
Showing posts with the label Kareta

Hayi i Mas Paire na Presidente?


Mubin Pixar Siha

Guaha dos patgon-hu siha. Hohoben ha' i dos. Gof ya-hu kumonne' siha para i fanegga'an para bei in egga' i nuebu na mubin famagu'on siha. Taiguihi i meggaina na manhoben, gof yan-niha umegga' i mubin Pixar. Gof ya-hu este na mubi siha, sa' tahdong i mensahi siha, fihu gof gaisiente, yan sesso mafa'tinas maolek i estoria. Ya-hu lokkue' na fihu gof "simple" i na'an-niha, ya ti mappot mapula' gi fino' Chamoru. 

Anai hu taitai este na lista gi Facebook ha na'hasso yu' put i na'an-niha este na mubi siha gi fino' Chamoru. Sesso hu usa este na pininala' siha gi klas-hu. Para i estudiante-ku siha, mas ki sesso sahnge i fino' Chamoru para siha. Esta hagas mampayon siha nu i fino' Ingles, ya achokka' i fino' Chamoru i fino' Irensia para siha, ti ma gof tungo', ya kalang fifino' lagu ha' gi pachot-niha yan hinasson-niha. 

Ya-hu muna'halom gi klas-hu este na klasin nina'chalek, sa&#…

Adios Spock

Matai Si Leonard Nimoy gi i ma'pos na sakkan. Put un sen dangkolu na nerd yu', gof pinacha i korason-hu nu i tinague-na. Guiya dumirihi i mas takhilo' yan mas guaiyayon na mubin Hinanaon Estreyas para Guahu, i mina'kuatro, The Voyage Home.

Ralph Nader's Activist Awards

Friday, February 14, 2014 by Common Dreams
Now Presenting.... The Activist Awards by Ralph Nader

The Kodak Theater in Los Angeles where the Academy Award ceremonies are held. (File)

The annual Academy Awards GALA, viewed by one billion people worldwide, is scheduled for the evening of March 2, 2014. Motion pictures and the people who act in and produce them are center stage. Apart from the documentaries, this is a glittering evening of “make-believe” and “make business.”

Now suppose our country had another Academy Awards GALA for citizen heroes – those tiny numbers of Americans who are working successfully full-time in nonprofit groups to advance access to justice, general operations of our faltering democratic society, and the health, safety, and economic well-being of all citizens.

This must sound unexciting in comparison with the intensity of the world of film. Until you see what these unsung people do in your local communities, your state, and your country. Then l…

DNC Speeches #1: Vice President Joe Biden

I didn't get to watch much of the Democratic National Convention this past week. My teaching schedule meant I was in class when most of the action was going on. I've also had so many projects to work on lately that sometimes I don't get to watch news or read any updates. I'll be using my blog this week to post some of the speeches I've been hearing about, so I'll have a chance to actually read them.


Vice President Joe Biden Posted: Sep. 6, 2012
My fellow Democrats, and my favorite Democrat.
Jilly, I want you to know that Beau, Hunt, Ashley, and I are so proud of you. We admire the way you treat every single student who walks into your classroom. You not only teach them. You give them confidence. And the passion you bring to easing the burden on the families of our warriors. They know you understand what they’re going through. It makes a difference. And I’m grateful. So grateful that you said Yes on that fifth tr…