Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Survival is not a right-wing ideology

Even left-wing Danes want Denmark to remain Denmark:
Denmark goes to the polls in a general election today, with the centre-left Social Democrats predicted to win after adopting the right wing's long-standing tough stance on immigration.

Opinion polls put the party, led by Mette Frederiksen, at 27.2 per cent, a comfortable lead of almost 10 percentage points ahead of Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen's ruling Liberal Party, which has been in power for 14 of the last 18 years.

The polls also indicate that the far-right Danish People's Party, which has informally supported Rasmussen's minority government, could lose almost half its support, shrinking to 10.7 per cent. For the last two decades the anti-immigrant party has supported successive right-wing governments in exchange for the implementation of their restrictive immigration policies. But as those policies have now been broadly adopted by almost all Danish parties, the Danish People's Party has lost its unique appeal with voters.
Right and Left are now irrelevant. Immigration and identity are the first and foremost issue because it is an existential crisis. What difference does a difference of opinion on optimal tax rates make to a nonexistent people? A nation can survive communism and socialism and dictatorship, but it cannot survive excessive immigration nor can it long abide rule by foreigners.

As Matteo Salvini has demonstrated, an alliance with left-wing nationalists is the best way to save a nation from destruction by invasion.

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Tuesday, June 04, 2019

A million times worse

Ann Coulter is not wrong. I've been trying to explain this to Americans who mindlessly mourn "Europe is lost" while failing to realize that their own situation is considerably more dire:
This stunning demographic replacement matters because American culture is the envy of the world. Not only was this wonderful culture created by white Western Europeans, but merely asking immigrants to assimilate to it is generally considered a hate crime.

If everyone assimilated to our culture, who cares what race they are? But given sufficient numbers, they don't. They don't need to, and we certainly aren’t asking them to. The reason we successfully assimilated not-so-different European cultures was that we controlled the numbers -- essentially stopping immigration for 50 years while we forged an American character.

Let's compare our demographic situation to the European countries we're weeping over. France is still about 80% French (85% Western European), and England is about 80% English (85% Western European). Even Holland is still approximately 76% Dutch (80% Western European).

What we're witnessing in Europe is that continent's first brush with the joys of diversity.

American conservatives' obsession with Europe's snail-like introduction to diversity, while ignoring a demographic tsunami in their own country, is the mirror image of neoconservatives' fixation on unrest in the Middle East, while ignoring the invasion on our border.

When did it become deplorable, Walmart-y behavior to care about your own country? Not to care more, but merely to care as much as you do about the rest of the world?

It seems as if progress is inevitable, that things always get better and never retrogress. But the Roman Empire had philosophers, literature, science, great buildings, statues and works of art. It had advanced communication, plumbing and transportation systems. It had a universal set of measures, laws and rules.

And then the Dark Ages came. In the blink of an eye, all that was lost. The people no longer had the technological know-how even to repair bridges and aqueducts built by the Romans. They had lost the ability to make cement. They lost many of the works of Aristotle. Roads and plumbing fell into disrepair. Statues crumbled. Nikki Haley would be happy!

Only centuries later did civilization begin to reassert itself, barely climbing back to the accomplishments of several centuries earlier.
Not only is Europe's situation less severe, but the European nations are reacting much, much more strongly than Americans, still caught up in their moronic civic nationalism, are. Even as she plays Cassandra, Ann Coulter STILL feels the need to make a nod to equalitarianism.

At this point, it is far too late for anything but very, very large scale repatriations to prevent the complete collapse of the USA. But there is not a single US politician who is even remotely willing to seriously address the problem.

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Gatekeeping the gatekeeper

Eric Weinstein's panic is palpable. Jordan Peterson is off the reservation! Doesn't he know that Viktor Orban is an anti-semitic BADTHINKER!
Hungary Journal@hungary_journal
#Hungary's PM Viktor #Orban and @jordanbpeterson agree that illegal immigration is unnecessary and dangerous, and political correctness is an invention of a small group of ideologically motivated people.

Eric Weinstein@EricRWeinstein
I’m feeling like I missed a meeting. @jordanbpeterson, when your family situation permits it, I’d be happy to discuss or even debate the ethics here. Doc, you lost me on this one. Orban isn’t simple ethical restrictionism and doesn’t fit anything I know of your actual politics.

