement les musulmans, sert à détourner l’attention de la véritable cause de l’immense crise sociale qui se développe: le système capitaliste en faillite.

New in Spanish

Masivas protestas contra visita de Trump a Reino Unido
La lucha contra Trump debe convertirse en la lucha por el socialismo

Por Chris Marsden, 5 junio 2019

Los trabajadores y jóvenes que buscan combatir el peligro cada vez mayor de la guerra y la dictadura, cuya punta de lanza son las amenazas de Trump contra China y Rusia, deben rechazar todos los llamados a una alianza con sus rivales entre las potencias y partidos capitalistas.

En victoria legal para Assange, el tribunal sueco dictamina contra la extradición

por Oscar Grenfell, 5 junio 2019

A pesar de una investigación de ocho años sobre Julian Assange por parte de los fiscales suecos con respecto a falsas acusaciones de conducta sexual inapropiada, nunca lo acusaron.

El ejército argelino suspende las elecciones presidenciales del 4 de julio

Por Will Morrow, 5 junio 2019

La decisión se tomó en medio de las continuas protestas semanales de masas de trabajadores y jóvenes en ciudades por toda Argelia, en oposición tanto a las elecciones como al presidente interno Bensalah y la dictadura militar.

Presidente mexicano se compromete a contener migración tras amenaza arancelaria de Trump

Por Andrea Lobo, 5 junio 2019

El temor a explosiones sociales contra la desigualdad está empujando al presidente López Obrador y a la burguesía mexicana a postrarse ante el imperialismo estadounidense.

El líder del Partido Socialdemócrata Alemán Nahles renuncia

Por Peter Schwarz, 5 junio 2019

The crisis in the SPD leadership is the latest stage in the decline of a party that has gone through 15 party leaders since 1987.

El WSWS publica de nuevo las declaraciones del CICI sobre la masacre de la Plaza Tiananmen del 4 de junio de 1989

5 junio 2019

Treinta años después de la brutal represión militar de trabajadores y estudiantes desarmados en Beijing, estos documentos contienen lecciones políticas esenciales para las luchas revolucionarias venideras.

New in German

USA und China auf Kollisionskurs

Andre Damon, 4. Juni 2019

Auf dem jährlichen Asien-Sicherheitsgipfel in Singapur rückte ein heißer Krieg zwischen den USA und China einen großen Schritt näher.

Julian Assange: Großbritannien und Australien weisen UN-Foltervorwürfe zurück

Oscar Grenfell, 4. Juni 2019

Die britische und die australische Regierung haben den Bericht des UN-Sonderberichterstatters für Folter zu Julian Assange kurzerhand zurückgewiesen. Laut Nils Melzers Bericht vom 31. Mai ist der Gründer von WikiLeaks das Opfer von jahrelanger „psychologischer Folter“.

Österreich: Die herrschende Klasse rückt zusammen

Markus Salzmann und Peter Schwarz, 4. Juni 2019

Bundespräsident Van der Bellen vereidigte am Montag eine „Expertenregierung“, die bis zur Parlamentswahl im Herbst die Geschäfte führen soll. Sie wird von allen im Nationalrat vertretenen Parteien vorbehaltlos unterstützt.

Europawahl im Osten Deutschlands: AfD trotz Stimmenverlusten stärkste Kraft

Martin Nowak, 4. Juni 2019

Während die Medien den starken Zuwachs der AfD gegenüber der Europawahl 2014 hervorhoben, hat auch sie im Vergleich zur Bundestagswahl 2017 deutlich verloren.

