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Avigdor Lieberman

What Does Avigdor Lieberman Know?

For seven months now, and probably for the next five months, Avigdor Lieberman has been directing the decisions of the Israëli ruling class. Considered a racist by the international Press, he is in reality a pragmatic and reasonable nationalist, as opposed to the « Greater Israël » project as he is to that of the binational State. He could become an asset for Moscow.

India Elections

Indian Muslims Show Up On US’ ISIS Map

The war on terror provides the perfect alibi for the US to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and to establish its military presence. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, etc. are current examples. That is what makes the entire paradigm extremely worrisome — Sri Lanka’s terrorism problem, alleged nexus between Sri Lankan and Indian (especially Kashmiri) militants.

The Soul Is A Mirror

The Soul Is A Mirror

The soul is a difficult thing to speak (or write) about. First, the word is used so commonly and widely that its true meaning becomes obscured. Second, the soul is largely unknown to each of us, despite its primary importance. So, I will begin by giving its simple meaning: the […]


India’s ‘Trump’ Wins Big

India is on a roll. Now, even more so thanks to a strong central government that favors commerce and big business. But it’s not all sitar music and incense. India is a modern nation of 600 million atop an ancient rural nation of 700 million. Modern India will struggle to escape ancient Mother India.


Clubs, Cartels and Bilderberg

“After decades of neoliberalism, we are at the mercy of a cluster of cartels who are lobbying politicians hard and using monopoly power to boost profits.” Joseph Stiglitz, The Price of Inequality (2012) The emergence of think tanks was as much a symptom of liberal progress as it was a […]

Monument to Prince Lazar in North Mitrovica in Kosovo

Kosovo’s Great Martyr (I)

The Battle of Kosovo surely became a focal element of the Serbian patriotism and nationalism up today as no other historical event had a stronger emotional and psychological influence on the Serb people as a nation. In fact, the battle and all different myths and legends around it in the course of time created a modern Serbian nation as an “imagined community”.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Washington Gives Ankara An Ultimatum

The US has given Turkey two weeks to pull out of a deal to buy Russian S-400 missile defence systems. Otherwise, Turkey can expect a variety of unpleasant repercussions. America’s attempts to dissuade Turkey from buying S-400 Triumf missile defence systems from Russia have become like a long-running TV series. […]

The Espionage Act

Authoritarian Spirits: Congress, The Espionage Act And Punishing WikiLeaks

While the United States is currently not officially at war, it can hardly be said to be at peace. The US imperium continues its warring peace endeavours with a certain insatiability. The case against Assange is an attempt to internationalise the punishment of those who would dare publish, write or discuss matters at the heart of what Gore Vidal did title, with much sorrow, the National Security State.