Eric Weinstein@EricRWeinstein
IDW is supposed to give people an option to avoid BOTH right & left extremes. The purpose of fighting authoritarian PC is not to lurch to the Identitarian Right to avoid the Identitarian Left. It’s to avoid needs for any authoritarians. We‘re supposed to be giving alternatives.
In case you didn't realize it yet, the "Intellectual Dark Web" is nothing more than public JournoList in miniature where the narrative is set for the members and they are expected to go out and dutifully broadcast it. And speaking of gatekeeping, a new think tank has been set up as a substitute for National Review, the American Enterprise Institute, and the neoconservatives in order to capture the nationalists who have escaped the prison of the modern conservative movement.
A new pro-Israel group that is pretending to be a standard bearer for conservative opinion in the United States was founded in January, a fortuitous bit of timing as it will not have to reveal its sources of income until next year. The Edmund Burke Foundation describes itself as “a new public affairs institute” having “the aim of strengthening the principles of national conservatism in Western and other democratic countries. The Foundation will pursue research, educational and publishing ventures directed toward this end.”

The Foundation’s launch will be at an open-to-the-public conference that will be held at Washington’s Ritz-Carlton on July 14-16, 2019. So as not to confuse the possible audience unduly over who Edmund Burke was or what he stood for, the conference is being advertised somewhat lamely as “National Conservatism: A Conference in Washington D.C.” on its website Note that neither the name of the foundation nor the promotion of its stellar cast of speakers includes the word “Israel,” but the Jewish state is really what it is all about.
Plus ca change, plus ca la meme chose. It's mostly a list of the usual suspects, but Tucker Carlson really should have done his homework on this "National Conservatism" scam before taking the bait.

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The savage president

The God-Emperor is such a ruthless rhetorical savage:
Prince Harry was noticeably absent from the State Banquet staged in honour of Donald Trump, in the wake of alleged comments made about his wife. The Duke of Sussex appeared less than keen to be pictured with the President - who reportedly branded Harry's wife Meghan 'nasty' at the weekend after learning of comments she made about him while she was an actress.

Earlier in the day Harry had chaperoned Mr Trump's daughter, Ivanka, into Buckingham Palace's Picture Gallery for a display of US-themed artefacts.

But the Queen's grandson quickly disappeared into the background and did not follow other members of the Royal Family as they walked round the exhibition with the American leader and his party.
The reason Prince Harry is so furious is that he knows perfectly well what President Trump means when he said that he didn't know Megan Markle "was nasty". He knows the President wasn't referring to any name-calling, but rather, to his wife's former profession that did not involve acting.

You'd think people would have learned to keep their mouths shut about President Trump by now. At least, people with secrets they don't want distributed around the world by the media.


Monday, June 03, 2019

German politician murdered

However, there are currently competing theories concerning the motivation behind what appears to be a politically motivated assassination:
German investigators have revealed that a popular regional political leader found dead in his garden was killed by a bullet fired at close range. They have launched a criminal inquiry into the death of Walter Lübcke, the 65-year-old head of the regional council in the city of Kassel.

Suicide has been ruled out but police say they have no motive.... Lübcke was a leading local member of Mr Bouffier's ruling centre-right CDU in the central German state, running the authority in one of Hesse's three regional areas for the past decade.

He came to national prominence in October 2015 when he spoke out in favour of providing accommodation for refugees. Germany had decided to let in Syrians fleeing the civil war, and big numbers of asylum seekers were crossing Germany's borders on a daily basis.

He reportedly received death threats and was given personal protection after telling a rowdy town hall meeting they had to stand up for Christian values. "Whoever does not support these values can leave this country any time, if he doesn't agree. This is the freedom of every German," he said.
It sounds like he may have angered both sides. Based on what they're reporting, it could be ultras, could be Muslims, could be Antifa. Regardless, it's almost certainly not going to be the last incident of its kind in Germany, given how many Germans have suffered at the hands of asylum seekers.

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If the 80s were pure metal

The amazing thing about music on YouTube is the way in which it levels the playing field and demonstrates that the record companies never knew nor cared about who could play what. Erock isn't just an astonishing guitarist; I don't know if anyone has ever simply enjoyed playing an instrument as much as he observably does.


Harvest your own grapes

In March, a wealthy South African vineyard owner named Stefan Smit was the subject of a New York Times article about black squatters encroaching on his land:
Before the end of apartheid, Mr. Smit benefited from the white monopoly over land and a steady supply of cheap black labor. His great-grandfather had cultivated grapes since the late 19th century on a property nearby. His father once owned the largest wine estate in the country, Mr. Smit’s website says.
In June, Stefan Smit was murdered on his estate:
Smit had gained something of a national profile after he was interviewed by the New York Times in March, speaking to the publication about the threat of land grabs on his property. The wine merchant had previously complained about how citizens from a nearby township had begun erecting shacks at the back of his farm.