Gelbwesten zur Europawahl

unseren Reportern, 4. Juni 2019

Jennifer (31) erklärte gegenüber Aktivisten der Parti de l’égalité socialiste (PES): „Ich bin heute gekommen, um die Leute zu unterstützen, die wie ich gegen diese Regierung sind, und weil ich eine echte Demokratie will.“

New in Arabic

الحرب الإمبريالية ، انتفاضة الطبقة العاملة في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا ، واستراتيجية الثورة الدائمة

يقلم كيث جونز, ٩ أيار مايو ٢٠١٩

ثمة نقطة مركزية في منظور اللجنة الدولية للأممية الرابعة وفي استراتيجيتها الثورية هي الاعتراف بأن الانهيار الرأسمالي الشامل المنهجي الذي يدفع القوى الإمبريالية نحو العدوان والحرب هو بالتحديد الذي يغذي ثورة اجتماعية.

Other Languages


The global assault on jobs

5 June 2019

Job cuts by the Australian telecommunications company Telstra are part of a wave of international layoffs that urgently point to the need for a globally coordinated response by the working class.

Earlier Perspectives »


WSWS republishes ICFI statements on Tiananmen Square massacre on June 4, 1989

4 June 2019

Thirty years after the brutal military crackdown on unarmed workers and students in Beijing, these documents contain the essential political lessons for the revolutionary struggles ahead.

From the archives:
Stop Stalinist Terror Against Chinese Workers

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International

The ICFI statement entitled “Stop Stalinist Terror Against Chinese Workers” was issued on June 22, 1989, as the scope of the police dragnet and repression against workers and students expanded following the Tiananmen Square massacre.

From the archives:
Victory to the Political Revolution in China

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International

The following statement was published on June 8, 1989, just four days after the Chinese government’s brutal military crackdown on students and workers in Tiananmen Square.

Featured Commentary

German government defends right-wing extremist Professor Jörg Baberowski

By Johannes Stern, 5 June 2019

The government's open partisanship for Baberowski confirms the warnings of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party, SGP) and the World Socialist Web Site.

Dr. King and Mr. Garrow

By Patrick Martin, 4 June 2019

Jacobin editor Bhaskar Sunkara makes a fool of himself

By Joseph Kishore, 31 May 2019

Arts Review

All Is True: Kenneth Branagh’s vision of William Shakespeare’s final days

By David Walsh, 5 June 2019

The treatment, unfortunately, is largely leaden and relies on contemporary upper-middle class preoccupations to make sense of—or fail to make sense of—the life of an early 17th century artist.

XY Chelsea: A deeply flawed portrait of US Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning

By Jean Shaoul, 4 June 2019

Amazing Grace: A film about American singer Aretha Franklin’s most popular album

By Matthew Brennan, 3 June 2019

Free Assange and Manning

In legal victory for Assange, Swedish court rules against extradition

By Oscar Grenfell, 4 June 2019

Britain and Australia dismiss UN report that Assange has been tortured

SEP Australia meetings on Labor’s election debacle and the defence of Assange

4 June 2019

Free Julian Assange! Free Chelsea Manning!
Attend UK public meetings to demand freedom of Assange and Manning!

27 May 2019

Protests in London and Edinburgh demand freedom for Assange and Manning

By our reporters, 3 June 2019

Sydney Peace Prize recipients demand Australian government defend Assange

By Oscar Grenfell, 3 June 2019

United Nations Special Rapporteur: Julian Assange is being tortured

By Oscar Grenfell, 1 June 2019

More on the campaign to Free Assange and Manning »


Military massacres protesters in Sudan

By Bill Van Auken, 4 June 2019

Algerian army suspends July 4 presidential elections

By Will Morrow, 4 June 2019

Trudeau and Pence plot Canada’s role in US imperialist aggression

By Roger Jordan, 3 June 2019

Democratic governor signs Louisiana fetal “heartbeat” abortion ban

By Kate Randall, 31 May 2019

Mobilize the working class in defense of abortion rights

Fresh Israeli elections after Netanyahu fails to form a government

By Jean Shaoul, 31 May 2019

Arch-communalist Modi sworn-in as India’s prime minister for second time

By Deepal Jayasekera, 1 June 2019

As Trump escalates war on immigrants
US watchdog finds 900 immigrants jammed into jail designed for 125

By Barry Grey, 1 June 2019

Workers Struggles

A call to action
Autoworkers must take contract fight into their own hands!

