
Advocacy, social action, multilingual education, research & capacity building. The national voice for immigrant & refugee women's wellbeing in Australia.

Unit: agost de 2012


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  1. ha retuitat
    fa 19 hores

    This year our 'Under the Radar' forum will be happening online. We're going to be talking online safety for women, anti-racism during COVID-19 and sexism in the legal industry. We need strong gender equity advocates, join us here:

  2. 23 de jul.

    Health education works. Especially if it is culturally appropriate, tailored and delivered in a community language.

  3. 23 de jul.

    In the past week, our peer educators have been calling migrants in public housing towers. Speaking 19 languages, they’re making sure that no one is left behind when it comes to health and safety.

  4. 23 de jul.

    UPDATE: 1 week, 1337 calls! Our Executive Director, shares the news about our phone calls to migrants in Melbourne's public housing towers. Thank you for the funding.

  5. ha retuitat
    22 de jul.

    Are text messages sent to positive people in English only ? If people can't read their test results they can't act accordingly.

  6. ha retuitat
    21 de jul.
  7. ha retuitat
    17 de jul.
  8. ha retuitat
    17 de jul.

    When we launched our joint statement calling for government to take urgent action to make sure COVID-19 response was gender equitable we didn't know how dire the situation would become. Now we know. Over 100 orgs agree that government must take action now:

  9. ha retuitat
    16 de jul.

    Migrant and refugee women shouldn't be overlooked as leaders in pandemic response. share their joint statement calling for the Victorian Government to listen to migrant women and recognise their central role in community leadership.

  10. ha retuitat
    14 de jul.

    Our 14th edition of 'Gender, Disaster and Resilience' is out now. This week and talk to us about the impact of hard lockdown on migrant and refugee communities. We re-iterate that we must be anti-racist in our COVID-19 response.

  11. ha retuitat
    14 de jul.

    Forcing essential service workers (especially Early Childcare Workers) back to the frontline without adequate PPE = Failing Women

  12. 14 de jul.

    During , incidents of family violence has increased, with thousands of women experiencing violence for the first time.

  13. ha retuitat
    13 de jul.

    Update on this issue. started delivering in-language info to migrant women living in public housing, starting in the North and West, on Sunday. We’ll provide more info as this progresses.

  14. ha retuitat
    10 de jul.

    A few simple swaps can make a big difference to your heart health! 🙌 Challenge yourself to make one of these swaps this weekend... ✅ Learn more about making healthier meals at home:

  15. ha retuitat
    10 de jul.

    When we thank our frontline and essential workers, we need to remember that many of these workers are women. Many of these workers have children, that they are not paid to care for and educate at home. We need a commitment to

  16. ha retuitat
    9 de jul.

    Call issued to urgently prioritise the voices of migrant women

  17. ha retuitat
    8 de jul.

    While the Victorian government is scrambling to engage multicultural community leaders on the COVID crisis, women’s groups are calling for migrant women to be given a seat at the table, saying the vulnerable group has been completely overlooked.

  18. ha retuitat
    8 de jul.

    News: Migrant women need a seat at the table and a sector leader asks, what’s the plan prime minister? -

  19. ha retuitat
    7 de jul.

    It’s time to listen to migrant & refugee women. Vic recovery depends on building resilience in communities where has taken hold. When the emergency relief ends we need community based prevention led by expert multilingual health educators; let by women. 2/3

  20. ha retuitat
    7 de jul.

    A from means reaching out to migrant and refugee women with multilingual educators to create community solutions. After we flatten again, we will need prevention. 3/3


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