The farmer was forced to get a court interdict against the squatters. Sadly, the letter of the law couldn’t prevent Smit from meeting a brutal fate. Police have confirmed that four armed men gained access to the wine estate via an unlocked door, before opening fire on the 62-year-old. His wife and a family friend survived the attack.
Harvest. Your. Own. Damn. Grapes. And remember, the love of money is the root of all evil. There is considerably more to life than an expanding bank account or GDP.

The harsh truth is that South Africa's whites should have used their nukes when they had them. Now they'll end up fighting a near-hopeless war being outnumbered and outgunned. Of course, one suspects that whatever remnants of civilization survive will say much the same thing about Americans and all their guns. Weapons are irrelevant without the will to use them.

And finally, there is the bitterly ironic punchline from the original New York Times article:
President Trump waded into the dispute last year, echoing false or exaggerated allegations that white farmers were being forced off their land by the government and killed in large numbers. 

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Integration: Minnesota-style

Yet another damning indictment of civic nationalism, conservatism, and Republicans:
Everyone not lying to themselves predicted when the federal government under Bill Clinton – aided and abetted by Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities and World Relief Minnesota -- plopped 30,000 Somalis down into the midst of the kind, virtue-signaling, eager-to-help Midwesterners of Minneapolis (of which I am one) that it would lead to some grave consequences for our community.

Now, due to continuing refugee placements as well as chain migration there are an estimated 80,000 Somalis living in the Twin Cities metro area, or more like 79,000 if you subtract those who’ve left the country to join terrorist organizations like ISIS.

Anyhoo, here’s a week Minneapolitans had with their Somali neighbors last month:

On Wednesday, May 15th a couple of University students were attacked on campus at the East Bank Train station by two Somali thugs. It was an attempted robbery that the guys rebuffed sustaining injuries that required a hospital visit.

On Thursday, May 16th two Somalis burned down the pavilion at Lake Calhoun, an eating and hanging out meeting place in the heart of the city enjoyed by generations of Americans around the prettiest city lake you’ve ever seen. This is in the most expensive neighborhood in Minneapolis.

On Friday, May 17th a gang of 10-12 Somali youths attacked all the white people at a that same East Bank Train station with hammers and pipes. Snopes says this is “Mostly False” because after the attack they fled, and out of the 7 who were eventually apprehended only two were still in possession of weapons, in this case pipes. So therefore, it never happened.

And now Tuesday, May 20th a woman walking her dog in a gorgeous, huge, wooded off leash dog park, complete with sandy beach on the Mississippi River, found spikes just off the path. Sharp metal objects taped to a wooden spike, presumably designed to hurt dogs running happily through the underbrush. Now, we don’t know that a Somali did that, it could be some crazed psycho Swede, but Islam abhors dogs as unclean because the prophet did.

Will this cause anything to change in Minnesota? Will the city’s leaders stop wearing the hijab in solidarity with the worst of Islam, incredibly, after they attack us!? Will Minneapolitans elect secular, assimilated Somalis rather than proudly Sharia- supporting, anti-Semitic, enshrouded Somali Muslims like Ilhan Omar? (80% of Democrats picked her in the primary.) I doubt it. They did all that after the following events:

In 2018 it was uncovered that Somalis had perpetrated a massive, community wide scam against the welfare state of Minnesota, stealing an incredible $100 million from a childcare handout program by fraud and shipping that money to Somalia to fund God knows what.
And let's not forget the big integration success story of the one Somali who actually became a cop... and promptly murdered a white woman who made the mistake of calling in a crime while on duty. Thank goodness all of those 80,000+ Somalis are LEGAL immigrants. That makes it all okay.

I wonder what Minneapolis will be like when there are 800,000 of them?

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They just love freedom so much

That's why Africans are now crossing Mexico just to become Real Americans just as American as you or George Washington:
Border authorities nabbed a group of 116 illegal immigrants from Africa this week, saying it’s the first time they’ve found Africans taking advantage of the large-group tactic Central American migrants have learned to abuse.

The Africans were caught Thursday night near the border crossing in Del Rio, Texas — though instead of presenting themselves at the port of entry, they jumped the border, an official told reporters.

Like Central American groups, this one was comprised of children and families, and appeared to be attempting to exploit the same loopholes the Central Americans discovered they could use to gain an illegal foothold in the U.S. and escape deportation.

“Bring a child, get released,” said a Customs and Border Protection official.

CBP said the group included people from Angola, Cameroon and Congo. Other African migrants have previously benefitted from the family loophole, but never in such a single large group.
At this point, I think it is abundantly clear that the only correct response to the average conservative, Republican, or civic nationalist who insists on babbling about "a nation of immigrants", the "melting pot", or "hard-working people in search of a better life for their children" is a straightforward punch in the face.

These idiots are literally too stupid to understand anything else. That, or they are willing to sell out their nation, their country, and their children in order to virtue-signal, which is considerably worse.