By the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 4 June 2019

More on autoworkers struggles »

“We went out with the nurses, we should go back with the nurses”
Mercy Health strikers in Toledo, Ohio denounce UAW sabotage of their struggle

By Shannon Jones, 3 June 2019

New Haven teachers strike enters third week

By David Brown and Evan Blake, 4 June 2019

University of Chicago graduate student union plans three-day picket

By George Gallanis, 1 June 2019

52,000 teachers strike in New Zealand

By Tom Peters, 30 May 2019

New Zealand teachers’ strike: Break from Labour and the unions! Unite the working class against austerity!

More on the defense of public education »

Aluminum workers vote to strike Arconic-Alcoa

By Steve Filips, 3 June 2019

Matamoros workers run for office: The political questions

By Alex González and Andrea Lobo, 1 June 2019

More on the Matamoros workers rebellion »

25 years ago: OECD calls for deeper attack on the working class

On June 7-8, 1994, finance, trade and labor ministers met in Paris at the annual conference of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, to discuss and agree upon a draft report of the organization.

More »

50 years ago: Nixon announces token Vietnam troop withdrawal

Amidst great fanfare, President Richard Nixon announced June 8, 1969 that 25,000 US soldiers would be withdrawn from South Vietnam by the end of August, out of a total force of 540,000.

More »

75 years ago: Allied powers launch D-Day landings in Normandy

On June 6, 1944, Allied forces, led by Britain and the United States, landed at several locations in Normandy, France, in the opening shot of their successful invasion of Nazi-occupied western Europe.

More »

100 years ago: British troops shoot protesters on Malta

On June 7, 1919, British troops fired into a crowd of protesters in front of a newspaper office in Valletta, the capital of the Mediterranean island of Malta, injuring about 50 people and killing three.

More »

The Fight Against Fascism

Successful book presentation of Why Are They Back? at the Heinrich Böll Library in Berlin

By our reporter, 30 May 2019

“The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight It”
Video: Christoph Vandreier’s full lecture at Wayne State

By Christoph Vandreier, 21 May 2019

The WSWS makes the full recording of Vandreier’s April 11, 2019 lecture available.

The Social Crisis in America

Kalamazoo, Michigan: “I don’t like the idea of selling my blood plasma for money, but I have to do what I’ve got to do”
US blood plasma industry targets poor and working class

By Carlos Delgado, 28 May 2019

“It feels like your whole life is a constant crisis”
US millennials describe life on the brink

By Genevieve Leigh, 27 May 2019

The millennial generation in the US: Life on the brink

Socialist Equality Party

Aftermath of terrorist attack: Sri Lankan SEP public meeting warns about threat of dictatorship

By our reporters, 27 May 2019

Socialist Equality Party wins important support in Australian federal election

By Oscar Grenfell, 25 May 2019

Australian voters speak out
Workers and youth condemn major parliamentary parties

SGP European election candidate Andreas Niklaus speaks to Berlin bus drivers
“A war must be prevented at all costs”

By our reporters, 25 May 2019

A socialist perspective against fascism and war: Successful SGP election meeting in Berlin

International Online May Day Rally 2019

Opening report to Online International May Day Rally
The resurgence of class struggle and the fight for socialism

By David North, 6 May 2019

The future lies in socialism

By Joseph Kishore, 13 May 2019

On May 4, the International Committee of the Fourth International held its annual International May Day Online Rally, with speakers and participants from throughout the world. Readers can listen to the entire rally here.

Lessons of the Matamoros workers' rebellion

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?
Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part one

By Andrea Lobo, 25 March 2019

The ongoing strike wave on the US-Mexico border provides critical lessons for the incipient movement of the working class on an international scale.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Indian Trotskyists hold Kolkata public meeting to celebrate 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By our correspondents, 13 March 2019

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018