
Update: 59th Great Return March

On 24 May 2019 Palestinians in Gaza once again protested in the Great Return March demanding an end to Israel’s unlawful prolonged occupation, 11-year closure of the Gaza Strip and denial of Palestinian refugees’ right of return. Due to the heat, with temperatures reach...

Update: The 58th Great Return March and Nakba Day Protests Israel Kills One Palestinian and Injures 182 Palestinians, Including 56 Children

Nakba Day Protests, 15 May 2019 On 15 May 2019, thousands of Palestinian protesters, including women, youth, children, elderly and families, protested in the five return camps near the fence across the Gaza Strip, in commemoration of Nakba Day, reaffirming the right of...

Al-Haq’s Reasons in Support of an International Treaty on the Right to Development

On April 30, 2019, Al-Haq submitted to the Secretariat of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee[1] reasons in support of an international treaty on the right to development, which seeks to highlight why this treaty is crucial for the occupied Palestinian...

Israeli Occupying Forces Kill 21 Palestinians in March 2019 - Al-Haq Field Report March 2019

21 Palestinian, including five children, killed. Of these, one was killed by an unidentified explosive object. 23 structures, homes and public and private properties demolished. 54 people, including 23 children and two persons with disabilities, displaced. ...

Saturday, 25 May 2019 09:35

Evacuation of wounded by paramedics, east of Khuza'a, east of Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, 27 April 2018 (c) Al-Haq.


The Great Return March is a mass grass root movement which commenced on Land Day, on 30 March 2018, coinciding with the relocation of the United States embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Palestinians participating in the Great Return March have been protesting against Israel’s 12-year imposed closure of the Gaza Strip which has brought Gaza to the brink of total collapse. The protesters have also called for the realisation of the right of Palestinian refugees to return, who were expelled and displaced following the Nakba in 1948, and who constitute approximately 73 percent of the population in Gaza.[1] In its essence, the Great Return March also calls for an end to Israel’s prolonged occupation, exemplified in its policies and measures to colonise and annex the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). In response, Israel and its forces have relentlessly, deliberately and indiscriminately used excessive and lethal force against Palestinian civilians and protesters, including children, health workers, journalists and people with disabilities.

Thursday, 23 May 2019 15:19 Date: 23 May 2019

The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany - Bundestag, https://www.bundestag.de/en/It is with great alarm and distress that we, the undersigned Palestinian civil society organisations, human rights groups, networks, and coalitions address this urgent statement to the German Bundestag and Government in light of its recent resolution against the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement,[1] dangerously conflating the movement and anti-Semitism, while more broadly targeting all civil society actors working towards the promotion and protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of the Palestinian people and in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. We call on the German Government to refrain from adopting this resolution into law considering its serious ramifications for Palestinian civil society and its violation of Germany’s obligations as a third State party to ensure respect for international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019 11:16

Al-Haq Receives a Delegation of Chilean Members of ParliamentOn Tuesday, 21 May 2019, Al-Haq received a delegation of Chilean Parliamentarians from different political parties, media and representatives of the Palestinian community in Chile. The visit, which was organized in coordination with the Department of Expatriates Affairs of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), aimed to brief the delegation on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) and the latest developments on the ground.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019 14:00 Date: 21 May 2019

One of the settlers pointing his gun at Muhammad Abdel Fatah (on the ground), photo taken from https://www.wattan.tv/ar/news/279561.htmlSince 1967, Israel’s settlement enterprise has expanded throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), in violation of international law, resulting in the establishment of more than 250 settlements and outposts, with more than 600,000 settlers illegally residing therein.[1] Settlements obstruct the realisation of human rights for the Palestinian population, including inter alia, the right to self-determination and freedom of movement. In addition, settlements are often situated close to Palestinian villages and communities, resulting in increased incidents of settler violence and attacks against Palestinians.[2]


UN Advocacy

Al-Haq’s Reasons in Support of an International Treaty on the Right to Development
On April 30, 2019, Al-Haq submitted to the Secretariat of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee[1] reasons in support of an international treaty on the right to development, which seek »
Six Human Rights Organisations Submit an Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures on Israel’s Imminent Deportation of Palestinian Jerusalemite
On Friday, 26 April 2019, Al-Haq, along with Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center (JLAC), Community Action Center (Al-Quds University), C »
Palestinian, Regional, and International Civil Society Call for Action Ahead of One-Year Commemoration of Great Return March
“Should our calls for the protection of Palestinian protesters remain unanswered, the international community will have sided with impunity over accountability. It is time to implement the recommend »
Warning on Annexation
On 4 April 2019, Al-Haq participated in the United Nations Forum on the Question of Palestine on the theme of “The threat of de facto annexation- What next for Palestine?” The objective of the For »

EU Advocacy

Al-Haq Calls on the European Union to Withdraw its Recent Statement on Gaza and Apologize to Palestinian Victims
Al-Haq has received with alarm the statement, dated 5 May 2019, by European Union (EU) High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini on the continuing Gaza escalation,[1] in which the E »
Three reasons why the European Union should support the United Nations Database on businesses activities related to Israeli settlements
JOINT NGO POSITION PAPER The undersigned human rights organisations stress the utmost importance of European Union (EU) and Member States supporting the United Nations (UN) Database on businesses ope »
Joint letter from civil society organisations urging for the immediate lifting of Gaza blockade
EuroMed Rights, together with 22 International, European, Israeli and Palestinian human rights and development organisations, sent a joint letter yesterday to call on the European Union to urge Israe »
Brief in Support of Unilateral Action by a European Union Member State to Prohibit the Importation of Israeli Settlement Goods
In light of 70 years of the ongoing Nakba, 51 years of occupation, and rapid acceleration of Israel's unlawful settler colonial enterprise in the occupied Palestinian territory, Al-Haq calls on Membe »

ICC Advocacy

Palestinian Human Rights Organisations Submit File to ICC Prosecutor: Investigate and Prosecute Pillage, Appropriation and Destruction of Palestinian Natural Resources
Today, on 26 October 2018, Al-Haq, Al Mezan and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) submitted a 500-page file on alleged crimes committed by Israelis, in particular high-level Israeli offic »
Al-Haq Reaffirms its Support of the ICC and Condemns Attempts to Infringe on its Independence and Punish the PLO
On 10 September 2018, the United States National Security Advisor John Bolton, in an address to the Federalist Society on “Protecting American Constitutionalism and Sovereignty from International »
Dear Madam Prosecutor, Today, on 17 September 2018,  25 civil society organisations including coalitions urge you to urgently open an investigation into the Situation in Palestine. The Interna »
ICC Chamber Orders Outreach To Palestinian Victims and Affected Communities
On 13 July 2018, the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court issued a public decision ordering the Registry “to establish, as soon as practicable, a system of public information and o »
Simple Dreams Everything is forbidden

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