Yes, conservatives and Republicans, I am speaking directly to YOU. All of you. You were stupid. You were wrong. You have aided and abetted and assisted in the destruction of the USA. It is not and it was NEVER about the illegality, it was ALWAYS about the quantity of the immigration.

There is not a single argument that you have made in defense of Mexican immigrants that cannot be made on behalf of African and Chinese and Indian immigrants. And while there are only 130 million people in Mexico, there are 4 billion people in Africa, China, and India.

You were, and are, literally too stupid to keep your country. Even the Eastern Bloc communists, for all their economic illiteracy, have turned out to be smarter than you. I just wonder what it is going to take for you to finally admit that you're wrong, the cannibals next door spit-roasting neighborhood children on an open fire in their front yard?

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Be very afraid

Big Tech is about to experience its Cersei moment, when it learns the difference between influence and power:
This is the moment the U.S. technology superpowers surely knew was coming: The U.S. government is preparing to crawl all over Google to figure out whether it is an abusive monopolist. Google parent company Alphabet Inc. and the other tech giants should be quaking in their fleece vests.

Bloomberg News and other news organizations reported late Friday that the U.S. Department of Justice is preparing to open an investigation into Google’s compliance with antitrust laws. If it goes forward, an investigation will no doubt be broad, lengthy, messy, and impossible for Google and its investors to predict.

That should terrify Google and every other big technology company — because there’s no guarantee that the antitrust Klieg light will turn on one company alone.

This isn’t Google’s first antitrust rodeo. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission in 2013 closed without further action its own antitrust investigation into whether Google wielded its dominant web search engine like a cudgel to disadvantage rivals, drive up prices for advertisers and ultimately harm consumers. (Google did agree to some voluntary changes.)

And in recent years, the European Union antitrust watchdog imposed billions of dollars in fines after finding antitrust violations, including over how Google conducted business with its Android smartphone software and its internet shopping service. In the U.S. and elsewhere, politicians from all party stripes have sought to attack Google or other tech giants for various perceived sins, including being too big for the good of industry and consumers. Being Google has meant dealing with perennial regulatory and political nightmares.

This latest chapter of “As Google Turns” may have started in January on Capitol Hill. “I don’t think big is necessarily bad, but I think a lot of people wonder how such huge behemoths that now exist in Silicon Valley have taken shape under the nose of the antitrust enforcers,” Bill Barr, now the U.S. attorney general, said to U.S. senators during a confirmation hearing. The DOJ’s chief antitrust enforcer, who represented Google during a merger more than a decade ago, has expressed similar views.

Antitrust investigations are difficult to predict, of course. Once the U.S. government pores over every internal email and business development contract, there’s no telling what it will turn up. If the DOJ moves ahead, it will also be an open invitation for every company or individual with a gripe against Google to pile on, and an investigation will embolden critics of Facebook, Amazon and other tech giants as well.
I've certainly got a complaint or two to register against Twitter, just to name one of the Big Tech companies that will be investigated, as do dozens of other individuals of my acquaintance. I think it might even be a good time to sign up for a few of these converged companies specifically in order to get deplatformed. Several of them are clearly dumb enough to continue the very activities that have put them in the DOJ's sights.

By the way, it will be interesting to see if this serious problem with Google Cloud may have been the cause of everyone's recent streaming issues. It's not necessarily SJW action:
Google experienced several major technical problems Sunday that left YouTube down for many users in the US, South America and Europe. The Alphabet-owned search engine company said its tech troubles began at 12.25pm on Sunday. YouTube's was first reported down at 2.50pm, according to YouTube, Google Cloud and G Suite services including Gmail were affected, but Google said it believes it has identified the cause of the issue in its cloud network. Some users also said they were having issues with third-party sites and applications including Snapchat, Pokemon Go, Uber, Uber Eats, Vimeo and Discord.  

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Sunday, June 02, 2019

AH:Q #1 in print

In which I announce AH:Q #1: Where We Go One is now in print on Unauthorized and discuss a few other tangential matters.

You can pick up a gold logo edition here, but supplies are very limited because the first few hundred are reserved for AH:Q campaign backers.

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Bring on the General Election

So much for Remainer Tory threats that No Deal Brexit meant Jeremy Corbyn becoming Prime Minister. The first-past-the-post system might actually demolish the Conservative Party to the benefit of Niles Farage and the Brexit Party. And it's likely that the polls actually underestimate the growing support for Farage. As I've often noted in the U.S. context, the so-called "pragmatism" of the moderate Right is often the exact opposite of pragmatic and only assures defeat.


The genuine racists

"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail."
- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin

"Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage."
- Ben Shapiro

"One Jewish Life Is Worth More Than 10,000 non-Jews."
- Birthright staffer, Haaretz

"A thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail."

- Rabbi Dov Lior, Chairman of the Jewish Rabbinical Council

"It is important to make one thing clear – the life of one yeshiva boy is worth more than the lives of 1,000 Arabs."
- Sephardi chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu

"It should be clear to us that there is no room for two peoples in this country."
-Yossef Weitz

"The power of the administration to exile anyone is unlimited ... it is not necessary to commit any type of infraction, a decision made in some office is sufficient."
-Dov Joseph, Israeli Minister of Justice

"Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel."
- Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

Keep these quotes in mind when you hear Jews crying about people criticizing and feeling less than enthusiastic about them. And do share with me, if you think you can, any race or religion that is more observably and demonstrably racist than the Jews. And as far as their playing the eternal victim goes, by my count, the Jews are among the six most genocidal nations in human history, with the Mongols leading the list.

These are historical facts. Deny them if you like, but delusion is never a safe refuge from reality for long.

Now, everyone has to live somewhere and the establishment of the state of Israel is also a fact. Which is precisely why I support Israel and the nationalist Israeli parties. I'll consider crying about the Palestinians after all the surviving American Indian tribes get their original lands back from the U.S. government as per the original treaties. The point of quoting these individuals is not to claim that Jews are uniquely bad, only that there is absolutely no basis for pretending, as Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, and other deceitful Neo-Palestinians do, that the Jewish people are a uniquely moral people, a uniquely victimized people, or even an example for any other nation on Earth.


The US media discovers Chinese ambitions

It's mildly amusing to see the US media's belated alarm over China's global ambitions, considering that the Chinese haven't exactly been hiding them, what with their plans to send 100 million settlers to Africa and their growing number of acquisitions of US cultural high ground in entertainment and education:
What started out two years ago as an effort by President Trump to wring better terms from China on the nuts and bolts of foreign trade now threatens to become a far wider and more ominous confrontation.

The conflict continues to be framed as a “trade war” between the world’s two biggest economies — as Washington and Beijing pursue an escalating series of tariff hikes and other retaliatory measures.

Even as Trump moved Thursday to open a new, potentially damaging trade war with Mexico, however, the conflict with China has widened beyond the original trade-based issues.

Beneath the surface, a new tone has begun to emerge since trade talks broke down in early May and Trump ratcheted up tariffs on imported goods from China, an action met with retaliatory duties from Beijing. Officials on both sides of the Pacific have begun to portray the U.S.-China relationship in nationalistic and emotion-charged terms that suggest a much deeper conflict.

Recently, for example, a private group of American economists and trade experts with long-standing experience in China traveled to Beijing, expecting their usual technical give-and-take with Chinese government officials.

Instead, a member of the Chinese Politburo harangued them for almost an hour, describing the U.S.-China relationship as a “clash of civilizations” and boasting that China’s government-controlled system was far superior to the “Mediterranean culture” of the West, with its internal divisions and aggressive foreign policy.
Translation: the media Jews have finally begun to realize that the Chinese plan to replace them rather than accept them as a ruling elite or permit them to move on to China when the USA breaks up. I've been predicting this conflict for years; the Harvard lawsuit was the Fort Sumter of what promises to be an epic struggle for primacy and control over the next 30 years.

I rather doubt it is an accident that this piece was written by a Korean journalist. I wouldn't be surprised if he's been telling his editors at the LA Times about the situation for years, but been repeatedly told that there was no story there.

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Saturday, June 01, 2019

Everyone to the right of Mao

Embrace your extremists or you will become the extremist:

Though these accounts are easily discoverable on Twitter, publishing their names could bring them more attention. For that reason, HuffPost is only publishing their user IDs, not the @ “handles” most commonly associated with Twitter accounts.

Since we began assembling this list last month, four of the 62 accounts have been suspended. Two were not suspended but appear to have self-deleted to evade oversight. We are leaving these accounts on the list because Twitter permitted the suspended users to repeatedly post extremist content before taking action and seemingly took no action against users that deactivated their accounts.

This list is far from comprehensive. We are excluding prominent anonymous white nationalists, who can have thousands of followers and go through dozens of accounts, and propagandists such as Cernovich and Jack Posobiec, who work with white nationalists. Nor are we including Islamophobes like Mekelburg and Pamela Geller, who do not identify as white nationalists but whose views often align with the ideology. The same holds for mainstream Republican pundits such as Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson.

In the photos below, many white nationalists wear “Make America Great Again” caps or express support for Trump. During the 2016 election, white nationalists rallied around Trump en masse, accurately viewing the racist authoritarian as a means to seize a greater share of mainstream political power. Twitter was Trump’s medium of choice. So it was the medium of choice for far-right extremists. While their bigotry and propaganda is now echoed by much of the Republican base, several prominent white nationalists have since rejected Trump. He has done too much neoconservative saber-rattling for their taste or failed to deliver on issues like the border wall. Grotesquely, some now shun him for having too many close connections to Jews. But the damage these extremists ― and Twitter (and Trump) ― have done by spreading a message of hate and radicalization will linger for years.
By the Huffington Post standard, every single Founding Father was a white nationalist and right-wing extremist. Now they're even after hard-core radicals such as Mike Cernovich and Steve Sailer!

Get off Twitter and get off Facebook now. Because the goalposts are going to move until you're a Nazi too.

And isn't it informative that not a single neocon is identified?

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Mailvox: the tarantula's dilemma

A gamma asks why he should not seek revenge for his unhappiness:
What do you do if you respect conservative views, you like the ideology and the principals they convey, but no matter no hard you try, no matter your character, how much you give you will never be equal simply because you were not born beautiful enough to be considered as worthy. For me I will never have a family, never feel loved. Never get any recognition. I Will always need to work harder than others for less reward. I would say I'm a 6 but have had almost no positive attention from anyone in 10 years while giving my best, working overtime often 10 or more hours per week, trying desperately to connect with people and going out of my way to make them feel welcome and understood but never getting the same in return. There is no happiness in my life, there is no prospect of happiness only an abyss. I'm a gamma born of a narcissistic single mother and a cucked pathetic father, indoctrinated in leftist schools, starved of humanity. Should I follow your doctrine? I know I was lied to. How can I not seek revenge? Why would I not seek revenge?
First, conservatism is not an ideology and it has no principles. So, there is nothing there to respect, it is merely a "sensibility" one may happen to share with others, which is of absolutely no more significance than a shared preference in music or video games. Second, upon whom are you going to seek revenge? Upon those who did this to you or to those who are innocent of everything but being less unlucky than you?

Understand that you were created to be a weapon against those you envy. Why would you ever want to do the will of those who turned you into a tarantula? Why not seek vengeance upon them by rejecting the fate they chose for you and becoming the man you were meant to be?

In the end, your choice will come down to whether you hate the lies or you hate the truth even more.

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"Conservative" is a "sensibility"

That's literally the title of George Will's new book, The Conservative Sensibility, which in the 2019 post-American, post-Christian USA is less relevant than a book about the Manchu invasion of China:
Government needs to get back to basics. The political class, defined broadly to include persons actively engaged in electoral politics and policymaking along with those who report and comment on civic life, is more united by a class characteristic than it is divided by philosophic differences. The characteristic is a tendency to overestimate the importance of public policies, from which the political class derives its sense of importance. This is especially so regarding economic and social inequalities. These, the political class tends to believe, are largely the result of public policies and are therefore susceptible to decisive amelioration by better government actions. In the argument about which is primary, nature or nurture, the former receives an emphatic affirmation from the Founding Fathers’ philosophy. Beneath the myriad patinas of culture, there is a fixed human nature that neither improves nor regresses. What does change for the better is the capacity of certain portions of humanity to improve the legal, institutional and social structures for coping with the constants of human nature. And to do so without diluting America’s foundational commitment to take its bearings from the individual.
I used to admire George Will. Now, I marvel at his utter and complete cluelessness in the face of the conquest of the Land of the Free and the fearful, submissive state of a people who once considered themselves to be the Brave.

In Cuckservative, I told you that conservatism is not an ideology or a political philosophy, it's just an attitude and a pose. Perhaps those who could not accept that reality coming from me will accept it from this leading conservative figure.

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Get your books Direct!

Castalia House's two latest paperbacks, MIDDLE RAGES by Milo Yiannopoulos and FREE PLANTS FOR EVERYONE by David the Good, are now available at Castalia Books Direct for less than you'll pay at Amazon. The former is available for only $9.99 and the latter for just $14.99, which means that even with shipping, you'll pay less than you will for them even with Prime and free shipping.

Both paperbacks are bestsellers in their respective categories and both average 5-star ratings. Castalia House is focusing more on non-fiction than fiction these days, and putting an emphasis on quality over quantity.


Friday, May 31, 2019

Chuck Dixon wept

I'm not sure even The Legend could do anything with Sparkly Batman:
He fought for the ultimate role as the famed Caped Crusader.

And Warner Bros. has officially approved Robert Pattinson as the star in The Batman, according to Deadline.

The 33-year-old former Twilight star had to battle his way through screen testing against Nicholas Hoult to portray the coveted superhero.

In the meantime, check out Chuck Dixon On Comics #6 on Unauthorized.TV.

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The Korean model

Kim Jong-un's practice of holding his officials strictly accountable might set a useful precedent for President Trump, especially in light of the way in which so many employees in the State Department, CIA and FBI have been behaving since his election:
Kim Jong-un has executed his envoy to the U.S. for 'betraying the supreme leader' as part of ruthless purge of officials after the dictator's failed summit with Donald Trump, it has been claimed.

Kim Hyok Chol is said to have been shot by a firing squad in March at Mirim Airport for being 'won over to the US,' during nuclear negotiations with Trump.

The top diplomat, who accompanied Kim on his private train ahead of the summit in Vietnam, was one of four senior foreign ministry officials executed at the airfield, a source told South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo. The other officials were not named, but all allegedly became U.S. 'spies' after the failed second negotiations between Trump and Kim Jong-un ended abruptly in February.
What do you think the odds are that Kim Hyok Chol was actually less loyal to the North Korean government than most of the State Department has been to the US government? This is portrayed as lawlessness on the part of North Korea, and no doubt it is, but in truth, the USA is more lawless and its government officials are less accountable to the people than many other countries these days.

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Southern Reconquesta

The South Carolina flag will be back. Sooner or later, and most likely, sooner:
Three years after South Carolina removed the Confederate flag with pomp and circumstance from the grounds of the S.C. State House, the flag's shadow fell across the north lawn of the state capitol again Tuesday.

In what has become an annual ritual, about 30 flag supporters stood in the warm morning sun to honor what they consider their heritage, placing the flag back in the place where it stood for 15 years as "Dixie" blared over loudspeakers.

Organized by the S.C. Secessionist Party, the 10 a.m. ceremony marked the third anniversary of the flag's removal from the State House grounds.
This disrespect for native history is a useful reminder of why immigrants and the descendants of immigrants should never be permitted to vote or hold political office.

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Gamma confirmed

KG confirms what everyone had already realized about him:
Yes, everyone and anyone that disagrees with you is pedantic and playing secret king and needs to go play elsewhere. Sure guy.

Maybe while you’re responding to reasonable opinion comments with insults, assuming anyone that disagrees is a gamma fag trying to be a smart boy, and making nationalism claims while living in my nation instead of your own, you’ll notice you ran away from your nation to play secret king of a gay blog that just reposts drudge articles.

Was a long time reader/viewer, but I won’t bother your blackpilling gamma rage with my presence any longer. Sorry.
It would certainly be nice if KG would just go away and stay away for good, but we all know he won't. Because gamma. Speaking of which, "reasonable opinion comments" is the gamma tell here, being a form of the more common "honest and respectful criticism".

Gammas never realize that it isn't the fact of their disagreement that enables me to identify them, but the way they go about expressing that disagreement. Notice how rapidly the ever-present anger and desire for revenge boils to the surface, even among purported fans, in response to being corrected and criticized.

As I pointed out last night, Friedrich Nietsche clearly identified the gamma behavioral pattern, although he called them "the tarantulas".

Welcome, tarantula! Black on thy back is thy triangle and symbol; and I know also what is in thy soul.

Revenge is in thy soul: wherever thou bitest, there ariseth black scab; with revenge, thy poison maketh the soul giddy!

Thus do I speak unto you in parable, ye who make the soul giddy, ye preachers of equality! Tarantulas are ye unto me, and secretly revengeful ones!

But I will soon bring your hiding-places to the light: therefore do I laugh in your face my laughter of the height.

Therefore do I tear at your web, that your rage may lure you out of your den of lies, and that your revenge may leap forth from behind your word “justice.”

Because, for man to be redeemed from revenge— that is for me the bridge to the highest hope, and a rainbow after long storms.

Otherwise, however, would the tarantulas have it. “Let it be very justice for the world to become full of the storms of our vengeance”— thus do they talk to one another.

“Vengeance will we use, and insult, against all who are not like us”— thus do the tarantula-hearts pledge themselves.

On a not-at-all-unrelated note, you can see the number of thumbs-down on my recent YouTube Darkstreams. But what you can't see are the angry, vengeful comments that are spammed and hidden from the channel, of which there are literally hundreds, all posted by gammas alternatively cursing, LOLing, mocking, pretending to be indifferent, and furiously ranting.

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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Go home already

President Trump finally starts to get serious about immigration:
A five percent tariff on all goods coming from Mexico will go into effect on June 10, and will gradually increase up to 25 percent until the illegal immigration problem is resolved, US President Donald Trump has announced.

This appears to be the “big league” announcement on the border Trump had teased earlier in the day, prior to delivering a commencement speech to the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.

Invoking the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, Trump said the US will start at five percent, but keep ratcheting up by another five percent every month, culminating with 25 percent beginning in October.
I look forward to hearing the screams of the free traders.... Now build the Wall.

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The terminal phase

The decline and eventual collapse of the United States is rapidly becoming apparent to more and more observers:
The United States has entered its terminal phase and most of its citizens are as blithely unaware of this reality as they were of the impending dissolution of the Soviet system in the late 1980’s. On the surface each one projects its hegemony and influence far beyond their limitations through a combination of propaganda and threats. Both systems were thoroughly corrupted, perhaps from their inception, but certainly and absolutely as they neared their nadir, yet both systems affected a nonchalance that soon- very soon, every knee would bend before their majesty and morally superior aspirations.

For the USSR it was based upon the trite concept that everyone should share equally of the labors of others when no such possibility ever existed during mankind’s reign over the Earth. In America it was the equally vapid and hollow claim that all men are created equal when no such thing had ever been so at any time, nor could it ever be possible. To base an entire national mythos on pure sophistry is a guarantee of failure and yet their remains an eternal optimism rooted in these fanciful phrases that distorted and diffused before our eyes.

The elites always managed somehow, regardless of the system and its ideals, to rise above equality and find a toehold in a neo-aristocracy, where rather than blood-ties, loyalties were developed in the institutions and secret societies; Ivy League universities, Intelligence agencies, International banking cartels, Media conglomerates and Corporate boardrooms. The differences between the Politburo under Gorbachev and the current Congress are more noticeable in attire and decor rather than in behavior and outcomes.

In America today here is a complete symbiosis between the organs of information- the MSM- and the political parties and their apparatchiks, and it is used solely for the control of the populations and the promotion of The Narrative rather than as a means of explaining the events of the day. Much in the same way that the Soviet Union new organizations Pravda (Truth) and Izvestia (News) were able to control information to such a degree that the people of the USSR joked that “there is no truth in Pravda and no news in Izvestia”, the current state of media in America is summed up in the equally derogatory slur. “Fake News”.

The populations are keenly aware that they are being misled, but are powerless - in their minds - to do anything about it. The problem of course isn’t that the populations fail to believe the lies, but that the elites of both systems have chosen falsehoods as their basic premise for rule. Any system predicated upon falsehoods cannot survive the exposure of those lies when reality comes knocking.
The cucks and cons are doubling down on their virtue-signaling and attacking the defenders of civilization in the vain hopes that the barbarians they have championed will barbecue them last while in the meantime the very ground beneath their feet is beginning to crumble.

They believed, wrongly, that civilization is an abstraction. They foolishly mistook Thomas Jefferson's meaningless, high-flying political rhetoric for material reality and placed their faith in it. And in their sanctimonious refusal to defend civilization, they are very nearly as much to blame as the progressives who have been actively attempting to tear it down.

Every society comes to an end in time. And that end usually comes as a complete surprise to most of its inhabitants.

UPDATE: Oh sweet overturned statues of Thomas Jefferson...
I’m not a liberal conservative, but if we’re going to prevail it will be with David French and men like him.
Then you're not going to prevail. Period.

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The British Army adds commissars

Political commissars worked so well for the WWII-era Soviet Army, after all.

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Hollywood trying to make law

Georgia would do well to tell Hollywood that any corporation that tries interfering with its laws will no longer be eligible for tax incentives.
Bob Iger said it would be “very difficult” for Disney to keep filming in Georgia if the state enacts a new abortion law. In an interview with Reuters, the CEO of the Walt Disney Co. said he had doubts the company would continue production in Georgia if the controversial ban on abortion in the state comes into effect, primarily as the company's employees would be against it.

“I think many people who work for us will not want to work there, and we will have to heed their wishes in that regard. Right now we are watching it very carefully,” Iger told Reuters.

The exec added that if the law does come into effect, he didn't "see how it’s practical for us to continue to shoot there."

Disney's prospective withdrawal from production in Georgia would be a huge blow to the state. Recently, Disney's Marvel Studios filmed portions of both Black Panther and Avengers: Endgame in Georgia.

On May 7, Georgia's Republican Gov. Brian Kemp signed the "fetal-heartbeat bill," which bans abortion as early as six weeks into pregnancy. The legislation, as well as similar moves in Alabama and other states to ban abortion, has caused a furious backlash in Hollywood and led to calls to boycott those states.

Disney, through Iger, is the latest company to wade into the controversy. Earlier this week, Netflix said it would fight Georgia's abortion law and would "rethink" its operations there should the law go into effect.
All Iger's stupid threat makes me think is that abortion opponents should go after Florida next. Let's see if Disney is converged enough to shut down Disney World.

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